Drugs - Yes or No?

Discussion in 'About the Members' started by darksidZz, Apr 17, 2007.



Poll closed May 4, 2007.
  1. I've tried them; But no longer use any

  2. I've tried them; I continue using them

  3. I've tried them; I am addicted

  4. I've never used any

  1. darksidZz Valued Senior Member

    It's another poll designed to get members talking and discussing their various experiences with drugs. Not the prescription kind but the illegal ones :-D I myself have never done drugs (although it may seem that way) and I feel those who do are mostly weak. I view it this way.. drugs alter your perception of reality, thus it means you can't deal with it under normal conditions... this just makes you weak.

    Now I am on Zoloft so I can't speak about being stronger than any of you, but let's say you take drugs like marijuana just to experience what it's like, what does this mean?

    So how many of you have tried them, and what were the consequences to your actions, let's learn something about the good vs bad here. I myself say that all drugs are wrong unless they're prescribed and would never consider taking any without a doctors approval. So what about you?
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  3. nietzschefan Thread Killer Valued Senior Member

    Fat chance pal.
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  5. RoyLennigan Registered Senior Member

    Drugs alter your perception of reality. Which may seem bad to you, but it is actually a good thing. Think about it. Our perception is based on an exact chemical balance within our mind and body. Its exact balance determines our personality and how we interpret sensory input and to what extent we are aware of it. Our normal percpetion has certain 'barriers' that limit what we experience so that we are not 'overloaded'. Drugs like LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline can alter the chemical balance of our mind and let us percieve the world in a different light. While some experience this as 'hallucination' or not real, there are many who have the will and awareness to understand that 'hallucination' is merely percieving different effects within your body.

    On drugs like these, one can become more aware of things around him that he was blind to while sober. For instance, the man who discovered the structure of DNA was on LSD when he did it. I've read books about shamans in Chile who drink ayahuasca (has DMT in it) and claim that they are suddenly aware of the medicinal uses of all the plants in the forest.

    I say that many, if not all, illegal drugs have their uses, but that the only reason why they are seen as bad is because of their abuse and subsequent status as 'taboo'. More than anything, these drugs are seen as bad because people are told they are bad. Most people who have tried them will say they are not anywhere near as bad as you would think, or that they have their uses.

    MDMA, or ecstacy, has been used by psychiatrists in helping patients overcome deeply rooted emotional problems, or marital problems. They say that one session with the use of MDMA is equal to months of good progress without it.

    I say the government is immature to keep these drugs illegal. There are many scientific uses for them, as well as general uses as well. The only problem is that many people become easily addicted to things like this, and when they do they abuse it and it is no longer useful. They are not party drugs, they are drugs to help your mind from time to time.
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  7. RoyLennigan Registered Senior Member

    It means that you are human. Humans have been smoking marijuana for thousands of years. Sure, a lot of people take it too far, especially these days, but I blame that more on their boredom and inherent apathy, than addiction to it. But marijuana is able to put the mind at ease (for most, for some, or for some inexperienced users, it can give you slight paranoia or anxiety). I know that music comes easier while 'high'. One is more in tune with the beat and how notes fit together.

    Also, it is important for some cancer or glaucoma patients. Smoking cannabis will immediately relax the muscles of the eyes (helps glaucoma) and settle the stomach (stopping nausea) and increase your metabolism (giving you an appetite).
  8. tablariddim forexU2 Valued Senior Member

    They say that drugs make you dopey heh heh, which prompts to remind me of a time when I used to grow mj in a spare room. I had 3 large pots under 3 metal halides along one entire wall, the plants were 2 metres tall.

    My sister in law had just been to the hairdresser and came to our house pretty distressed because she hated the hairstyle. She asked if there was a mirror she could use to change the style and my wife, absent mindedly, told her to go in the spare room. She was in there for at least half an hour and when she came out, she showed no indication that she had noticed the plants (the smell alone would have knocked you out).

