The Infinite Spongy Universe Cosmology, 2014

Discussion in 'Alternative Theories' started by quantum_wave, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    2014 Hobby-model Update:

    The Infinite Spongy Universe Cosmology, 2014, revised for changes since 12/31/2013 to the recent descriptions of the model presented last year in the Big Wait thread.


    I remember, five or six years ago, asking anyone who would listen, what caused the initial expansion of the observable universe, what causes the presence of matter, and what are the mechanics of gravity. By then I was on my way to developing my own answers, but I still pose those same questions rhetorically to the scientific community. I have continued to evolve my own answers as well, and this thread will be a continuation.

    In a nut shell, we are not on the verge of a consensus on the answers at either the micro or macro levels of order. In regard to the macro realm, a consensus is not likely to happen soon on the topic of preconditions or causes of the Big Bang, given the fact that the current Big Bang Theory does not even start with the "Bang", though the latest developments in analyzing the CMBR have set the stage for some consensus building. But right now, Big Bang Theory still starts at 10^-43 seconds or so afterward.

    Nor is the thinking of the current researchers in the field of Quantum Physics likely to give us a consensus solution to the mechanics of quantum gravity, given that the current research environment favors the Copenhagen interpretations of QM. Generally, that group of interpretations says there isn't any local reality at all, unless you can accept "spooky action at a distance".

    To me, that all boils down to the fact that the scientific community, to the extent that there is a consensus among them, is far from answering my three questions to my satisfaction. In this thread I will update and evolve my personal answers to those questions.

    I don't hide the fact that I am a layman and I have a hobby-model. It is very different from the consensus models of GR and QM, but I claim that the macro and micro realms are unified in my hobby-model. They are unified in such a way that the model is internally consistent, and not inconsistent with scientific observations and data, and they spell out my hypotheses on local reality without faster than light communication. No one called me on that challenge, which I made in my 2013 thread, The Big Wait, but I welcome challenges and discussion.

    Read my "content" posts on that thread through post #71, and you will be up to date on my model as of now. This thread will cover much of the same territory, but will include revisions and updates that need to be folded in, as well as new material that is being developed.

    The ground rules again are that I encourage discussion and comparisons between my ideas, hypotheses, and speculations, and other models, including your personal models or ideas. And as in The Big Wait, I reserve the right to ignore off-topic comments, except from my few friends who might drop by.

    To kick things off, I'm a supporter of the less popular view that there is a quantum local reality, i.e. "hidden variables", and that if we could know them, they would not only answer my three questions, but in addition, they would explain everything necessary to connect the micro and macro realms into a unified theory of everything. While I wait for the scientific community to do that for us all, I will be contemplating the universe and continuing to work on my hobby-model.
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  3. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #2. 4/8/2014
    I always want to start with the premises and axioms. They are the things that I assume to be true, and that are necessary components of my ISU cosmology, if it is to be considered internally consistent. They are givens that cannot be shown to be true or false. They may be unacceptable to some people, so let me get them out up front.

    These are the "axioms", and they represent the underlying concepts upon which my model relies, and with which my model will be completely consistent. They are what I call the three infinities; 1) The medium of space, 2) Wave energy traversing the medium of space, and 3) Time that simply passes, though time won't be measured to be passing at the same rate by identical clocks that are moving relative to each other.

    To elaborate on those infinities, it seems logical to start with the medium of space. Speaking dimensionally, space is three dimensions and has no boundaries; it is referred to as boundless in my hobby-model. Space contains a medium that carries spherical energy waves; once a wave is propagated, it expands spherically until it is interrupted. When I refer to the three infinities, I am referring to space dimensionally with its infinite length, height, and depth, as well as the medium that fills it, and of the wave energy that is continually traversing it. None of those things had a beginning; they simply have always been that way. If that is an acceptable condition for the universe, then follow along.

    The medium of space doesn't expand, contract, bend, fold, or break, except to the extent that it hosts wave action, and therefore has a certain responsiveness to the passing of spherical waves. I call that response a sponginess that allows the density of the medium to carry waves and accommodate multiple wave fronts passing through the same space. It is as if space would be restored back to its pre-wave natural state after a wave front has passed.

    That statement is misleading when it comes to what my model maintains about the possibility of space being restored back to some pre-wave state because in a cosmology that invokes the three infinities, there never was a pre-wave state, but the concept is useful in describing the sponginess of the medium of space.

    The concept of a pre-wave natural state also is useful because it sets up for the definition of a universal average wave energy density (energy density for short) that is important because the energy density in any given volume of space can vary, and it can be useful to compare the local energy density to the universal average wave energy density for talking purposes.

    Equally important to the model is the sponginess itself. It takes a finite amount of time for a wave front to impose its incremental energy to the local density of the medium. This is the characteristic that governs the rate at which waves traverse the medium. If the local energy density is low, waves travel faster, and if the local energy density is high, waves travel slower. Therefore the factor of time is accompanied by a factor of distance. Thus there is a finite duration and a finite amount of space that it takes for the wave front to overcome the sponginess and fully impose its energy on the space it traverses. That duration and distance is governed by the energy density of the space involved, and it is a continuous process, as opposed to a discrete process.

