Black Power

Discussion in 'Politics' started by android, Jan 15, 2006.

  1. android nothing human inside Registered Senior Member

    The Ten Point Plan

    We believe that Black and oppressed people will not be free until we are able to determine our destinies in our own communities ourselves, by fully controlling all the institutions which exist in our communities.

    We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every person employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the American businessmen will not give full employment, then the technology and means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living.

    We believe that this racist government has robbed us and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules were promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of Black people. We will accept the payment in currency which will be distributed to our many communities. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of our fifty million Black people. Therefore, we feel this is a modest demand that we make.

    We believe that if the landlords will not give decent housing to our Black and oppressed communities, then housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that the people in our communities, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for the people.

    We believe in an educational system that will give to our people a knowledge of the self. If you do not have knowledge of yourself and your position in the society and in the world, then you will have little chance to know anything else.

    We believe that the government must provide, free of charge, for the people, health facilities which will not only treat our illnesses, most of which have come about as a result of our oppression, but which will also develop preventive medical programs to guarantee our future survival. We believe that mass health education and research programs must be developed to give all Black and oppressed people access to advanced scientific and medical information, so we may provide our selves with proper medical attention and care.

    We believe that the racist and fascist government of the United States uses its domestic enforcement agencies to carry out its program of oppression against black people, other people of color and poor people inside the united States. We believe it is our right, therefore, to defend ourselves against such armed forces and that all Black and oppressed people should be armed for self defense of our homes and communities against these fascist police forces.

    We believe that the various conflicts which exist around the world stem directly from the aggressive desire of the United States ruling circle and government to force its domination upon the oppressed people of the world. We believe that if the United States government or its lackeys do not cease these aggressive wars it is the right of the people to defend themselves by any means necessary against their aggressors.

    We believe that the many Black and poor oppressed people now held in United States prisons and jails have not received fair and impartial trials under a racist and fascist judicial system and should be free from incarceration. We believe in the ultimate elimination of all wretched, inhuman penal institutions, because the masses of men and women imprisoned inside the United States or by the United States military are the victims of oppressive conditions which are the real cause of their imprisonment. We believe that when persons are brought to trial they must be guaranteed, by the United States, juries of their peers, attorneys of their choice and freedom from imprisonment while awaiting trial.

    When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are most disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

    Black Nationalist Beliefs

    Black Nationalism in the United States , the set of beliefs or political theory that African Americans should maintain social, economic, and political institutions separate and distinct from those of whites.

    Black Nationalism, also known as black separatism, is a complex set of beliefs emphasizing the need for the cultural, political, and economic separation of African Americans from white society. Comparatively few African Americans have embraced thoroughgoing separatist philosophies. In his classic study Negro Thought in America , 1880-1915, August Meier noted that the general black attitude has been one of "essential ambivalence." On the other hand, nationalist assumptions inform the daily actions and choices of many African Americans.

    Over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, Black Nationalists have agreed upon two defining principles: black pride and racial separatism. Black Nationalism calls for black pride and seeks a unity that is racially based rather than one grounded in a specific African culture or ethnicity. Thus the basic outlook of Black Nationalism is premised upon Pan- Africanism . Historian Sterling Stuckey argued that this Pan-African perspective emerged as an unintended byproduct of the institution of slavery. Slaveholders deliberately mixed together slaves of diverse linguistic and tribal backgrounds in order to minimize their ability to communicate and make common cause. In response, African slaves were forced "to bridge ethnic differences and to form themselves into a single people to meet the challenge of a common foe...."

    Those espousing nationalist or separatist philosophies have envisioned nationalism in quite different ways. For some, Black Nationalism demanded a territorial base; for others, it required only separate institutions within American society. Some have perceived nationalism in strictly secular terms; others, as an extension of their religious beliefs. Black Nationalists also differ in the degree to which they identify with Africa and African culture.

    During the late 18th and 19th centuries African Americans showed an increased level of racial pride and solidarity. African American leaders sought to highlight black accomplishments. For example, black ship owner Paul Cuffe from Massachusetts hired only black seamen to crew his ships so as to demonstrate their ability to a skeptical world. Boston's free blacks made Crispus Attucks — the black seaman killed in the Boston Massacre — a symbol of the African American role in the American Revolution, and for decades they celebrated March 5 as Crispus Attucks Day.