    A few years later, I mentioned to her that I had cultivated mj in the past and she seemed really shocked and surprised, which confirmed my suspicion that she genuinely had not noticed the paradise jungle she had walked into a few years previously. I, on the other hand, was never dopey, even when I was stoned, I could notice anything!
  9. EmptyForceOfChi Banned Banned

    i have tried alot of drugs, i used to smoke weed. i have taken coke, pills,speed (gayest drug of all time), lsd, mushrooms, thats about it i think,

    i dont take drugs anymore, but the experience was fun i guess, dont reccomend taking lsd i still have side effects from that now, and i only took it a few times,

    drugs are bad mmmkay,

  10. RoyLennigan Registered Senior Member

    Why do you say this? From experience I would say this is the safest drug that you or I listed. The only long-lasting effects I still have are all the revelations I made, and those are all good.
  11. EmptyForceOfChi Banned Banned

    nah i can see multi coloured dots and patterns constantly, and it never goes away, i never had this effect before i took lsd so i figured thats what caused it, since it fuckks with your colour perception, i might be wrong thought but im pretty sure its the lsd.

  12. RoyLennigan Registered Senior Member

    Might just be your individual reaction to it, might be something else. I've never had that problem, nor has anyone I know. I mean, maybe something like it that lasts only temporarily, but never longer than a few days.
  13. EmptyForceOfChi Banned Banned

    yeah i think i just reacted to it in a different way than most do. its not a big problem because i have dealt with it for years so its just normal for me nowdays,

    i guess it makes the world a funkyer place.

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  14. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Another public polls about members' personal drug use.


    I know that if I was a drug addict I wouldn't be broadcasting it to the world.
  15. Mrhero54 Registered Senior Member

    Whether or not a drug is good or bad depends on the user.

    If you like what a drug does for you then it is good, If you don't like what it does then it is bad for you.

    I could say exercise is good for everyone and only fat lazy bastard who have no self esteem don't work out.

    But what if you have a heart condition that could be fatal if you excercised? If you chose not to excerise your not a fat lazy bastard, you just don't want to risk death for a 6 pack.

    So it is not the drug, its the users that determines if something is good or bad.

    Drugs like guns like any other inanimate object is not good or bad untill someone or something uses it.

    For those that cant understand that, Good and Bad are in the eye of the beholder.
  16. glaucon tending tangentially Registered Senior Member

    Moot poll: faulty premiss.

    Everyone is on drugs.

    Food in general, water, alcohol, skin creams, soap, toothpaste, perfumes, medicines etc...

    Everything that touches your body or is consumed contains some sort of natural or artificial substance that, to one extent or another, has an effect on one's neuro-chemical state.
  17. tablariddim forexU2 Valued Senior Member

    This site, just like every other form of communication on the planet is constantly monitored, we would be fools to think otherwise. However, the agencies to whom it may concern don't care if you're a drug addict, but if you were to announce that you were moving tons of dope through foreign borders that would be a different story.
  18. TrevorFrench Registered Member

    I realize this thread has been dead for a while but I just felt it was my duty to point out that the last day anyone posted was 4/20 (;

    Since I'm here I also have to say that I disagree with the statement that people who use are weak. Why should the way that we percieve reality by default be the only perception that is accepted? You are able to view situations from completely different standpoints and most of the time see things with more depth than one usually would, Or at least in all of my experiences.

    Sorry, I know I'm like five years late!
  19. Tero Registered Member

    Quite a lot of people are depressed or otherwise in need of help and unable to seek help, perhaps embarrassed. Most of the illegal drugs are not of help for chronic problems. In the right dose, ADD can be helped.

    Some medical conditions are helped by marijuana, but the evidence is weak. The "munchies" helps those in need of eating, it gives appetite.

    The modern drugs were not in use in my college days so not ever a user. I knew people that smoked pot and even went to a Grateful Dead concert. The most interesting thing there was the women using the men's toilet, with the shorter line.
  20. NMSquirrel OCD ADHD THC IMO UR12 Valued Senior Member

    for all intents and purposes..continued here...

    BTW cool catch with the 4/20..

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  21. R1D2 many leagues under the sea. Valued Senior Member

    Hey tero even drunk girls at country concerts use the mens bathroom. An TF that was a good catch. All prescription drugs can be taken illegally. An even cigarettes an booze are drugs. An moonshines illegal. Heck sudafed can be made into a drug. So in some ways I've try a drug. An I don't smoke or drink "booze"
  22. NMSquirrel OCD ADHD THC IMO UR12 Valued Senior Member

    yes that is pretty standard..but have you ever used the girls room because you couldn't wait for the mens room?
  23. kx000 Valued Senior Member


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