should there be some incentive for people who post more?

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by IXL777, Jun 6, 2003.

  1. IXL777 mature with wisdom Registered Senior Member

    should there be some incentive for people who post more?some sort of reward for the time they put in...or is it all a waste of time?
    I noticed that Wes wants to get rich on it!

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  3. Thor "Pfft, Rebel scum!" Valued Senior Member

    As I've just said in the thread about a pecking order, a reward scheme would be a very bad idea. Would encourage people to post anyway they can and a new tidal wave (or Neo Tsnami, hee hee) of crap will be upon us and who knows what this forum will deteriorate to. Maybe we'd get 12 year olds who tlk lk dis al da time, I wood go crzy 4 sure.

    It's a fate worse than death.
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  5. IXL777 mature with wisdom Registered Senior Member

    Thanx Thor , your thoughts much appreciated....
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  7. guthrie paradox generator Registered Senior Member

    I would have thought that people who post more get the satisfaction of posting lots, taking part in many conversations and arguments etc. They become part of hte furniture, and can be seen to belong to the place.
  8. gendanken Ruler of All the Lands Valued Senior Member


    Shouldn't the incentive for the miserable puke posting every 5 seconds be lessons on how to do it well?

    The only thing that posting as much as you do says about you is that you've got diarrhea, which translates to your spiel being little more than watery mounds of shit that lack substance.
  9. Xenu BBS Whore Registered Senior Member

    Isn't learning incentive enough?
  10. gendanken Ruler of All the Lands Valued Senior Member

    Says thor:
    If you mean kill-timing

    If you mean the baggage of having posters like IXLl777 on Sciforums latched on like parasites............yes.

    Fucking barnacle.
  11. fredx Banned Banned

    IXL777 is getting raped, hmmm, I wonder why?
    I guess its because he is such a super genious that is superior to us. Its a shame they let someone teach people when they have the mentality of a really bratty 16 year old.

    There is no incentive, thats why I never share my best ideas with anyone, its for my writing only, so I can make money one day.
  12. gendanken Ruler of All the Lands Valued Senior Member


    Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER cast your pearls before swine.

    Rule to live by.
  13. airavata portentous Registered Senior Member

    Would just encourage people to post loads of crap. the crap factor here would go up even more than it already has.
  14. IXL777 mature with wisdom Registered Senior Member

    quote:IXL777 is getting raped, hmmm, I wonder why?
    I guess its because he is such a super genious that is superior to us.
    I knew you had the brains of a rocking horse Fred X , now you have just prooved it

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  15. gendanken Ruler of All the Lands Valued Senior Member

    Theres a disease flaming through the tight knit circle of posters in the 1000s range (specifically those with 1696), and its got them by the balls like syphillys. It spawns this crazy notion that seniority could somehow make Einsteins from Pee Wees.

    I wonder if this is why you somehow think your posts worth reading.

    And you, sir, can join those of big talkers - small doers. (though something tells me you were born there)

    Can't say it louder, laddie: IXL77, you're an impeccable pissworm.

    Want to or ought to?? You can't possibly think I'd want to.....

    That's been happening lately, this closing off my threads. I smell, among other things of which one of them is loud IXL77ish stupidity, a conspiracy.

    Either a mod's got it for me or God, like you, is an asshole.
  16. revbill2001 Registered Senior Member

    Can't we all just get along

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  17. IXL777 mature with wisdom Registered Senior Member

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2003
  18. gendanken Ruler of All the Lands Valued Senior Member

    "Dickhead", isn't that still only chique in sandboxes? You know, like cooties?

    I've said it before and dare I say it again.......IXL777, you're either a pubescent snot, fat, Christian or a woman.

    Foaming Baptist with a chip on his shoulder......
    A pan-quasi?

    Or deluded nightmare that should have been snuffed 1696 posts ago?

    ((plays some Jeapordy music))
  19. Thor "Pfft, Rebel scum!" Valued Senior Member

    Right, everyone please take a chill pill and get back to the original topic, please!!

    Oh man, I'm acting like a monkey. Everyone just back off with the unessecary cursing and have a polite discussion talking about something other than dicks.

    This is what I was talking about in the other thread. It doesn't matter how many posts you have or how long you've been here or what country you're from. We all have to stop thinking like this. We're all part of a community now and post counts are really only a valid measure of how many posts you've made and how long you've been here is only a valid measure of how experienced you are with this forum. That's it. No seniorority for people with higher post counts.

    Even though I am not a huge fan of gendanken, I have to admit he/she does have a point.

    Damn, I hate these kind of threads that spiral out of control.
  20. gendanken Ruler of All the Lands Valued Senior Member

    WHAT??!! Not a huge fan? You mean there's such a thing?

    Kidding. I wonder why not though.

    BTW, gendanken is now, was , has and always will be a she.
  21. Mephura Applesauce, bitch... Valued Senior Member


    I really wish I could understand where you are coming from. Its true that apparently you have been on here longer than I have, But I really don't understand the sentament.

    IXL seemed a bit arogant to me at first, but I just took it as a challenge. After I met him head on (in a freindly manner) we have gotten along fine.

    I looked at this place as somewhere to learn, share, and hopefully grow as a person, not someplace to have 3rd grade after school fights.

    of course we can't.

    Can we at least try to not get along civilly?
  22. Distortion melted down Registered Senior Member

    Oh the drama!

    Common, children...

    Quality... not quantity.
  23. IXL777 mature with wisdom Registered Senior Member

    quote:I've said it before and dare I say it again.......IXL777, you're either a pubescent snot, fat, Christian or a woman.

    first of all you shouldn't undermine Christians, women or fat people that is discriminatory and shows your shallow, conceited, arrogant plebian character.

    quote:Foaming Baptist with a chip on his shoulder......
    A pan-quasi?

    goofey fish would not like what you are saying as he is a christian

    Or deluded nightmare that should have been snuffed 1696 posts ago?

    your 250 posts set a new record for having the most threads closed in such a short time.

    I can only repeat what Fred X said:
    do not expect us to be nice to you asshole!

    p.s. don't forget this forum has to cater for all different levels of intellect..........therefore the threads have to be light hearted..if you want a deep discussion go to the other threads

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