    Nineteenth-century free blacks established separate religious organizations, such as the Free African Society, founded in 1787 by Philadelphians Richard Allen and Absalom Jones, and Boston 's African Meetinghouse. In 1816 Allen played a leading role in the formation of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME).

    Black pride has also involved an insistence on distinctly black standards of beauty (see Hair and Beauty Culture). Black Nationalist Marcus Garvey, founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), deplored black acceptance of white standards of beauty, for example, in preferring straight hair or a lighter skin color. During the 1920s he refused to place advertisements for hair straighteners or purported skin whiteners in Negro World, the UNIA newspaper. In the 1960s black nationalists embraced the political slogan Black Power, but they also proclaimed that "black is beautiful."

    In many respects, Black Nationalism represented a response to the overt hostility of white society. During the antebellum era David Walker's Appeal ... to the Colored People of the World (1829) epitomized the demand for a united black defense. According to Stuckey, Walker 's trenchant arguments earned him recognition as the "father of Black Nationalist theory in America ." During the 1850s Martin Delany and the Reverend Henry Highland Garnet emerged as the most forceful nationalists. In the late 19th century AME Bishop Henry McNeal Turner gained prominence as a nationalist leader. Booker T. Washington did not endorse Black Nationalism, but at Tuskegee Institute he insisted on the need for black economic independence and self-help, views that many separatists found congenial.

    The most consistent proponents of Black Nationalism were those who advocated emigration or colonization. Delany , Garnet, Turner, and Alexander Crummell all endorsed colonization and insisted that African Americans' greatest hope lay in the establishment of all-black settlements or colonies, most often planned for Africa . Emigration or colonization entailed blacks leaving the United States to establish an African American settlement abroad, often in the hope of creating an independent black state.

    In 1815, for example, Paul Cuffe led a group of 38 African Americans to found a settlement in Sierra Leone , which the British government planned to use for the repatriation of slaves freed in its colonies. Free African Society founders Richard Allen and Absalom Jones endorsed Cuffe's plan. Garvey's UNIA was the most powerful back-to-Africa movement of the 20th century. But emigrationists differed among themselves over an appropriate destination and, in the case of emigration to Africa , in their attitudes toward the African people with whom they intended to settle.

    Advocates of emigration diverged sharply in their perceptions of African culture. Delany , for example, contended that African ethical values were inherently superior to those of European Christians, who appeared to be driven by an insatiable lust for power and material gain. But Turner and Garnet justified a return to Africa in terms of the opportunity it provided in bringing what they felt were the benefits of Christianity and economic progress to "savage and backward" Africans. Others stressed the opportunity that colonization would offer to demonstrate the extent of African American accomplishment when unencumbered by racial discrimination and prejudice. Some envisioned a black colony as an African American homeland to which all African Americans should return — in much the same way that 20th-century Zionists call upon Jews to return to Israel .

    Black Nationalists seek racial separation but differ on the degree and nature of that separation. Some have sought a specific territory that could be reserved for and controlled by blacks. Others have advocated separate black social, religious, economic, or political institutions within the existing white society. Territorial nationalists have differed on an appropriate location. Those calling for a return to Africa have most commonly suggested the territories of such present-day West African nations as Liberia , Sierra Leone , and Nigeria .

    Others proposed creating a separate black nation in the Americas , often viewing Haiti as a likely possibility. Still others believed that a part of the United States should be set aside as a separate black state. In the late 1920s white radicals of the Communist Party of the United States of America( CPUSA) viewed African Americans as an internal colony of American imperialism and demanded recognition for a Negro Nation that would be located within the Black Belt counties of Mississippi , Alabama , and Georgia .

    Many African Americans implicitly acted on nationalist principles. In the 1870s, for example, black " Exodusters " fled the South to found all-black settlements in Kansas . African Americans established other allblack towns-, including Eatonville , Florida , the childhood home of Zora Neale Hurston . Hurston and such prominent African Americans as Paul Robeson and W. E. B. Du Bois also expressed attitudes that at times resembled or drew upon Black Nationalism. Hurston's writing, notably Their Eyes Were Watching God (1938), portrayed a black world in which whites rarely intruded and mattered little.

