Gazprom should shut down gas to Europe: poll

Discussion in 'Politics' started by youreyes, Aug 8, 2014.


Should Gazprom stop supply of gas to Europe?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. youreyes amorphous ocean Valued Senior Member

    Due to recent Europe/US sanctions instigated on Russia, adequate measures to counteract these sanctions and punish those who have supported economic war on Russia.

    The first step was to ban all of the food from Europe and USA.

    The second step is to stop supplying Europe with gas. This poll was created to see how many of the Westerners here support this act of fair justice?
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  3. andy1033 Truth Seeker Valued Senior Member

    I think russia is playing it well, and i think russia will wait and see what the west does now, to see what further things to do.

    So i doubt russia will go all out at once. If the west keeps pushing, and they probably will, then russia can i am sure apply more of there own.

    I think russia are doing this game very well so far, and they know better than most how society really works. So, i think that russia will probably hold of more unless the west pushes this further.

    I think russia are being reactive to the west on this, so its not russia causing the problem, but anglo americans that have pushed this situation. Russia is just being reactive to the threat, not the instigators.
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  5. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Sure, go for it. Russia could use a taste of being a third world country again.
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  7. youreyes amorphous ocean Valued Senior Member

    The 3rd step after shutdown of gas should be restatement of ICBMS in Cuba and further Russian Navy and Air-force bases in Central America.

    The 4th step should be war.
  8. andy1033 Truth Seeker Valued Senior Member

    Like i said its russia whom are reacting, not the instigators of this.
  9. youreyes amorphous ocean Valued Senior Member

    yeah your right. Its good to have sane people left on this planet.
  10. billvon Valued Senior Member

    You got that already in Ukraine.
  11. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    LOL, and how is the West the aggressor here? Western troops are not occupying or annexing Ukrainian or Russian lands. Who is doing that? Oh yes by Jove, it's Putin/Russia.
  12. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    One normally has a fleet first. This is the same crap that caused the Soviet Union to collapse. You don't learn.
  13. youreyes amorphous ocean Valued Senior Member

    This is a thread about if Russia should stop gas supply to Europe in response to economic war waged on it by Europe/USA. Also this thread focuses on other steps Russia should take to counteract the current actions by Europe/USA.

    Please stay on topic!
  14. Arne Saknussemm trying to figure it all out Valued Senior Member

    Frankly, as an American citizen living abroad (nowhere near Russia or involved with Russian economics or policy) I can't see that I have any right to vote in your poll. While my heart goes out to oppressed people anywhere (The Ukrainians, I mean) their present situation is really not my business. I think I had better just "butt out".
  15. youreyes amorphous ocean Valued Senior Member

    I know that the poll should have included an "Other" option, but in reality there is no other option. It's either Yes or No. It's a question on how Russia should react to counteract the economic sanctions on it, expansion of NATO, all the provocations, and etc.
  16. billvon Valued Senior Member

    An excellent response would be to stop taking military action against a neighboring state. In other words, stop the actual war in order to stop an economic "war."
  17. youreyes amorphous ocean Valued Senior Member

    That option is out of context and is not an adequate measure Russia should even consider.

    The only answer to force is through force.
  18. billvon Valued Senior Member

    So someone should stop Russia from attacking the Ukraine?
  19. youreyes amorphous ocean Valued Senior Member

    This poll focuses on what Russia should do to counteract the actions imposed on it. Not the other way around.
  20. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    Alternately, Russia could just raise the price for gas next winter. Because Ukraine was always behind in it's payments for the gas it used, Russia was effectively subsidizing gas for Ukraine. Will Russia continue to do so? Economic "sanctions" need not be a one way street.
  21. youreyes amorphous ocean Valued Senior Member

    Well the problem I think is the current gas contract between some European countries in terms of gas, breaking off those contracts is counter-intuitive in future. Ukraine will no longer receive subsidized gas and gas input should be cut to the minimum. Also what is troubling is that Belarus is cutting a deal with Kiev behind the scene...that needs to be stopped.

    Russia can't really impose economic sanctions as it does not have the strength to influence its main enemy, USA, enough in such a way. Its primary focus should be to build up strong ties with China and collapse US economy through China...I am not really sure by which means yet. Unitary currency, BRICS accepting new members opposing the West, military influence expansion, cutting imports dramatically to collapse the market...
  22. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Then your post is nonsensical, since no force is involved. But by all means, cut gas exports and cripple your economy. Just remember which line is for bread and which line is for shoes, comrade.
  23. youreyes amorphous ocean Valued Senior Member

    Gas should be sold to China and Europe should be circumvented. Only those countries opposing sanctions against Russia should receive the gas and also economic and military support.

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