Cindy Sheehan Dishonors Her Son's Good Name

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Brutus1964, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. Cottontop3000 Death Beckoned Registered Senior Member

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  3. mikasa11 Registered Senior Member

    “I think the president ought to get on the phone with the OPEC cartel and say, ‘We expect you to open your spigots.’ … The president of the United States must jawbone OPEC members to lower the price.”
    Presidential Candidate George W. Bush
    February 2, 2000

    “I would work with our friends in OPEC to convince them to open up the spigot, to increase the supply. … Use the capital that my administration will earn, with the Kuwaitis or the Saudis, and convince them to open up the spigot.”
    Presidential Candidate George W. Bush
    June 28, 2000

    “We're dependent upon crude. … I would hope the administration would convince our friends in OPEC to open the spigots.”
    Presidential Candidate George W. Bush
    June 22, 2000
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  5. Brutus1964 We are not alone! Registered Senior Member


    Suppose George Bush woke up tomorrow and decided that Cindy Sheehan is right and he ordered an immediate withdrawal from Iraq? What would happen and who would it benefit?

    We only have to look at history. When we cut and ran out of Vietnam it resulted in the death of millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians. While the “peaceniks” and leftists in this country were celebrating our capitulation, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia and ruled with an iron fist. They slaughtered millions of men, women, and children. More died after the we pulled out than during the entire Vietnam War.

    A similar fate would be visited upon the Iraqi people and surrounding areas, but this time it would be in a much more critical part of the world. The insurgence would rightly claim victory and push for control of the country. Hundreds of thousands would die. Iran and Syria would exploit the power vacuum and send in their own troops. When all is said and done the most likely scenario would be a Taliban type rule that would come to power in Iraq, and terrorists would control a good percentage of the world’s oil supplies.

    Osama Bin Laden would correctly discern our weakness and exploit it even further. It was our quick pull out of Somalia after just a few casualties that emboldened Bin Laden to plan 9/11. A pullout of Iraq would confirm that we are indeed a paper tiger that can be defeated.

    With a weakened United States the world would be a much less secure place. Like it or not we are the glue that holds civilization together. Without the US, dictators and tyrants would rise up unimpeded. Many liberals revere the UN, but without the United States backing it up it would be more pitiful than it is now.

    If we were to listen to Cindy Sheehan, and her leftist backers it would benefit the very people that took the life of Casey Sheehan. Once President Bush made the decision to go to war, the United States was committed for the long haul. We cannot quit until Iraq is stabilized and they can defend themselves. Until then we are there, the alternative is too terrible to comprehend.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2005
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  7. URI IMU Registered Senior Member

    >> Anti-war protestor Cindy Sheehan, whose soldier son Casey was killed in Iraq, ..

    Shame on you Cindy Sheehan! A true mother would not do this to her son! >>

    Shame on you and Bush, this brave lady has paid the ultimate sacrifice by the slaughter of her son.

    She should be respected rather than derided, she should be listened to, rather than being used as a political scumbag.

    All citizens stand up and say NO WARS.... nah they are all gutless.

    The pollies propaganda is designed to terrify everyone.

  8. Jagger Registered Senior Member

    Ummmmm.....these are many of the very reasons why so many opposed the war in the first place-consequences..Ooops, yes......and aren't these some of the very same reasons why Bush's father, the first, decided not to go to Baghdad during the first Gulf War....ummm...forgot about that.

    You are the one who decided to jump off the cliff. Blaming Cindy Sheehan won't stop you from hitting the ground..... because decided to jump off that cliff. Can't really change jumping off a cliff but Cindy wants to know why you decided to jump off the cliff in the first place...and killing her son in the process.

    Bush has lied about Iraq from day one. Time for some answers and some consequences.

    "As reliable as the setting sun, Neocons are always wrong."
  9. zanket Human Valued Senior Member

    Please, Brutus1964, learn some history. Vietnam was on the verge on internationally monitored democratic elections when the US attacked. The blame for all 4.7 million deaths in that war (estimate, since many whole families were vaporized by our carpet bombings and napalmings) fall squarely on the shoulders of Americans. There's good reason why the Vietnamese call it the American War. Yes, when we cut and ran we let brutal dictatorship take over--but we were just as brutal so what does that matter? We were responsible for letting those dictators take over, by leaving power vacuums with our destruction. Did you know that Nixon approved about $4 billion in reparations (compensation for wrongdoing, and a lot more in today's dollars), but then congress nixed it? Most of what you learned in school about Vietnam was propaganda.
  10. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    And no blame falls on the regime of Ho Chi Min and his violent communist take-over of the South Vietnamese? Why not? Those in the south did NOT want him to win ....and they fought valiantly to prevent it.

    Only America is to blame for it, huh? No blame falls on France? No blame falls on Ho Chi Min? No blame falls on the Chinese? one else?

    Baron Max
  11. Brutus1964 We are not alone! Registered Senior Member

    Liberals will never blame tyrants and dictators. It is always The United States fault. To leftists, we are the ultimate evil in the world. Neither the United States nor George Bush started this war. It was Saddam Hussein. He is the one responsible. If he had no WMD's then he should have proved it and cooperated with the inspectors. He did not live up to the cease fire agreements of the first gulf war.