    Singer and activist Robeson was never a Black Nationalist, but he held views that were, to some extent, compatible with nationalism. He believed that African Americans were fundamentally African people and insisted that they must be "proud of being black." He believed that African peoples were more spiritually attuned and more community-oriented than their white American or European counterparts. He studied several African languages and worked to end Europe 's colonial domination of the African continent. Yet Robeson rejected separatism and never abandoned his vision of a racially integrated society. Moreover, in all of his extensive travels, he never visited sub-Saharan Africa .

    W. E. B. Du Bois — one of America 's foremost black intellectuals and a leading figure in the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People( NAACP) — had strong ties to Africa . In 1919 he organized the first Pan-African Congress (see Pan-African Congress of 1919). During the 1920s he traveled to Africa . Yet for most of his life, Du Bois rejected Black Nationalism. In the 1920s he opposed Marcus Garvey and the UNIA. During the 1930s, as Du Bois grew more radical, he turned to socialism and internationalism rather than to Black Nationalism. But during the harsh anticommunism of the Cold War era, Du Bois lost his faith in American society. In 1961 he abandoned the United States and settled in Ghana , where he died two years later, shortly after taking Ghanaian citizenship.

    From the 1930s through the 1950s, Black Nationalists maintained a low profile. In 1935 Garvey failed to resurrect the UNIA, despite the hardships that many blacks endured during the Great Depression. Apart from Elijah Muhammad, the Nation of Islam's relatively obscure leader, there was no Black Nationalist who could supplant Garvey. Although Hurston , Robeson , and Du Bois were significant figures, they were not principled separatists.

    The 1960s, by contrast, were a high point for Black Nationalist thought. In some respects, it became a radical extension of the Civil Rights Movement. Many blacks grew impatient with the slow pace of change and broke with the movement's principles of passive nonviolence. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) contributed an important expression of Black Nationalism through its slogan Black Power. SNCC leader Stokely Carmichael ( Kwame Ture ) and political scientist Charles Hamilton wrote Black Power (1967) to elaborate that slogan into a philosophy and political program.

    In 1966 Bobby Seale and Huey Newton founded the Black Panther Party, which advocated militant self-defense and Black Nationalism. The Black Panther Party, like SNCC Black Power advocates, embraced a Black Nationalism that was primarily secular and political. By contrast, Nation of Islam leaders Elijah Muhammad and the charismatic Malcolm X grounded their goals of racial separation in religious precepts. Black Muslims sought to establish separate economic enterprises, finding a religious justification for a racially separate business life.

    As of the late 1990s African American attitudes and beliefs continued to reveal the significance of Black Nationalism, although less as a political philosophy than as a cultural attitude. It is difficult to weigh this cultural impact, but its manifestations can be seen throughout African American society. For example, a growing number of black parents give their children African names. Since the 1970s African-style clothing has been a recurring feature in black fashion. Likewise, the celebration of Kwanzaa emphasizes African Americans' distinctly African heritage.

    Kwanzaa, however, is not a traditional African celebration. It is an invented tradition that was developed and promoted by the Black Nationalist Maulana Karenga . Contemporary rap music, while not embracing African culture, emphasizes themes of black pride. Finally, the ubiquitous presence of Malcolm X suggests how broadly Black Nationalism has been disseminated throughout black culture. But few would argue that Malcolm X posters or X insignias on caps or sweaters represent a coherent outlook or set of principles. At the dawn of the 21st century, the most telling assessment remains that of August Meier: African Americans continue to view Black Nationalism with an essential ambivalence.

    Contributed By: James Clyde Sellman

    ( Both blacks 'n' whites want separation and self rule. Is that "racist"? )
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  3. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    Black nationalism and White nationalism encompss only of the fringe minimals of both populations. That's why they're called "extremists", they're the extremity of society.
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  5. Mosheh Thezion Registered Senior Member

    then form communes... dedicated to love...

    form a tribe as in the old days... like my idol... Shaka Zulu....

    for the people... by the people... for love and co-operation.

    i can help you.

