Lynndie England, the iraqi jail guard, bitch from hell facing 10 years in jail!!!!!

Discussion in 'World Events' started by vincent, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    They're prisoners. They deserve the worst. They shouldn't have gotten caught fighting on the wrong side.
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  3. Roman Banned Banned

    England broke our country's laws, Baron. Should we make excuses for her?
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  5. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    No. And I never said anything like that in any of my posts ......and you know it, don't you, Roman?! ...LOL!

    Baron Max
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  7. Roman Banned Banned

    This is what you said, no? If her teachers, parents, etc are to blame, then who to punish?
  8. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    "Well, perhaps more to blame are the people who raised her? ...or the teachers in the schools who kept passing her into the next grade without seriously considering her problems? ...or perhaps the society that allows so much "freedom" that the members can't weed out those who'd do the society harm?"

    Hey, Roman, now I know you can't read!! See those little marks at the end of each of the sentences I wrote? Do you know what those mean? And do you also know that I wrote those sentences in response to someone else's post should read ALL of the post, Roman, before you try to comprehend any of it. Wanna' try again???? ...LOL!

    Baron Max
  9. Roman Banned Banned

    Baron, what the hell are you going on about?

    Oh, the question marks. Right. You know that a question can be posed rhetorically, and you do it all the time.

    So, why are you asking such idiotic questions?
  10. Viva_el_Che Registered Senior Member

    I think its more the US Militarys fault.

    Other people in the army would have known this was going on and turned their heads, looked the other way. But people wouldn't just do that. Most people are outraged with the way england acted, so unless the entire US Army is filled with people like england someone would have said to the soldiers "You didn't see nothing".

    But it would have to be from someone of a higher rank, and who does he/she get his/her orders from, the next person up and they get their orders from the next person up etc etc until it can go no higher.

    The point i am trying to make is that the highest people in the military would have known about it and IMO let them do it until it became publicly aware, England is a scapegoat for the entire scandal but the people higher up are giving the orders that its ok to torture and abuse prisoners.

    They should be the ones imprisoned along with the people actually performing these horrendous acts.

    P.S Most of what i said is based on my knowledge of the incident which is not too good, so if i have said anything wrong when it came to facts or based anything else on facts that are wrong please just ignore me

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  11. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    And yet, not really knowing much of anything, you made all of those vile accusations of criminal activity?????? ...just like that? ...without knowing shit, you accuse people of being criminals??

    What the fuck is wrong with you?

    Baron Max
  12. aghart Registered Senior Member

    You have just said all that has to be said. You are 100% correct.
  13. Viva_el_Che Registered Senior Member

    Baron you are right to say what have said, but thats just my interpretation of whats going on, some on said if the pictures never surfaced they never would have gone on trial, so who was going to say something about it? would it have just kept on happening?

    All I'm saying is if it did keep on happening the people who turn their heads are to blame as well as the people who did it, i'm sorry if you mis-interpreted that or i just said it unclearly
  14. Osama bin laden Registered Member

    This bitch, has a set of balls, i will take her into my harem.
  15. justiceusa Registered Senior Member

    I saw an Army captain interviewed on TV today. He said that what we call abuse of the prisoners in Iraq was standard treatment for prisoners in Afghanistan. It was what the interrogators did to them that was the real abuse.
  16. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    Actually, they weren't caught figting at all.
    The majority of teh people in that prison were civilians not charged with any crimes and not participating in the "insurgency".
  17. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    And he admitted that all of his "information" was second and third hand rumors and unsubstantiated allegations. It would be nothing more than citing some of the "stories" floating around the sciforums and other Internet sites.

    Baron Max
  18. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Where did you get that information?

    And in Iraq, what's the difference between a "civilian" and an "insurgent"? Just the "uniform", perhaps? Or do they tatoo "insurgent" on their foreheads?

    Please provide your sources and evidence.

    Baron Max
  19. justiceusa Registered Senior Member

    His allegations are unsubstantiated only because the Pentagon chose not to investigate them. He told them everything they needed to know to push the abuse scandal up to the command level. What would his motives be to spread false allegations??

    Had there been no pictures there would have been only second hand rumors in the original investigation. I would trust a A West point graduates personal word more than internet "stories" any day.
  20. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    So you think the Pentagon (or any other company?) should spend time and money to investigate any and all unsubstantiated allegations and accusations? ...just jump up and assume that something's true? a nation where we're innocent until proven guilty in a court of law?

    Even the investigative reporter for NBC was skeptical of his allegations ....due mainly to the fact that his info was admittedly 2nd-3rd hand. I.e., nothing but rumors!

    Didn't get his promotions as quick as he wanted? ...was passed over in favor of another person (who happened to be part of the allegations?). ...he was upset at having to go to Iraq? ...he was upset at the army? ...he had PMS?

    You and others seem to be ONLY able to see all of this with your excellent 20/20 hindsight! In the real world, no one can or should accept any accusations or allegations without some evidence or substantiating facts. If we did so, our legal system would be nothing but a shambles!

    How would you like it if the police investigated you or your family based on only someone's unsubstantiated allegations or accusations? Would you approve that as much as you seem to approve the military doing it?

    Baron Max
  21. justiceusa Registered Senior Member

    None of those things would cause a soldier to ruin his career by making false allegations.

    Most criminal investigations begin when someone makes an accusation.

    That happens all of the time. The police corroborate the facts in the accusations before investigating. The Pentagon choose not to.
  22. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Ahh, he might ahve been paid a gazillion dollars for his exclusive interview! See? You don't know either, yet ye're defending his UN-subtatiated allegations and accusations! That's wrong! We're a nation of laws and without it, we're nothing but barbarians.

    NOT UN-substantiated allegations!! No one with any brains at all would "investigate" such bullshit accusations without SOME form of evidence. And it's a damned good thing, too. Our laws protect people from just that same sort of thing (except, apparently, rape and child-molestation allegations .....with those, even a hint is enough to ruiin a person's entire life!!). ...or is that what you want??

    Baron Max
  23. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    Read a little more about the "unsubstantiated allegations" here.
    Testimony from prisoners, soldiers, brass ALL point to systematic abuse stemming from a lack of supervision, a lack of support and a practical war zone at the prison.

    You are an intelligent man. Don't make an ass out of yourself by simply making shit up and reaching for blind justifications without doing at least A LITTLE research.
    It'e pretty obvious that you really don't know anything about what happened there, so why make excuses and justifications for the actions? Is it just partisan justifications? Is it a defensive act stirred up by what you see as "anti-Americanism"?
    You are arguing without ANY facts to back you up, yet you berate others for going on gut instincts and saying they believe someone is guilty without supporting evidence.
    Are you really THAT hypocritical?

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