    If the medium of space is spongy, then the name I give our universe is appropriate, "The Infinite Spongy Universe", or ISU.

    (26) The number in parentheses at the end of content posts is the number of times the thread has been viewed. My purpose for doing that is to let me gage the number of people who have read a post (or at least looked at it), and thus help me get a sense of the appropriate timing between posts.
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  5. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #3. 4/9/2014
    In the last post, I acknowledged that some readers won't be able to abide with how I invoke the three infinities. I have personally decided to invoke them though, because without them, 1) the universe must have a beginning, 2) the volume of space must be finite, and 3) the energy that makes up matter, radiation, and what ever other energy is required for gravity must also be finite. But for me the clincher is, 4) that such a universe would be a closed system, and entropy can not be defeated in a closed system.

    To that you may ask why entropy must be defeated?

    Many people are undaunted by space, time, and energy being finite instead of infinite. They reason that if that is the way the universe is, that is the way it is, and we shouldn't impose our personal preferences by reasoning away the concept of the eventual completion of entropy that will spell the end of all life in the universe forever. Those people would consider it randomness and probability at work and they look at the finite duration of existence of life in the universe as the ultimate "finite" aspect of a closed universe.

    However, I don't think I am just being pragmatic when I invoke the three infinities and an open universe. If you don't invoke them, then you get the "three finites" instead, and why go there when to get there you must also believe that the explanation for the existence of universe is the seemingly impossible, "something from nothing". Can invoking the "three infinities" be more objectionable than invoking "something from nothing"? What is nothingness, anyway, lol. However, I'll save the discussion of nothingness for another post.

    I know from years of doing this hobby-modeling that there are a lot of people in the scientific community that would rather say the universe came from nothing, than to say it is infinite and eternal. And do you know what some have said their reasoning is for preferring to assume "nothingness and then there was the universe"? They fear that "infinite and eternal" has a connotation of the Supernatural to it, and the scientific method excludes the Supernatural.

    My response is that the three infinities do not require the Supernatural, but maybe they are compatible with the Supernatural if you want to invoke the philosophy that God and the universe are one and the same. You certainly do not have to adopt such a philosophy when you invoke the three infinities; you are simply rejecting the "something from nothing" explanation for the existence of the universe, and at the same time adopting a cosmology that would allow for the perpetual existence of intelligent life in various habitable systems that are naturally recurring in an open universe that defeats entropy.

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
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  7. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #4. 4/10/2014
    In the OP, I said my model is very different form the consensus Big Bang Theory, and from the Copenhagen interpretation of QM. Just how different is best addressed by saying that I start with the three questions I posed in the OP about the cause and preconditions of the big bang, of the presence of matter, and the mechanism of gravity, and then using years of layman level interest in cosmology, piece together an internally consistent hobby-model that you will see presented here.

    Ask yourself how much of current theory actually addresses those questions. Very little because there is little talk about the cause of the Big Bang, about the mechanics of how particles form, or about the mechanics of gravity. Almost none of Big Bang theory nor the Standard Particle Model actually addresses or answers my questions. Until the scientific community arrives at a broad and consistent consensus on those things, I'll have an interesting hobby. The hobby is describing a universe where everything is connected by invariant natural law that produces perpetual habitable host environments for the generation and evolution of free willed intelligent beings across the big bang arena landscape of the greater universe.

  8. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #5. 4/11/2014
    I start modeling the universe based the observational evidence of the accelerating separation of the galaxies and galaxy groups; an observation which I believe back tracks to our observable arena's Big Bang event itself. But my version is without superluminal inflation, and without back tracking all the way to the singularity of an infinitely dense, zero volume point space. The volume of the energy ball as it emerged from the Big Bang would have been light years across in this model.

    Big crunches are common, and they precede the big bangs, and each big bang results in an expanding arena that fills with galactic structure as they expand and mature. New big crunches form out of the merging galactic material from two or more mature arenas. They expand until that expansion is interrupted by converging and overlapping with each other, and the crunch forms at the center of gravity of the overlap. Each parent arena contributes a portion of its galactic matter and energy to the new crunch. The crunch bangs when it reaches "critical capacity", nature's limit of energy density that triggers the collapse/bang.

    The cosmic micro wave background radiation that we observe at ~2.7K does not relate to a single big bang event, but is part of the greater universe, the result of an infinite history of arena action across the landscape of the greater universe. It contains the radiation imprint from the history of the parent arenas, and from a more distant history of arena action across the landscape of the greater universe.

  9. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #6. 4/12/2014
    Don't look for spacetime in my hobby-model. In its place the model invokes an hypothesis of wave energy density based on the three infinities mentioned in the OP. They combine to give us the energy density alternative to spacetime. You will recall from the OP that time simply passes, but that clocks in relative motion to each other will not measure time passing at the same rate. The issue of time measurement is with how clocks are affected by the gravitational wave energy density of their local environment. Clock time variability associated with relative motion of objects is a perfect example of how the energy density hypothesis replaces the curvature of spacetime.