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  7. Neildo Gone Registered Senior Member

    Asalamalaka, my brotha.

    - N
  8. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Why are there so many people here who don't understand what racism is?

    Racism involves discriminating negatively against people because of their race. It means seeking to deny members of one or more races equal opportunities to those accorded to members of one's own race.

    Now think about it.
  9. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Okay, I've thought about it. And I see no reason why any person should be forced in some way, either legally or socially, to give "equal" opportunities to someone that they don't like.

    It goes against everything that humans have been doing naturally, normally for a gazillion years! In the old days, the cave men would only let members of their own clan into the warm cave ...they drove the rest out. In later years, the cities would work to keep "riff-raff" in separate areas because they didn't want to deal with them or socialize with them.

    Birds of a feather fuck together ...and that old saying didn't just come about because of some anti-liberal attitude!

    What else are we going to force people to do that they don't want to do? And how can you abide by it in a nation where there's a claim of freedom for all? Are we to deny the right to chose ones own friends and those with whom he associates? How 'bout if we force people to marry people that the computer says are good matches, too?

    Baron Max
  10. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Baron Max:

    But we're not talking people here. We're talking organisations such as educational institutions, companies etc.

    In the old days, cave men would kill each other willy-nilly. In the old days, there was no time to do anything much except look for food, and try to survive. Certainly no time for spending useless time pondering things on the internet. In the old days, people were free to die of innumerable diseases, or from wild animal attacks, or from starvation.

    Oh, those were the good old days! If only the Baron could live in a cave, like in the good old days!

    You're the one who is big on law and order, Baron. Generally, it's you who wants to see limits put on people. Yet in this instance, suddenly you go all "liberal". I wonder why.

    But that's the point of affirmative action etc. Currently, there is NOT freedom for all.

    To some extent, obviously yes. In the main, however, no.

    Depends whether the computer is reliable or not, doesn't it?
  11. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    So, James, you advocate using racism and discrimination of one group in order to combat the use racism and discrimination against another group? You advocate taking some of the freedom from one group in order to give some freedom to another group? And you base your determination of which group should receive the reward by color? Oh, James, that's racism! No, that's worse than racism, it's government sanctioned racism!!

    No, no, James! As usual, you've read me all wrong. I'm not big on "law n' order" ....only what *I* consider as "right n' wrong". And I only want to put limits on the people that *I* don't like. As far as I know, that ain't being liberal ...but if it is, I'm gonna' go blow my brains out!!!

    Please Register or Log in to view the hidden image!

    Baron Max
  12. Happeh Registered Senior Member

    I guess the illegal immigration of Mexicans is not taking off politically huh? So now they are trying Black people to see if they can get the focus off of the Neo Cons who have taken over the USA, and embarked on world dominaition.

    I just read them threatening Iran today.

    Look for more immigration, gay marriage, black power, etc news. Anything but the reality of the Isrealis using the USA to kill muslims worldwide. Anything to cover up the Isreali Abramoff bribery scandal. Anything to cover up the operation to start civil war in Iraq on purpose. Anything to cover up spying on American citizens. Anything to cover up blowing the levee in the poor section of New Orleans, then condemning their land and homes so developers get them.......................

    U know? The things this administration has done are so numerous, it literally takes 3 parapgraphs just to list their crimes, and the actions they have taken to implement a fascist state in the USA.
  13. J.B Banned Banned

    What you think is racism, is the laws of affirmitive action.
  14. Blue_UK Drifting Mind Valued Senior Member

    The definition of racism usually has the word 'prejudice' somewhere in it, which implies a bias for no good reason. E.g. Only casting black men to play black men on TV is not racist, as there's a sensible reason. Wheras, trying to correct the balance of different ethnicities in the job market is just silly; why not just give them the same chance for an education and let them get the jobs for themselves? An employer who misses good opertunities is not going to be as sucessful as one who isn't racist - let $$$ sort the issue out. (Unless there really is a big difference, then let Darwin sort it out!)
  15. TW Scott Minister of Technology Registered Senior Member

    We live in a democracy. The majority rules. That means that if there are more people who agree with you than thewre are against, your idea passes. If not quit whining and try to change their minds.

