Putin likens U.S. foreign policy to that of Third Reich

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Ganymede, May 10, 2007.

  1. Ganymede Valued Senior Member

    Putin likens U.S. foreign policy to that of Third Reich
    By Andrew E. Kramer

    Wednesday, May 9, 2007
    MOSCOW: President Vladimir Putin of Russia obliquely compared the foreign policy of the United States to the Third Reich in a speech Wednesday commemorating the 62nd anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany, in an apparent escalation of anti-American rhetoric within the Russian government.

    Putin did not specifically name the United States or NATO but used phrasing similar to that which he has used previously to criticize American foreign policy while making an analogy to Nazi Germany.


    If this isn't the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is.
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  3. mikenostic Stop pretending you're smart! Registered Senior Member

    Putin really has no room to knock ANY government, considering all the corruptness and gangsterization of his own gub'mint.

    "Hey Pot, this is Kettle. I just wanted to let you know that you are black."
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  5. superstring01 Moderator

    Wait a tick! The same guy who's erasing what little freedoms the Russian people have left, squishing Chechnya like a bug, and who's political opponents [both at home and abrad] end up dead, is comparing the UNITED STATES to the third Reich?!

    uh-HUH.... sure.

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  7. Oniw17 ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum? Valued Senior Member

    Wasn't Putin criticising US foreign policy not too long ago?
  8. superstring01 Moderator


    The more apt question would be, "When hasn't he...?"

  9. Nickelodeon Banned Banned

    Not as openly.
  10. Syzygys As a mother, I am telling you Valued Senior Member


    1. Everybody wants to rule the world.
    2. Just because he is a robber too, that doesn't mean he can not describe a burglary correctly.
    3. Russians love him WAY more than Americans love Bush...
  11. superstring01 Moderator

    I'm sorry... but how is that relevant (even if it were true [which it may well be] or provable)? Besides, there isn't a credible organization on Earth that can provide such statistics SINCE the state run and/or harrassed media cannot portray Putin in anything but a shining light.

  12. Syzygys As a mother, I am telling you Valued Senior Member

    He is a robber, but at least he is a WELL LOVED robber...

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  13. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    And why not? The Russians didn't like Hitler. Putin's more along the Stalinist lines, if anything. Which is an interesting point about the late Saddam Hussein. Americans insisted on the Hitler image because, despite having a half-century "cold war" with the Soviets, they still don't understand Stalin. Hussein admired Stalin, was something of a Stalinist. Apparently, that's not evil enough.
  14. countezero Registered Senior Member

    I'm still reeling from that wise soul who said the Third Reich is better than the current US administration. I hope/pray this person wasn't serious...
  15. G. F. Schleebenhorst England != UK Registered Senior Member

    You are using child logic.

    If (fat person 1) calls (fat person 2) fat does that mean that fat (person 2) can't be fat because (fat person 1) is also fat?

    Even if Putin was the biggest villain on the planet, his observations are not suddenly null and void just because he is a bit of a bastard. Ever heard the expression "takes one to know one"? As someone who uses the reasoning of a child in a school playground a childish phrase like that should be familiar to you

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  16. countezero Registered Senior Member

    That's all very clever reasoning on your part, G.F. But let's slice through the rhetoric and get to the bare bones of it all: Do you think Putin was right?
  17. G. F. Schleebenhorst England != UK Registered Senior Member

    Well, he didn't specifically mention the US so I won't bother to comment on that.

    I'd personally say the US is similar to the third reich, but a completely spineless, cowardly, gutless, lying and most of all hypocritical version that refuses to attack anything that's not technologically backwards and completely defenseless and that hasn't been starved for ten years first.
  18. spuriousmonkey Banned Banned

    Of course he is right.

    See all the criticims in a million threads in WEP.

    That's a rather interesting comment. Indeed Hitler went for the strongest nations all the time.
  19. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    I'll stick my nose into this one.

    Once upon a time, I was flying from Seattle to Las Vegas. It wasn't a bad flight, except that a storm kept us in a holding pattern around McCarron for an hour or so. By that time, ye gads, did I have to piss. I digress, however. Point being, I may have been approaching Vegas, but I wasn't there yet.

    Analogously, the U.S. has not achieved Third Reich status. Given enough time, however, the people, like the storm in Vegas, will break. We are currently circling the Fatherland. Er, excuse me, the "Homeland". The question is whether we descend to Sin City or break the pattern and fly off to another airport.

    Right now the pilots, navigator, and even the hijackers, are determined to touch down in Reichland.

    This is definitely a problem.

    Oh, and if China doesn't have a right to comment on our prison system because they are human rights abusers, and if Russia shouldn't comment on the state of our society simply because theirs is in the trash, what freaking right do the greediest people in the history of humanity have taking down Saddam Hussein? Why not just hire serial killers as cops in order to reduce the murder stats?

    And don't say it's just because we're "better". Saddam managed to pull off health care, at least.
  20. The Devil Inside Banned Banned

    and this is why i usually enjoy your posts.

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  21. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Well, you know. If I throw enough darts ....

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  22. G. F. Schleebenhorst England != UK Registered Senior Member

    Going to war with Poland and invading the low countries meant almost definite war with the UK and France. Two huge empires at the time. Hitler knew that, and he also invaded the USSR, so (if you were indeed being sarcastic as I suspect) don't give me that nonsense.

    All those countries the Nazis invaded were more than completely and utterly backwards.
  23. The Devil Inside Banned Banned

    youll be invaded...errr....ahem...."liberated".

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