    The mechanism of variable clock time is based on the fact that particles form and function within the individual big bang arena waves (or just arenas for short), and the gravitational energy density within the arenas fluctuates with any acceleration and with the proximity of massive objects. Any two clocks composed of particles, and in motion relative to each other, are thus affected by both relative acceleration, and relative proximity to the gravitational wave energy gradient in the medium of space. I mentioned that in the Cosmology forum in the post at this link.

    Never-the-less, there is no reason why Einstein's Field Equations won't work fine in the ISU, and are the best that the scientific community has come up with in regard to predicting the relative motion of objects. The hobby-model does invoke the math of spacetime as a quantitative description of the effect of gravity, as described by the mechanics of the wave energy density hypothesis. My model borrows the math, but goes on to describe gravity's mechanism as well; described by what I call the process of quantum action.

    Quantum action, along with big bang arena action (arena action for short), are the major processes of the model. They describe the mechanics and interplay of the two foundational forces that affect both the macro and micro realms, energy density equalization and gravity.

  10. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #7. 4/13/2014
    Associated with variable clock time, and with the variable rate at which particles function, given the particular wave energy density of their locality, is a phenomenon that keeps the waves from being perfectly equal in all places at all times. This model defeats entropy, but one might expect, in some other model that allows entropy to become complete, that the waves would ultimately become perfectly equalized into a regular pattern across all space. In this model, the waves traversing the medium cannot become perfectly regular or "equalized" across all space. Their frequency of passing a given point is forced to fluctuate by a mechanism that defeats entropy, and at the same time conserves and perpetuates fluctuating wave energy.

    Of course, such a mechanism must have limits and thresholds that enable those fluctuations to avoid the equalization of wave energy across all space. To the extent that the trend toward energy density equalization is a force, gravity is the opposing force.

    The most important limit in the process that defeats entropy is a maximum possible wave energy density that can be reached in any given space; a natural limit imposed by the laws of nature that the model predicts occurs immediately following what I call the critical capacity of a big crunch.

    An important threshold on the way to the reaching that critical capacity limit is the presence of particles. Particles and gravity emerge from the foundational medium together as the wave energy density reaches a level sufficient for particles to exist. Interestingly, in this model, the limit at which particles form occurs as the wave energy density declines from that maximum density limit. It was that limit that destroyed all of the individual particles that were left in the crunch, so it is not surprising that as the density declines, particles will reform.

    Here is how entropy is defeated and the fluctuating nature of wave energy across the medium of space is perpetuated. That maximum density can only occur in the presence of particles, because the presence of particles is a stage, or threshold, on the way to reaching that natural limit. The limit ultimately occurs only at the core of a big crunch which is the natural and ultimate result of the presence of particles and gravity.

    In order for the maximum to occur there is another threshold, and that is the density at which particles can no longer function individually. That threshold leads to the collapse of a big crunch. When the particles cease to function individually, those particles are forced by gravity to give up their individual particle space, and they collapse all at once, causing the local density to reach that natural density limit allowed by nature at the core of the collapse.

    The limit that is achieved at the heart of the collapsing big crunch, causes the collapsing crunch to bounce off of that incompressible ball of wave energy density that has maximized the sponginess of the medium, and burst into expansion. The collapse is more appropriately called a collapse/bounce (or collapse/bang), and in terms of this model, that is a big bang.

    The big bangs are local events that send out natures greatest wave of high density energy, an expanding ball of wave energy with its lowest state of entropy restored. That wave, as it expands, is what I call a big bang arena wave, or arena for short. It expands right back out into the space containing the high entropy matter and wave energy left behind by the collapse.

    The collapse and bounce into expansion of the arena wave of energy is the completion of the process called "arena action" in this model. The new arena waves that form across the landscape of the greater universe begin the process of arena action all over again. As you follow along, you will see the beginning of the arena action process which features the parent arenas that expand and overlap to create the big crunches that precede the collapse/bangs. That description will round out the detail of the mechanisms that defeat entropy.

    To be continued ...

  11. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #8. 4/24/2014
    The part of the arena process that ends in a big bang was discussed in post #7. However, the arena process starts anywhere across the landscape of the greater universe where two or more mature big bang arena waves, full of galactic structure, and with accelerating separation momentum, expand into each other, i.e. intersect at a point in space.

    The point of intersection establishes the center of gravity of the new arena which will develop as the two arenas overlap and begin to share the same space. At that point in space and time, the countdown to the new big bang arena is figuratively activated. When the intersection occurs, it establishes "t=minus billions and billions" of years as a start point on the countdown clock. The countdown will reach t=0 when the slowly developing but inevitable new big bang occurs billions of year later. So t=0 on the countdown clock marks the big bang event, but it occurs in the middle of the process of arena action.

    And in the current theory, that marks the beginning of spacetime. As an amendment to post #6 above, I posted this in another sub-forum just now:

    Spacetime is theory specific, but the theory of GR evolves as advances are made and as new discoveries are dealt with by the scientific community. It will likely continue to be updated as the physical nature of spacetime is sorted out over time. Gradually, a physical medium filling space could deliver the mathematical characteristics of spacetime that govern motion through space. No one is saying we are going to have to abandon GR in order to talk about a physical medium of space being aether like ...

