Creationists please read!

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by Believe, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. Believe Happy medium Valued Senior Member

    I will start this by saying that I believe in God and in Jesus. However, I believe that this 7 day mumbo jumbo is just a translation error between God and who ever his human counter part was that wrote this down. In simple terms, these 7 days are GOD'S DAYS not mans days.

    What does this mean to you? Let me explain with a question. If you are a being of infinity, for which time and space have no meaning because you are every where and every when at the same time, what is your 7 days in human terms? I'm guessing about 13.75 ± 0.17 billion years. They didn't even understand the concept of Billion when this stuff was written.

    Why would evolution be a slow process when God can do anything it wants you may ask? Let me tell you that of course it could do anything it wants, but it created this universe the way it is for a reason. So, it probably just chooses to operate within its parameters. The bible does say that the voice of God would cause massive destruction, perhaps if it directly interacts with our world it would also cause catastrophy.

    It would simply then operate behind the scenes. When have infinate time you can simply tweek something in the big bang and change what ever you want. However, because of the way the it set up our world (gravity, matter, strong force, weak force, dark energy, chemistry, atoms, ext, ext.....) everything still takes time. The end.
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  3. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member

    So how many other things are written by humans within the Bible that are also "mumbo jumbo"? Most of it, half, a third but which half or part is? :shrug:
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  5. gmilam Valued Senior Member

    So this infinitely intelligent creator couldn't find a decent translator? That's rather sloppy work on it's part.
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  7. Believe Happy medium Valued Senior Member

    At the time it was written the rest of the world wouldn't have understood the concept of a billion, even if the writer did.
  8. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Creating life in 14 billion years is not a miracle. The only reason it was considered miraculous is because of the short timeline proposed. Get rid of the 6 days and all you are left with is natural, undirected evolution, no God required.
  9. George1 Registered Senior Member

    sorry to jump in: if God really dose exists, then this is pretty much real. the fossil evince is there, chemical evince is there, and so on. light takes million of years to reach us from Andromeda alone (2 million to be precise) so creationist who claim evolution is false, or God did it 6000 years ago just jump over it.

    Andromeda is clearly 2 million light years away, so the universe is not 6000 years as they claim. If God indeed exist (i, a mortar mere human would, so GOD...) then if he did created everything in 7 days, you'd say he would be more...accurate,careful and would care more for everything, yet according to this, he just set and watched as we fucked ourselves. it makes fuck of a more sense what says.
    but of course, i'm an atheist and don't believe in god, but if dose exists, then no human on Earth has the right religion, by far.
  10. George1 Registered Senior Member

  11. Believe Happy medium Valued Senior Member

    I agree, they are crazy indeed. That is what I was saying. I am not a creationist. God and science do not need to be mutually exclusive. The miracle not that we were created. Honestly, the miracle is that there is anyting at all. There is no reason for there to be anthing, God or not.

    BTW George 1, I love how you come over here to try to bash me just because I'm kicking your butt in the starwars vs. startrek tread.
  12. George1 Registered Senior Member

    i did not come here for anything dude, your not that important. i came here to support a fact: creationist are idiots.
    BTW, out of SW vs ST, i can put aside any rival combat. oh, and your not kicking anyone's ass, but stay on context here please.
  13. 1337spb Registered Member

    Well I hope it's worth the pain when this master plan comes together! I like the fact you are using logic though.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2011
  14. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    I had a creationist tell me that because evolution is a "theory" not a "fact" that creationism is just as valid, she couldn't understand that EVERYTHING in science is a theory but that it doesn't invalidate it
  15. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    everything is a theory? NOTHING has been proven?

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  16. superstring01 Moderator

    Were you on vacation in Texas?

  17. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    HA I wish, no it was a person in Australia who is in the health care industry. It was rather disterbing actually
  18. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    Yes everything is a theory. Even moden Med and bacteria and viruses extra is called the germ THEORY of disease.
  19. John99 Banned Banned

    It does not invalidate it because it is a theory.
  20. yaracuy Banned Banned

    It is not sloppy , It is to what audience you are speaking

    Would you talk to nonintellectuals i about subatomic particle or about splaising RNA.

    I am sure you are in some field an ignoramus, like any one of us.
  21. John99 Banned Banned

    Its just the walk along the road. What you see when you get there is factual\fact.

    Following the trail etc.
  22. gmilam Valued Senior Member

    I thought god was talking to all audiences.
  23. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    The religionists explain this by saying that God, with his unlimited supernatural powers, simply created all the light rays in transit, and all the artificially aged fossils, to make it look like the universe is thirteen billion years old. He did this to create doubt in our minds. This is a test. Only the truly faithful will discard all reason and logic and believe in him.

    He doesn't want his people to make decisions based on reasoning. He wants them to make decisions based on irrational faith.
    No, that's not right. The highest status any assertion can achieve in science is that of a theory. A theory is a hypothesis that has been proven true beyond a reasonable doubt. I borrow the language of the law because sometimes it seems like the language of science was crafted specifically to thwart communication with laymen. It's like the arcane terminology of a medieval craft guild, whose members didn't want their patrons to understand how they did their work until they joined the guild, took an oath of secrecy, and went through their apprenticeship.

    Scientific theories are derived logically from empirical observation of the natural universe's present and past behavior. Since we cannot observe its future behavior, there is always an infinitesimal chance that a new bit of evidence will occur tomorrow that will falsify a theory. This happens on rare occasions, although the theory is usually refined rather than discarded. For example Einstein adjusted Newton's Laws of Motion to accommodate observations that could not have been made with the instruments available in Newton's day. The adjustments are so subtle that they are irrelevant to laymen, except of course those who lived in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl.

    The point is that on the balance it is indeed unreasonable to doubt a scientific theory. The chance of your doubt being correct is infinitesimal. Not only that, but it takes an Einstein to find the flaw in a theory, not an undergraduate majoring in "Creation Science" at a third-rate Christian university.

    Mathematical theories, on the other hand, are absolutely true because they are derived from pure abstractions rather than observations of reality.

    And then there are the "theories" of police detectives, which are nothing more than high-probability hunches. And the "theories" of laymen, which are often just interesting speculation with virtually no supporting evidence.

    Science desperately needs a better vocabulary.

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