    It was not George Bush that took the life of Casey Sheehan. It was terrorists and insurgence that are trying to deny freedom to the Iraqi people, the very thing that Casey was fighting and died for. If we pull out the people who killed Casey will have won. Is that what Cindy Sheehan wants?
  12. zanket Human Valued Senior Member

    He is not blameless, but we are still fully responsible because he was predicted to win a democratic election when we attacked to thwart that. He was able to become a dictator because we gave him the grand opportunity to do that.

    Fighting to prevent democracy is not valiant. In the US, even when the majority supports a president as bad as Bush clearly is, the minority does not start a civil war.

    The blame is fully ours for the misery that happened there once we got involved. A bomber of a bank is fully responsible for money lost to looters. (Doesn't mean the looters shouldn't get punished too. If two people murder someone, they are both fully responsible. They each get full prison sentences, not half sentences.)
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2005
  13. zanket Human Valued Senior Member

    We certainly cause the vast majority of its problems.

    Nope. He was a dictator who survived mainly through our support. We double-crossed him to start Gulf War I. (He asked us for permission to invade Kuwait; we gave him the green light.)

    That was the most telling part of the mess, when Rumsfeld demanded that Saddam prove he had no WMDs. Such is logically impossible, and showed that our leadership either is incredibly dumb or seeks dictatorship. (I vote the latter.)

    A war we started when we double-crossed him. (I have no problem with ousting Saddam to replace him with democracy. But Iraq will continue to be a dictatorship under US control, with no significant improvement in their standard of living.)

    The “insurgents” are mostly freedom fighters. They resist the new US dictatorship. The Iraqis will certainly end up with dictatorship regardless, because we’ll make sure of that one way or another. There is too much American oil profit at stake to do otherwise. The only question is whether we’ll have direct control or indirect control (less profit). Casey Sheehan was cannon fodder for the corporations that bankrolled Bush and now seek a giant return on their investment.
  14. Jagger Registered Senior Member

    Actually Saddam did let the inspectors back in. Remember the rockets that were destroyed because they had a range of 50KM too far.

    The inspectors were allowed back in but didn't find any WMD's because there weren't any. The Bush admin invaded anyway.

    Anybody read the Downing Street Memo? The Bush neocons were manufacturing any sort of stupid reason they could which would fool the mass of people. There aren't many fools left that still think the invasion was justified.
  15. zanket Human Valued Senior Member

    Seems to me the majority of Americans still think that. Even if they knew about the Downing Street Memo, they wouldn't believe it. Their Beloved Leader told them the invasion was justified--then it's true.
  16. Brutus1964 We are not alone! Registered Senior Member

    With Cindy Sheehan I was reluctant to write about her at first because I did have sympathy for her, and still do for the loss of her son. however, just like the Jersey Girls, Cindy Sheehan is using the natural compassion that people feel towards a grieving family member and twisting it to further a political agenda.

    "How can you criticize grieving mothers, and wives? how heartless of you!" This statement is an example of the emotional blackmail their supporters are employing to silence any criticism. This is not right because we would never criticize thm solely on the fact they are grieving for loved ones. They have injected themselves into a political debate. They cannot do that without expecting the opposition to speak up against Them.
  17. zanket Human Valued Senior Member

    Agreed that it is okay to criticize her. It is also okay for her to use people's natural compassion for political means; Martin Luther King Jr. did that.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2005
  18. Jagger Registered Senior Member

    And maybe she is so angry at Bush for the useless death of her son that she wants to hurt him in any way she can. Neocons should understand that line of emotion.
  19. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    No, she wants to dictate American foreign policy. No one person should ever have that kind of authority ...and certainly not by using threats! (Isn't that the way of terrorists?)

    Baron Max
  20. Cottontop3000 Death Beckoned Registered Senior Member

    Fuck you Barren Max. You are a total imbecile. Are you really old? You sound like a moronic 7-year old. You should be shot, immediately. Just like your God-damned Pat Robertson says Hugo Chavez should be. Moron.
  21. Clockwood You Forgot Poland Registered Senior Member

    As, how polite and tactful. It warms the heart.
    *rolls eyes*
  22. superluminal I am MalcomR Valued Senior Member


    This woman loses her son and as a citizen who's paid a price higher than most of us can imagine, decides to speak out for what she thinks is right, and by way of protest threatens to withold some funding for that government. She is then demonized and called a bad mom who is dishonoring her son. Hmm. Here's a woman who is suggesting that maybe if we get the fuck out of the rest of the worlds face that the US and the whole world might be a cozier place to live, and maybe fewer moms worldwide would lose their sons to war or terrorism. Hmm. Let me think...

    Nah. It's a stupid idea. We should police the whole world. After all, we're better than everyone else. They need us. Poor backward fools.
  23. Cottontop3000 Death Beckoned Registered Senior Member

    What's the point in being polite and tactful if it allows my country to get involved in a war somewhere it has no business being? Do a few fucking cuss words offend you so much?

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