    This Wiki,, is a good update and history, and an example of how the peer reviewed changes find their way into the layman level popular scientific media, long after the scientific community begins dealing with them.

    My model is about the mechanism of gravity and the role of the medium of space, but the mathematics of Spacetime will still apply, since the physical medium of space is aether-like. So when I say, don't look for spacetime in my hobby-model, you can look for a medium of space that yields the same results as spacetime, only with an hypothesis of the mechanics of gravity.

  12. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #9. 4/29/2014
    When the countdown to a new big bang begins, mature, galaxy filled arenas have expanded to the point that they intersect and begin to intrude on each other's space. That causes encounters of galactic structure from each parent arena, and those encounters mark a shift in the relative strength of the two opposing arena process forces, gravity and energy density equalization.

    Up until the intersection and overlap of the parent arenas, the galactic separation momentum within each of them had been uninterrupted since the galaxy formation period after their respective big bangs. As mentioned in post #7, the particles re-form in an arena in the early stages of expansion, and they form from the dense state wave energy ball that emerges from the collapse/bang of the preceding big crunch. The force of energy density equalization causes the arena density to decline allowing particles to form, and galactic structure to evolve and fill the arena.

    Note that the dense state wave energy ball produced by the collapse of the crunch is very much like a single massive particle composed of the dense state wave energy that is equivalent to the wave energy in all the individual particles that populated the crunch. That concept of a supermassive particle is consistent with the hypothesis that a particle in my model, is composed of a complex pattern of wave energy within the particle's space. That is a valid description of the resulting dense state energy ball after the particles of the big crunch are negated by the collapse/bang. The crunch collapses the individual particles and the resulting inflow of wave energy creates nature's maximum energy density and nature's most massive single particle. The accompanying bounce/"bang" produces the ultimate out flowing quantum wave of energy representing the start of the new and expanding big bang arena.

    On the scale of the big bang arena landscape, individual big bangs are nature's greatest waves that are converging with each other all across the universe to form nature's greatest high density spots. The "spots" are big crunches which are particles on a grand scale, and they collapse/bang into expanding arena waves, that in turn intersect and form new high density big crunches, and on it goes, over and over, as the arena process perpetually plays out across the landscape of the greater universe.

    Last edited: Apr 30, 2014
  13. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #10. 4/30/2014
    Do whole arenas move around the landscape of the greater universe under the influence of the gravitational attraction between arenas?

    No they don't. In my hobby-model, the relative location of arenas across the landscape of the greater universe is established by the point in space that represents the center of gravity of the arena. There is a likelihood of some natural drift of that initial center of gravity due to some imbalance in the structure of the parent arenas that might cause there to be a wobble in the location of the center within the overlap space, but whole arenas do not move through space as individual units relative to other arenas.

    However, some gravitational effect will be "felt" between arenas as they expand toward each other. This effect will demonstrate itself as an observable "flow" of some of the galaxies or galactic structure within the arena that goes against the internally developing accelerating separation momentum, not as consistent motion of the whole arena. Some have labelled this effect "dark flow".

    Dark flow can occur before the parent arenas actually reach a point of intersection because the gravitational radiation is modeled to expand spherically from an arena at the speed of light. Note also that spherical gravitational waves approach each other at twice the speed of light, and in my model the speed of light and gravity are variable relative to the wave energy density of the local environment. That combination of effects makes for some interesting thought experiments.

  14. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    11. 4/30/2014

    Yesterday I received the latest free issue of symmetry magazine, which is one good way for a layman to keep up with developments in Particle Physics. There is always an interesting topic in the "Explain it in 60 Seconds" column. This month it is titled, Wave-particle duality.

    It is a timely article relative to where I am in this thread, but I couldn't find it yet on-line. I'm sure it will appear soon. I trust that you understand the concept, and I fully embrace the wave-particle nature of particles and objects.

    The nature of the arena landscape of the greater universe can be discussed in terms of arena wave-particle duality. In the last couple of posts I have described an arena as a wave and as a particle, and have identified that stages in the arena process when they are best described as particles and when they are best described as waves.

    If you can, I want you to think of arena action as a slow motion detailed analogy of the action that takes place in the quantum realm where fundamental particles display wave interference in some instances and particle rigidity of contained energy quanta in other instances. If you can do that, then the descriptions of quantum action that are part of my past threads about the ISU and Quantum Wave Cosmology will be more understandable. The suggestion I am intending to give is that there are significant similarities between quantum action and arena action.

    I'll be going over those similarities and the differences in this thread, if it unfolds like I hope throughout the coming months, but in the mean time, last years version of that topic is still very appropriate. If you read "The Big Wait", at least through post #71, you know the similarities and differences between quantum action and arena action, besides the obvious difference in the scale where the respective actions are taking place.