    You want full employment? Then get off your ass and do something with it. The government does not owe you anything except civil liberties and protection.

    That promise was fulfilled to your ancestors, debt paid. The government owes the current generation nothing.

    Again I state the get off your lazy ass and do something about it. If you want better housing earn the money and buy it. Refuse to deal with people who try to foist a substandard unit on you.

    We have one of the best education systems in the world. Anyone who claims another nation has better forgets that no other country educates everyone. If you are still unhappy with your education become a teacher and do better by the next generation.

    That which is given freely has no value. If you want better healthcare as abovce get off you ass and pay for it. Nothing in life is free except air.

    You want to police to be less brutal quit giving them reason, quit breaking laws, shooting police and resisting arrest. Quit bitching that yopu are only being arrested becuase you are black. The truth is you are arrested becuase you fucked up. You are pulled over becuase your fucking up. IF yopu want to carry weapons that is fine, but shooting a police officer is the surest way make sure everyone hates you.

    Oh, so we should ignore the plight of people everywhere who are the subject or real crimes like rape, massmurder, slavery, real opression and such. Hmmm, interesting that you have that view considering your other rants.

    They have had their day in court, most of the time at our expense. Every effort made to make sure they have a fair unbiased jury. Iw ould say that with the exception of a very few people they are all rightfully convicted. Suck it up.

    You have all of that already, that is if you weren't too busy writing completely false accusations and whining that the governemtn won't give you a job doing nothing and paying for all your medical expenses. You have an equal station, it's your fault if you don't see it.
  16. J.B Banned Banned

    "The Negroes' rude ignorance has never invented any effectual weapons of defense or destruction; they appear incapable of forming any extensive plans of government or conquest; and the obvious inferiority of their mental faculties has been discovered and abused by the nations of the temperate zone".
  17. Blue_UK Drifting Mind Valued Senior Member

    Someone I knew once said: "I don't have anything against black people; every white family should have one".

    But seriously though, the whole 'blacks are thick' thing isn't necessarily true. 'Studies' were conducted which showed that, on averge, white people were smarter than blacks (and asians smarter still), but only by a fractional amount and the varience within each group was so immense that it would be ridiculous to assume a randomly selected black individual would be less inteligent than a randomly selected white one. Furthermore, I don't think the studies took properly into account factors such as education.

    The only thing I will concede to is that black music (well... rap music I mean) is sub-human filth and all such 'artists' should be sent to Auschwitz where they can bang their drums and talk as loudly as they like!
  18. DarkThorn Registered Senior Member

    I think that the original post has a lot for everyone to think about. Especially the major governments of the world [America for example] because they do take advantage and manipulate oppressed people. I'm all for integration and not segragation. Colour should not be an issue, everybody is equal. We all bleed the same after all. Black people should not be foced to live in ghetto style communities, the same goes for the Chinese, the American Indians, etc. If we are to work towards any kind of peace then we should all work together.

    In saying all of the above, forgiveness is key to success. If the black community cannot forgive for the wrongs done against them then nothing will ever change. I can relate to how hard that is to do given the history but it is the only way forward.
  19. android nothing human inside Registered Senior Member

    Ah, then "multiculturalism" is racism, since it seeks to breed out unique ethnic populations.

  20. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    What institutions are you talking about? UCLA? The Plastic Surgeon’s office? The post office? The Mobile Phone Company? The WWW? Toyota? Sony? What exactly?

    You have the right, as a community to vote into power the people you want.
    You have the right to start a medical practitioners office.
    You can found a phone company.
    You can found a University or secondary institution.
    You can start a car factory.
    You can start a PC or electronics company.
    You can form a lending group and start a banking institution.
    You can form a PC company ala Apple Computers.

    Guess what – most of these were started by people that had an idea but not much money. They didn’t become successful over night – some institutions have taken generations to get to where they are. So go out and do it instead of talking about it and asking me, who was raised on $40/wk from my father-to-my-mother + food stamps + lived in a shit-trailer, but went out and paid for my own education (BS/PhD), moved to Australia and now can kind of speak Japanese.
    Why should I have to pay for YOU to do it? Is my life now easy – NO, I work 6-7 d/wk 12h/d.

