One case by the UFO busters I can't agree with!

Discussion in 'Pseudoscience Archive' started by Reiku, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. Reiku Banned Banned

    The Men In Black

    This documentary does not impact their status, but rather the plausibility of events. I don't see the experiences or contentions of the ''witnesses'' as plausible in any sense of the word!

    also, him at 32:40 is so gay lol

    anyway, sorry.. nothing to do with the investigation, but basically everything to do with this case is unbelievable

    I do however believe that there may have been men-in-black who at one point operated a system to devoid the follow-up of civilians who where investigating the UFO-phenom, however, the cases listed here seem more like a publicity stunt.

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