  15. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    In post #9 I touched on the impact of the two opposing forces, gravity and energy density equalization that is occurring during the early phases of arena expansion. At an early point in the process, the decay of the supermassive arena particle leads to the formation of individual stable particles in a "particle sea" across the arena. The particles in the "sea" contain the components to form charged particles and the components of inert dark matter that has no charge. The common denominator between all particles though is that they feel gravity, and so their relative motion is always a result of a combination of forces, separation momentum imparted to them due to them forming under the expansive influence of the force of energy density equalization, and clumping due to the force of gravity.

    Gravity is strong enough in close quarters to cause clumping of the atoms in the particle "sea", but not strong enough to keep the dense state energy from continuing to equalize with the very low wave energy density in the vastness of space surrounding the infant arena. The arena expands and the galactic structure within it separates.

    Read the above link. As it points out, the rate of separation of the galaxies and galactic structure is accelerating. In my model, that is the result of the relative strength of the two competing forces, and so acceleration is expected to continue until the arena's expansion is interrupted by intersecting with adjacent arenas.

    In my model, the mysterious dark energy isn't mysterious, it is due to the respective nature of the two forces involved. Gravity becomes weaker as the distance between objects increases, and as gravity decreases, there is less opposition to the expansive force of energy density equalization.

    The term "vacuum energy density", also known as the "cosmological constant" in the consensus model, is mysterious because in Big Bang Theory everything, including all forces, must be causally connected to a single Big Bang event. Nothing "before" or "beyond" can enter the picture the way the current model stands.

    The concept of a cosmological constant becomes clear in my model. It is the relative balance between gravity and energy density equalization. To be understood and to act as I model it to act, there must be low wave energy density surrounding the hot dense ball of energy that emerges from the collapse/bang of a Big Crunch. As I have mentioned in this thread, the relative strength between the two major forces changes as the process of arena action plays out.

  16. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #13. 4/30/2014
    I know that the whole issue of using one action process to help understand and describe the other action process is probably as unfathomable as all of my model must seem to you. Also, though when I see from the number of views that there are a few members reading the thread, I try to limit the frequency of posting. Right now the readership is as low as ever, and so more frequent posting isn't going to cause anyone to fall behind, nor is less frequent posting going to be noticed, I don't think.

    In post #11 I referred to wave-particle duality and endorsed the concept, and at the same time I equated the arena landscape of the greater universe to an environment where arenas act as waves and as particles at different stages. Just before that I had explained that arenas don't really move around, but instead they mature by expanding spherically into the surrounding low wave energy density space.

    At the arena level, expansion is the operative term in place of relative particle motion of particles at the quantum level. But as you begin to read about the quantum level and the process of quantum action, there will be a good correlation on the topic of high density spots, i.e. a correspondence between the reference to the Big Crunch that forms when two arena waves intersect and overlap, with the reference to the multiple high density spots that form within an individual particle's space as the quantum waves they are composed of intersect and overlap.

    A big crunch at the arena level equates to a single high density spot within a particle's space at the quantum level. As you may recall from "The Big Wait" thread, I predict that individual particles are composed of perhaps billions of high density spots at any given instant. It is the high density spots that establish the mass and location of a particle at any instant. It is the ongoing wave action, inflowing and out flowing, that establishes the wave nature of the particle. Both are going on simultaneously.

    Since we cannot observe our arena in its entirety, or any aspect of two arenas interacting (except maybe in respect to "dark flow"), I use the descriptions of quantum action as an analogy of arena action in regard to some details, just like I use the analogy of arena action to help describe some aspects of quantum action.

    The fact is that as the hobby-model evolved, I realized the similarities, and that realization helped further the development of the model. I relied on what seemed reasonable and responsible to portray at one level of action to help understand and describe what seemed reasonable and responsible to portray at the other level of action. The result is that the action that takes place at both levels follows similar steps, and by considering the step by step action at the two levels simultaneously, the reader can get a fuller understanding of the model.

  17. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #14. 5/2/2014
    Each time I do an update on my hobby-model, I address how waves advance through the medium of space, and with each update I am able to revise and refine it to give the model multiple new points of internal consistency. As the explanation improves, it gets more complicated, so go back and re-read past updates (if you have a few days to spare, lol). You can click on my profile, and then click "find latest threads started", to go back through years of the development of my hobby-model.

    Part of the explanation of arena wave propagation is that there is an upper limit of wave energy density that is governed by the "critical capacity" of a big crunch. The hypothesis says that only a certain amount of matter and energy can fall into a big crunch before it collapses and "bounces/bangs". It is the critical capacity of a big crunch that keeps the whole universe from falling into one final big crunch. The critical capacity leads to the collapse/bang, and out of the "bang" emerges the hot dense-state ball of wave energy, which in my model immediately begins to equalize with the low wave energy density of surrounding space as it becomes a new arena wave.

    On that basis, I model arena waves to propagate by the process of arena action where parent waves are intersecting, forming new high density spots, i.e. big crunches, and out of each crunch/bang a new arena wave is propagated.

    Employing the methodology I mentioned in post #13, I'm saying the reasonable and responsible explanation for the preconditions to a big bang, and for the propagation of big bang arena waves out of those preconditions, is an example of how I use the arena level hypothesis as an analogy of the quantum level hypothesis of the process of "quantum action". The key part of the analogy is the high density spot which I mentioned in post #13, which is a feature of both the process of arena action, the big crunches, and the process of quantum action, the "high density spots".