    You, just like me, can get off your arse and do it yourself.

    No the federal government is NOT responsible to give you a job. That’s called communism. Luckily we don’t live in a communist state. It’s up to you to take yourself down to the University and enroll and hope to god you find employment OR start a business of your own (see points from 1st reply to get some ideas of companies to start) OR look for employment with your own shrewd sense.

    Anyway, this point #2 is what is holding you back from attaining point number #1 – surely you can see that? In #1 you ask for autonomy and in #2 you ask to be dependent?

    Slavery actually kept societies from progressing. It’s not until slavery is ended that industrialization can begin and modernity takes off.

    Anyway, you were never a slave and so you don’t get a mule or two.

    Lastly, who exactly are the “capitalists”? I think this is following a downward slope from point #2 – it’s called blame someone, anyone, other than me. And the fuzzy non-recognizable “Oppressive Capitalist Pigs” (you know THEM, THEY, THOSE GUYS) are sufficiently obscure enough to blame. But blame doesn’t help. Getting out there and trying to make a difference does.

    Like I said, I grew up in a trailer-park, afterwards I rented in an old house on the worst street in Flint. I’ve seen people die on the streets. Some shot in the head and some frozen on the road. But I saved my pennies and I got out.

    Any black person can as well if they make the right choices. And it’s not for ME to make them – it’s for them to make their own choices. But if you would prefer I pay for you, then you will dance to my fiddle, we’ll begin by banning all religion, as I am atheist. Like that for a starts?

    The society that you are painting is one of communism.
    Give me a house, give me give job, tell me what to do, tell me how to live, tell me what to think…

    Is that the society you want to live in?

    If so, you should know it doesn’t work anyway.

    Get a book, open it, teach your children.

    I see a theme here.

    Each and everything on your list you CAN, if you choose to do so, go out and do FOR YOURSELF.

    With this last one being the Gawd-awful easiest.

    Do it yourself for God damn Christ’s sake.

    Buy a book and read it, then read it to your children and their friends. Quite simple. Get a PhD in African history and offer a course at Uni, if enough Americans (period) are interested then you will have no problem filling out the classroom and being able to teach it. Write a book and sell it in your neighborhood – thereby starting a book shop, this may lead to a small community center which in turn may grow larger and offer classes ….

    Again easy, get an MD and treat Blacks for free.

    You certainly can’t expect an MD – which is a trade, much like an auto mechanic, to work on your body for free.

    DO you want SOMEONE to change YOUR tire on YOUR car as well?

    You know, in my home town, which was 99% white, we had a corrupt police force – we voted to close down them down (thats true). After that we didn’t have a police force in our town – and it was fine, when something serious happened the State police were called.

    So find out the laws in your state and see that things are changed. Get out the info and run for a position in your local assembly. Make things happen YOURSELF. If you just sit there not doing anything but saying give me give me give me - then expect it to stay as is, and that’s the real problem. You have a complete backwards mentality – stop asking for welfare, the evil of society, and make something happen yourself.

    Start your own company.
    Teach yourself and your own children.
    Run for office.

    Then maybe you'll have freedom, but asking someone to do it for you is a step in the opposite direction, that way leads to enslavement and sub-servitude.

    Well you get the point,
  21. Mosheh Thezion Registered Senior Member

    If i was black.... id move back to africa... and strive to help my people...

    the ones here dont have it so bad....

    and no one is trapped... anyone can leave..

    i would go back... and follow the path of SHAKA.


  22. angrybellsprout paultard since 2002 Registered Senior Member


    By fringe you must be referring to the massive amounts of Malcolm X posters/shirts being sold?
  23. Alejandro -2 Minutes To Midnight- Registered Senior Member

    Come on how many whites were slave owners? historically many whites and other groups were enslaved? Rap music sucks, alot of it glorifies drug dealeing scum. Sometimes its horrible watching that show cops and seeing the devistation of hard drugs.

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