It happened again

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tiassa, Oct 14, 2007.

  1. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    No wonder. That's all I can say. This explains ... or, rather, contributes to the explanation of ... a good many things.

    Warning: This really is that disturbing.
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  3. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Oh? And just what does it explain to you?

    Huh? So this is more disturbing than the thousands of people who are murdered every year? Or more disturbing than the women who are viciously raped every day?

    Geez, you get disturbed over something like this, but you're perfectly nonchalant about vicious murderers and rapists that wander around doing their thing on a daily basis?

    Methinks your priorities are truly fucked up, Tiassa.

    Baron Max
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  5. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member

    This is very disturbing IF he is found guilty of all of the charges against him. Again I don't like to judge someone just because the MEDIA says its true but would rather wait to see if what was going on was just media hype again or true.
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  7. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Aptly titled: Another GOP Sex Scandal

    Fleischman opened the door and allowed officers inside where they found a 16-year-old boy hiding on the floor of a walk-in closet wearing only underwear and a T-shirt, the complaint said. Officers found a black, purple and blue-swirled glass pipe in the living room, which tested positive for marijuana residue, the complaint said.

    Police returned to Fleischman’s home on Dec. 8, 2006, and found the boy there again. He had been a runaway from Ethan House for eight days. The teen, now 17, told authorities Fleischman took him to a hotel in Appleton during that time and then to a cabin near Florence for several days before returning to Fleischman’s Allouez home. The boy said Fleischman provided him with beer and marijuana, the complaint said.

    The boy told police that when he would go to bed, Fleischman would fondle him and that on one occasion he awoke to find Fleischman at the foot of his bed masturbating.

    Another apt point:
    At what point do we simply start assuming that GOP officials are banging hookers, wearing diapers, cruising toilets, fondling minors, or all of the above?

    The sad truth is if Fleischman was running for office all he'd have to say is he asked Jesus for forgiveness, he's against gay marriage, he's pro-Christianity, pro guns, pro life and he'd easily get 40% of the vote on that alone.

    Sad state of affairs,
  8. Exhumed Self ******. Registered Senior Member

    I agree with you Michael. Even with an already low opinion of them I'm surprised this keeps happening...geez.
  9. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Lighten up

    Look, liberals have their sex scandals, but come on.

    Randall Tobias. Prostitute. No big deal as far as I'm concerned, except that he did some moralizing about sex in his government job. Ted Haggard. Prostitute and meth. No big deal as far as I'm concerned, except that he was an influential homophobe preacher. Bob Allen. How to explain that one? I mean, it's not the whole borderline gay prostitution in a bathroom. There's also the whole bit about being afraid of the black man. And he's an influential conservative who scores high on moral issues with local Christian criteria. Who introduces sex-related legislation. Larry Craig? Oh come on ... he pled guilty. (Best joke: Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me! Check "Panel Round Two"; you'll enjoy the second story at least.) Now there's this guy? The irony long stopped being entertaining.

    Like I said, liberals have their sex scandals. Wasn't that one guy from like Illinois banging underage hookers back in the 1990s? But where conservatives raised a dreadful row over blowjobs and a cigar, these are the conservative skeletons? Whoa, dude. Let's have some ... what's the word ... perspective here.

    What the hell is wrong with these people? This can get seriously out of hand. At some point, these conservative perverts are going to permanently injure the culture's sense of irony.

    Dude, it's a link about a conservative geezer prowling teenage boys. People need some warning.

    Methinks you need to lighten up gotta lighten up gotta lighten up right now ....
  10. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member


    Cosmic, you make a wonderful point:

    I confess that you got me on the original title of the thread, It happened again. Yes, the context referred to a presumption of guilt, and that's wrong. Nonetheless, I still like the idea because let's think about it:

    • Tobias was just "getting a massage"
    • Wasn't Haggard, at one point, "just getting a massage"?
    • And isn't Haggard "cured"?
    • And Bob Allen: he's the victim here, intimidated by a big, bad black man.
    • Larry Craig was framed, right?
    • Fleischman ... hasn't been convicted yet.​

    But it keeps happening, anyway. Apparently--y'dig?--none of these guys actually did anything "wrong". Okay, okay. Even if we accept such an absurd proposition, it happened again. How do these guys get caught up in these scandals, and why is there a correlation between "GOP" and "exceptionally sordid"?

    Liberal media conspiracy? We've finally got proof? Crucify'm.