    The propagation of quantum level waves has the same mechanics as the propagation of arena level waves, only they occur at the opposite end of the size scale.

    If you get the analogy, you should begin to suspect that just like there is a maximumze limit of wave energy density that governs the point when wave energy density within individual particles gets combined at the heart of the collapse of a big crunch, and becomes a single arena particle, there should be a lower size limit of wave energy density that governs where the tiniest waves fade away and don't propagate at all.

    The mechanics of the process of quantum action explains the lower limit which is governed by the "time delay of compression".

    If you have read the recent posts carefully, you know that there is a countdown clock that starts with the intersection of the parent arenas, and counts down to t=0, which is the instant of the big bang. The countdown clock at the arena level corresponds with the "time delay of compression" at the quantum wave level.

    At the quantum level, the process of quantum action features the phenomenon I call pinhole action. As the tiny quantum level waves intersect, they form high density spots, and so the density at each point in the medium of space is always changing as pinhole action takes place. Parent quantum waves intersect, form high density spots, and those spots produce a spherical out-flowing quantum wave.

    There is a minimum size of a pinhole in nature that is governed by the local wave energy density and the time delay of compression. The time delay of compression is the finite duration between when two wave densities converge, and when the spherical out-flowing wave emerges; it corresponds to the countdown clock of arena action. That time delay is variable depending on the local wave energy density environment.

    Remember in post #2 I pointed out, "Equally important to the model is the sponginess itself. It takes a finite amount of time for a wave front to impose its incremental energy to the local density of the medium." Based on that hypothesis, the lower size limit of wave energy density, as governed by the time delay of compression, means that below that size limit the tiniest waves fade away and don't propagate at all. The propagation of the immediately adjacent and immediately previous wave intersections occurs before the time delay of those that have to just fade away is complete, interrupting the propagation process.

    The concept of a lower size limit of wave energy, i.e. of a propagating gravitational wave, can be mistakenly taken to refer to a minimum amount of wave energy in a given volume of space, and I don't mean it that way. What I mean is that there is a limit to how tiny a gravitational wave can be relative to waves that are meaningful to the presence of particles and gravity. When they reach the lower size limit, the time delay it takes for the wave to impress itself on the sponginess of the medium of space and produce an out-flowing wave isn't sufficient enough for a new wave to emerge before another wave interrupts it. The concept is important in regard to the "turtles all the way down" misconception of cosmology.

    Last edited: May 4, 2014
  18. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #15. 5/5/2014
    In post #14, I said that the countdown clock of arena action, corresponds to the "time delay of compression" at the quantum level. Let's examine what corresponds between the two levels, and what differentiates the two time periods.

    Note that in my model I expect there to be spherical gravitational waves of all sizes traversing the medium of space, but at both the quantum and the arena levels of action, the environment is composed of waves of specific meaningful amounts or energy, i.e. quanta pertinent to each level of action. Those quanta are meaningful in that they are governed by the invariant natural limits of wave energy density and carry the specific amount of energy necessary for the processes at each level.

    At both levels of action there is a point of intersection between two or more parent waves, and that starts the two clocks. The clock that is running at the arena level is counting down between the point of intersection of the arena waves and the big bang event, perhaps billions and billions of years. The clock that is running at the quantum level is counting down toward the emergence of a new quantum wave out of the overlap space formed by the intersection of the parent quantum waves, perhaps the shortest meaningful duration in my model.

    The time delay allows the intersecting waves to fully compress the sponginess of the medium before the new wave begins its spherical expansion. The delay occurs when the waves intersect because there is a peak in the density of wave energy in the medium at that point. Instead of the density jerking up instantly, it takes a finite amount of time to for compression to reach the peak before initiating the expansion of the new wave. As the parent waves continue to expand past that point, the elevated density declines from the peak and initiates the new wave right back into the space the parent waves had just occupied.

    That description applies to both action processes, but there is a subtle difference. At the arena level, it is the compression of gravity working on matter in the big crunch that is taking up the time during the delay, and at the quantum level it is compression of the sponginess of the medium of space caused by adding wave energy density to that space, that requires the time delay.

    At the arena level the event marks the point where particles are negated to wave energy, and where energy density equalization takes over to cause the expansion of the arena after the collapse of a big crunch. At the quantum level, the event marks the point where particles and gravity are established and maintained, and where wave energy becomes contained in particles instead of being "negated" out of particles.

    Those are the major similarities and differences in regard to the concept of a time delay in the action processes between the point of wave intersection and the point at which the new wave begins to expand. There are other subtle differences like gradient of energy density within the resulting spherical waves as internal equalization occurs, and the evolution of particles and particle decay at the two levels, that I hope to discuss later.

    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  19. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #16. 5/6/2014
    I've talked about the quantum level of order as being the opposite end of the gravity wave size scale, and by saying that, I have planted the seeds of a possible misconception about my model that now can be cleared up. In my hobby-model, all objects with mass emit and absorb gravitational waves, but the wave that is out flowing from an object is not a single wave, but instead, it is billions or trillions or even trillions of trillions of tiny quantum waves that merge together upon flowing out of the object, and are individually indistinguishable, appearing as a spherical gravitational wave front as the wave expands away from the objects.

