
Discussion in 'Science & Society' started by duendy, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. duendy Registered Senior Member

    jezzzusa yu and your 'absolu--fukin-lutes, whatever they are.
    have you not SEEN the disgustingly, obscence photographs of human being, naked, humiliated, degraded, tortured. Does that obscentity have no effect on you?? you are an ABSOLUTE disgrace!
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  3. Blue_UK Drifting Mind Valued Senior Member

    Torture is something to be avoided at all cost, but I don't see why just because "I wouldn't like it to happen to me" means "I shouldn't use it on other people".

    The feeling of compassion is a very strong feeling in most people - and I am no exception. But I fully acknowledge that it is just that - a feeling. I am prepared to take the pain when I put salt on a wound to disinfect it (in fact, when I know what's causing the pain and have no fear of being further damaged, it doesn't really cause that much discomfort) and this can also be applied to pain caused emotionally.

    If you truly understand that emotional pain, 'right' and 'wrong' are just signals then you can bring your self to do some pretty terrible things for your own benefit.

    Please don't judge me too quickly, I do believe that justice should be in place to protect members of our society (I won't do you, if you won't do me). Of course, if another society is unable to 'do us' then there is no reason to extend this nicety to them. Least of all for the sake of misunderstood compassion.
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  5. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Yeah, I saw those pictures. So what? Those people have no value to me, they're someone that I don't even know, why should I give a big rat's ass what happens to them? What I supposed to have compassion for people just 'cause they look like they might by human? Why?

    You seem to have so much compassion for humanity, why are you not overly wrought about the 8,000 kids that died today of EASILY CURED diseases? That's right, some 8,000 kids die every single day ...EVERY SINGLE DAY! Yet you're makin' a major issue out of "torturing" a few lousy prisoners. Wow!

    If you want to exercise your compassion, pick something that really means something, not just what the media says you should be concerned about and shows you a few "oh, my god" pictures.

    If that means that I'm different from you, then thank you very much!

    Baron Max
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  7. rae Registered Member


    This right here, is american patriotism, at its finest.

    I think it's sad that you'd follow blindly without asking questions for yourself as to why someone would ask you to do such things. That is how war happens in the first place. People follow blindly, and fall for propaganda.
  8. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    So why do you think we elect senators and representatives? You seem to be suggesting that the citizens should do all of that for themselves away with the government officials altogether?! Or that we should elect them, but never listen to them or let them do their jobs?!

    Baron Max
  9. spuriousmonkey Banned Banned

    Since true democracy doesn't exist in this world personal responsibility is still of importance in dealings with 'your' government.
  10. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Why be in Iraq, then? Why not leave now? Oh, because we are supposed to help the Iraqi people? The people we tortured are the Iraqi people! What's that, tough love?
  11. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Yeah, but see, I don't think we "tortured" them! Even with all the pictures and bullshit commentary. I underwent much of the same "torture" in boot camp, for god's sake!! Torture? No, I don't think so ....well, maybe for a bunch of mamby-pamby, doo-gooder, wussies ...maybe!

    Baron Max
  12. Thersites Registered Senior Member

    You forget, BM, that there are also secret CIA run camps. If this is what the USA does in supposedly civilised detention centres, what do they do there? In fact, your own attitude suggests that your time in"boot camp" did you quite a bit of psychological damage, even though, presumably you were there voluntarily, and knwew the limits of what yopu chose to undergo.
  13. Don Quixote Registered Member


    Not really that frightening. Just shows how dumb the average middle aged american male is.

    hmmmm...I suppose that is firghtning enough
  14. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    As long as I'm not the one being tortured, I don't care, because it's not me being tortured.
  15. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Well, if they're secret, how do you know about them?

    Whenever anyone wants to scare the public, all they have to do is suggest "something" that the CIA is doing .....and the sheeple get all nervous and uptight. What a fuckin' joke!

    "Psychological damage"? What the fuck is that? ....LOL! How do you measure that? ...take out the brain and weigh it or something?! ...LOL!

    Baron Max
  16. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Yes and that's true of most people. But the news media has made it fashionable and trendy to "care"! being the good little followers that most people are, they pretend to "care" and pretend to be upset and worried.

    What I find so interesting is that during any of the national/international disasters or conflicts or problems, the amount of dollars spent on entertainment in the US remains about the same. What does that tell you about how much people "care"?

    During the tsunami disaster, when people were asked to give money, the dollars spent on entertainment actually went UP slightly! ....LOL! Oh, yeah, people "care" .......and to prove it, they just say so. ...LOL!!

    Baron Max
  17. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    I would make an exception for the BTK killer, he should have done to him what he did to others.
  18. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Well, if you can make an exception for one individual, then we can make exceptions to any individual, right? So, I agree, let's torture the BTK killer .....but then I want to add a couple of more people to the exception, okay? ;=)

    Is the BTK killer worse the al-Zarquawi? Osama bin whats-his-name? Saddam Hussy? Mugabe?

    My personal thought is that torture is okay for anyone and everyone! In the olden days, torture was good show for the people of the towns and villages ...sorta' like television and movies and video games are today, huh?

    Baron Max
  19. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    I would do it just for the justice of it, not to get any real information out of him. If people were honest about it, I could see doing the same to Osama or Zarquawi, but not to Saddam, since his exploits were largely with our blessings. All the underlings and people that were sold to us because of some unknown grudge someone had against them, and people we have no idea are innocent or guilty should all be treated fairly.
  20. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    I agree ....we should torture them all equally!

    But like I said, if you can justify it for one person, someone can justify for others. I have no problem with it, I don't know the people and don't give one damned shit about 'em.

    Baron Max
  21. Thersites Registered Senior Member

    Because their existence is acknowledged, not where most of them are or much about exactly what they do. Given the CIA's record, if they keep quiet about something it's almost certainly unpleasant and probably loopy.

    No, just read what you write
  22. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Then it isn't secret, is it?

    Baron Max
  23. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    The real purpose of the torture in Guantanimo, I'm beginning to realize, is not to get information at all. It is to establish a reputation about Guantanimo and other prisons so that we can threaten people with getting sent there. It's another psy-op. Maybe we really did abuse a couple prisoners as an experiment, but it only shows how desperate the administration is, and how stupid.

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