    I mean, holy Foley, I mean ... see? I've forgotten Mark Foley already. Shit. Did he have an excuse, in the end? Or does he not count because he actually did it ...?

    And what about Haggard, being caught up with a dissolved (nonviable) charity organization in the hands of a convicted and registered sex offender? (1, 2, 3) I guess that doesn't count because it's still ... uh ... going on, or is it not happening?

    I would urge my conservative neighbors to understand that, really, it's just a coincidence of factors that leave the rest of us gasping. It's not just the idea of a sex scandal. I mean, think about it: if it was just good ol'-fashioned adultery, we'd probably ignore it. Really, wasn't there a GOP candidate for governor of ... was it Illinois? ... who dropped out of the race after it came to light that he'd been to a strip club? Even I thought that one silly, but he dropped the race as a gesture of principle that I can appreciate. He knew. It's the danger of standing on such platforms. If you're the sexually-moralizing party, sex scandals within the organization have a certain irony to them. Multiply that by the idea that these aren't mundane sex scandals, they're extraordinary. And then factor in the idea that, actually, they're not that extraordinary right now because these conservatives are setting the bar right now. Meth and hookers? Pot, beer, and boys? I mean, come on. McGreevy? No. Clinton? That was a blowjob. And come on. If Bill Clinton turned out to be a bigamist who had a secret gay marriage, now we'd be talking near to comparable.

    Right now it's morbid. It's enough to look around and wonder who, or what is next. By comparison, Fred Thompson's trophy marriage and Rudy Giuliani's marital history seem ... oh, hey ....

    See? There's your silver lining. Of course, you're still not exactly getting conservatives out of it, are you?

    Must suck to be a social conservative right now.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2007
  11. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    So, judge all conservatives by the actions of only a few? There's a name for that, isn't there?

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    Baron Max
  12. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Non sequitur, don't you think?
  13. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    the difference is liberals don't demonize a sexual act then get caught doing said sexual act
  14. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    None of them? It's never happened with a liberal? Ever?

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    Baron Max
  15. Grantywanty Registered Senior Member

    You do understand what he is saying don't you?
    Social conservatives are only a group due to their proclaimed beliefs. These beliefs generally have come with blame aimed at liberals (and hippies, etc.) as if these OTHER GROUPS lack certain morals. If significant numbers of social conservatives are hypocrites about the very beliefs that make them a group, it's embarrassing. their own ranks are 'just as bad' as the ones they claim are bring america down. They better work on the motes and beams in their own God damned eyes first.
  16. Grantywanty Registered Senior Member

    Liberals by definition are much more likely to accept sex and sexual behavior than social conservatives. And you are wrong if you think the glaring hypocrisy does not disturb them. People in glass houses, etc. Liberals are much less likely to throw stones at sexual acts that are not missionary position sex between husband and wife. It is part of who they are. Just as restricted judgemental attitudes toward many sexual activities are part of who social conservatives are.
  17. Exhumed Self ******. Registered Senior Member

    It's more than a few. The ratio of republican sex scandals, particularly homosexuality with minors, seems much higher than the regular population. Why is that?
  18. otheadp Banned Banned

    what's the point even if he's guilty?
  19. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member


    Wonkette has what appears to be an attempt at humor. The image, however, is hilarious:

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    Like I said, the image is funny. There are calls to put it on a t-shirt.

    I guess if we see a personal advert saying, "Shy, youngish-looking bottom seeks gop father figure for drinks and fondling," we shouldn't presume it's a typographical error.


    Layne, Ken. "Wisconsin GOP Boss Accused of Doping & Fondling 16-Year-Old Runaway Boy"., October 15, 2007. See year old-runaway-boy-310864.php
  20. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    So all-in-all, this is just a "Hate Republicans" thread?

    Baron Max
  21. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Like most threads on well-known "family values" political and religious figures engaging in child molestation, homosexual toilet cruising and prostitution, and the like: it's going to look like one, yes.

    Last I heard, the public restrooms near the site of the 2008 Republican Convention (already very few in number) were going to be closed while the Republicans were in town - allegedly for "security reasons".

    It's already legally contracted within 500 feet of a school and a church, so some risks will just have to be accepted by the organizers.
  22. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    I'm not so sure about that, there could be something about your basic personality traits that lead to conservatism, it's like a mental illness.
  23. maxg Registered Senior Member

    There is a research that shows significant differences in the personality traits of conservatives and liberals. If you're interested there is a good meta-analytic review available:

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