    And yet, the wave advance of the combined wave is different from the propagation of the individual waves. It is all gravitational wave energy traversing the medium of space, but the gravitational gradient of an individual quantum wave that is expanding uninterrupted in space is graduated smoothly, with the leading wave front of higher density, and with an internal density that gradually equalizes toward the lower energy density at the center of the wave; a natural evolution of the energy density make up of a gravity wave.

    In contrast, the gradient of a combined gravitational wave, out flowing from a particle or object, is "grainy". Grainy is a term in my model that relates to the seeds of perturbation; graininess becomes more corse, as the amount of matter in the object emitting the combined wave increases. Likewise, as the gravitational energy expands away from the source, like the gravitational wave energy form an arena particle especially, the corse-grained arena wave carries with it the seeds of energy perturbations that come into play as galactic structure begins to take shape behind the arena wave front.

    I refer back to post #12 which discusses the two opposing forces in play as particles form in the arena, and the decay mechanism of the arena particle, resulting in an environment conducive to the formation of the arena's internal galactic structure.

    The process of galactic structure is multi-staged. The arena particle decays rapidly from a single massive particle equivalent to the matter and energy of a whole big bang arena, to smaller and smaller massive particles. The mechanics of the decay produces a sea of stable atom building charged particles mixed with an array of inert charge-less particles of dark matter. From that stage, galaxy formation begins.

    The "sea" contains charged particles at that point (defined by the standard particle model as various types of quarks, each with their individual properties, and charge carriers which I don't try to describe, but accept as the product of particle physics and which I invoke in my model), along with electrons and photon energy. The quarks form the nucleons, and they and the electrons form atoms of hydrogen and helium in the arena sea of particles.

    The gases clump under the local influence of gravity. The first round of stars were probably supermassive hydrogen/helium stars that would burn fast and collapse/explode, leaving a black hole in the center of a huge cloud of cosmic dust. The dust would contain heavier nuclei, and would be captive around the black hole. Each dust cloud from the massive first round stars would have the elements necessary to form a whole galaxy containing hundreds of millions of new second round stars with a black hole in the center. The clouds would also have heavier elements that formed from the heavy nuclei created in the first round stars, and so the formation of solar systems would be natural in those galaxies. Those are the galaxies that we now see.

    The seeds of the galactic structure, energy density perturbations, were contained in the course-graininess of the arena particle and its out flowing arena gravitational wave.

  20. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #17. 5/6/2014
    Let's move the discussion now to gravity's mechanism. In this thread I have mentioned quantum action numerous times. I have compared and contrasted quantum action and arena action, and have described the two major opposing forces in my hobby-model, energy density equalization and gravity. They oppose each other at all stages of both processes.

    I mentioned the countdown clocks of each process, the big crunches, big bangs, high density spots, and the inflowing and out flowing gravitational waves. Dark energy was explained, from the perspective of the model, by the hypothesis that the force of energy density equalization is stronger than the clumping effect of gravity in the expanding arena environment, but as arenas merge, gravity takes the lead as big crunches form in the overlap space, under the influence of gravity.

    All of those things involve gravity, but gravity's mechanism deserves to be described in simple layman science enthusiast terms, in its own post, consistent with the rest of my hobby-model. I'm not doing science here, just having fun modeling a universe where everything works together, is internally consistent, where nothing is inconsistent with scientific observations and data, and where there is no "spooky action at a distance", to my knowledge.

    The force of gravity works on particles because particles are composed of gravitational wave energy in quantum increments, originating with the dense state wave energy in an arena particle, which contains a big bang arena's worth of wave energy, and which decays to stable particles with mass, as described in posts #12 and #16.

    Quantum action governs the establishment and maintenance of stable particles by orchestrating the inflow, time of containment, and out flow of gravitational wave energy. And that gives rise to the concept of gravitational quanta relative to the internal mechanics of a particle. The gravitational waves that flow into a particle form intersections within the particle space, and those intersections are depicted as momentary high density spots. The number of high density spots within a particle during one quantum period represents the mass of the particle.

    A quantum period is the length of time it takes for every high density spot that exists within the particle's space at one instant, to emit its own new spherical quantum wave, and for a complete new set of high density spots to form within the particle from the intersections of those new waves. The hypothesis also recognizes that during that quantum period there will be both spherically out flowing and directionally inflowing gravitational wave energy to consider. The spherical out flow reaches out to other particles and objects, and the directional inflow arrives from distant particles and objects.

    The energy value of each high density spot produced by those wave intersections within the particle is defined as a quantum of energy, and the total number of quanta in a particle at rest is fixed, meaning the inflow equals the out flow, and in that case the particle would have no relative motion.

    Particles, however, are always in relative motion, and they move in the direction of the net highest wave energy density inflow. As a particle moves relative to other particles, it receives more of its inflowing wave energy from the net highest density direction of inflow. The hypothesis is that there are more high density spots within a moving particle, relative to the number of spots in a particle at rest, because of the increased intensity of the inflow in the direction of motion. That intensity translates to more individual waves inflowing, which creates more wave intersections within the particle space. Therefore explaining why a moving particle has more mass relative to the rest particle.

    The concept of higher wave energy intensity in the direction of motion is based on the hypothesis mentioned in post #6, stating that the gravitational wave energy density of the local environment varies. The rate that gravity waves traverse the local medium is variable relative to the variable energy density of the local environment. Particles moving relative to a rest particle will experience a higher wave energy density due to their motion, and that higher density translates to more wave intersections within the particle, more high density spots, and therefore, I hypothesize, higher mass.

    The increased energy density causes the moving particle to function slower because the waves are traversing the internal particle space slower, and its quantum period, defined above, involves more wave intersections that have to refresh each quantum period. That is what causes identical clocks in relative motion to measure time at different rates, and that is why the energy density hypothesis replaces the curvature of spacetime.

    In a nutshell, that's how gravity works in my model.

    Edit: In my previous thread, "The Big Wait', posts #53 to #56 have more detail, and this post is just an update to those posts and includes a few changes.

    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  21. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    #2. 4/8/2014 (revised 5/11/2014, Image added)
    I always want to start with the premises and axioms. They are the things that I assume to be true, and that are necessary components of my ISU cosmology, if it is to be considered internally consistent. They are givens that cannot be shown to be true or false. They may be unacceptable to some people, so let me get them out up front.

    These are the "axioms", and they represent the underlying concepts upon which my model relies, and with which my model will be completely consistent. They are what I call the three infinities; 1) The medium of space, 2) Wave energy traversing the medium of space, and 3) Time that simply passes, though time won't be measured to be passing at the same rate by identical clocks that are moving relative to each other.

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    To elaborate on those infinities, it seems logical to start with the medium of space. Speaking dimensionally, space is three dimensions and has no boundaries; it is referred to as boundless in my hobby-model. Space contains a medium that carries spherical energy waves; once a wave is propagated, it expands spherically until it is interrupted. When I refer to the three infinities, I am referring to space dimensionally with its infinite length, height, and depth, as well as the medium that fills it, and of the wave energy that is continually traversing it. None of those things had a beginning; they simply have always been that way. If that is an acceptable condition for the universe, then follow along.

    The medium of space doesn't expand, contract, bend, fold, or break, except to the extent that it hosts wave action, and therefore has a certain responsiveness to the passing of spherical waves. I call that response a sponginess that allows the density of the medium to carry waves and accommodate multiple wave fronts passing through the same space. It is as if space would be restored back to its pre-wave natural state after a wave front has passed.

    That statement is misleading when it comes to what my model maintains about the possibility of space being restored back to some pre-wave state because in a cosmology that invokes the three infinities, there never was a pre-wave state, but the concept is useful in describing the sponginess of the medium of space.

    The concept of a pre-wave natural state also is useful because it sets up for the definition of a universal average wave energy density (energy density for short) that is important because the energy density in any given volume of space can vary, and it can be useful to compare the local energy density to the universal average wave energy density for talking purposes.

    Equally important to the model is the sponginess itself. It takes a finite amount of time for a wave front to impose its incremental energy to the local density of the medium. This is the characteristic that governs the rate at which waves traverse the medium. If the local energy density is low, waves travel faster, and if the local energy density is high, waves travel slower. Therefore the factor of time is accompanied by a factor of distance. Thus there is a finite duration and a finite amount of space that it takes for the wave front to overcome the sponginess and fully impose its energy on the space it traverses. That duration and distance is governed by the energy density of the space involved, and it is a continuous process, as opposed to a discrete process.

    If the medium of space is spongy, then the name I give our universe is appropriate, "The Infinite Spongy Universe", or ISU.
  22. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member


    Hi FlipBookMan, I have way too much time on my hands, lol. The following image was added to the Infinite Spongy Universe 2014 thread.

    My technique in that thread is to number each "content" post as I go. That way, I can revise any given post by copying the numbered post, and making changes as I see fit. The revised post then appears out of order, but that will really improve my ability to keep the hobby-model current, and to present the revised version from the start from time to time.

    Adding images should also improve the understandability. Your continued help with brainstorming the model, and with simple images to present them in a way that I can draw on MSPaint would be appreciated.

    I know you gave me Adobe Illustrator, but I find it too sophisticated for me. MSPaint is so easy, and I know how to use it :shrug:. Will you still help me? I'm leaning toward a quantum coffee session on Wednesday instead of a guitar session, if you are willing. I promise to practice a little guitar most days, so missing a Wednesday guitar session shouldn't set me back.

    Give me any comments you have on the new image. I'm trying to come up with meaningful iconology, so that when I want to use the same concept in a different image, I can incorporate the icon and embed it along with other imagery. Let's chat about how to portray some of the basic concepts in simple but meaningful icons.

    Regards, QW
  23. quantum_wave Contemplating the "as yet" unknown Valued Senior Member

    For the record, the FlipBookMan declined to join SciForums and participate on line, but we have one or two weekly get togethers and discuss physics and cosmology.

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