Who created God?

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by Saint, Jun 6, 2005.

  1. Saint Valued Senior Member

    If Everything must have a cause (causes) in order to exist, then, who created God?

    If God does not need to be created, then how can he exist?
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  3. cato less hate, more science Registered Senior Member

    that is the best single argument against creationism. the answer is: god(s) don’t exist.
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  5. qwerasdfzxcv Registered Senior Member

    i think god has always existed. just like the universe.
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  7. Ozymandias Unregistered User Registered Senior Member

    Why so?

    I don't see why God's nature should be constricted to the requirement that God was created at some point. Why should it be that way?
  8. qwerasdfzxcv Registered Senior Member

    I also dont get that....why did god have to be created???
  9. Lori_7 Go to church? I am the church! Registered Senior Member

    Imagine a dimension in which there is no time, no beginnings, no endings, everything is infinite and eternal.
  10. SkinWalker Archaeology / Anthropology Moderator

    Imagine a dimension in which Barney, the purple dinosaur, is the supreme being. Such a boundless thing is just as likely.

    The truth of the matter is, it could be our own universe that has existed for an infinity. Suggesting that there is a god that created a universe implies that there was a god that created the universe and god that this one was in and so on for an endless chain of creators. In otherwords, poppycock.
  11. Ozymandias Unregistered User Registered Senior Member

    Again, what necessitates a creator of God?
  12. Lori_7 Go to church? I am the church! Registered Senior Member

    It's actually extremely likely that there exists dimensions that we are unaware of. Or are you of the dumb-ass "we already know everything there is to know" mentality?
  13. Jeremirroer probably smarter than you... Registered Senior Member

    obviously nobody could know who created God. And why does it matter?

    God is infinite, he's been around for ever. It's a concept we can't understand, so don't try understanding it or you'll....

    get confused

    never go outside and play

    never get a girlfriend

    become depressed

    eventually die, and no-one will miss you

    My advice is just concentrate on living. Seriously, what do you hope to gain from knowing who created God? So you can worship that guy!?

    come on, get real, grow up.

    If it makes you feel better, I created God. Me. but i'm not telling you how.
  14. SkinWalker Archaeology / Anthropology Moderator

    If we are "unaware" of them, how then do you quantify the "extremely likely" part. Even proponents of Multiverse Theory don't use the term "extremely likely."

    I certainly don't think we "know all there is to know," and this is one of the reasons why I view the gods of human religions as nonsense. At one time, Christians believed that Haley's comet was a message from their god. Now we know that thisis simply a ball of ice caught in the Sun's gravity and in a regular, predictable orbit. I believe the more we "know" and discover, the more we will invalidate more of the various superstitions of religions.
  15. Saint Valued Senior Member

    i think most probably God is a being created by human's imagination to explain the unknowns.
  16. craterchains (Norval What will you know tomorrow? Registered Senior Member

    Then again, maybe this is the once that "evolution" produced the first SILF,
    Sentient Intelligent Life Form, and, I couldn't agree with SkinWalker more on the
    point of "religion". Truth, is all I seek too.

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  17. psycho-sth-african Registered Member

    Well there are 3 ways to answer this question the first has allready been answered by definition God doesnt need a Creator, but some of you has allready disagreed with that.
    Ths second is the law of cause and effect. Scietifically the Cause has to be greater than the effect because of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. From this we can assume that wahtever cuased the universe (through Big bang or which ever way) has to be bigger than the universe. Now if you go back and back you have one of 2 options either you get an infinitely big Cause (God) or you realize that inifinte regression is absurb. How can you get here from an infinite number of cause before the time (Hilberts hotel and the question of how long will it take to climb to the halfway, quaterway etc point of a bottomless pit?). So therefore whatever cause the first effect must be infitely Big, or at least bigger than the universe ie. There has to be a creator of some kind and that is God.
    The 3rd i'll hav to work on writing down because at this stage i have only explained it but it once again reles on the prinicple of cause and effect but also the law of non-contradiction. will try to put it inot words asap, but i cant garuntee anything
    Hopw this at least make you think
  18. Lori_7 Go to church? I am the church! Registered Senior Member

    Because we were "unaware" of all scientific knowledge until discovering it, investigating it, understanding it. If advancements in science and technology are continually increasing at an increasing rate, then it's apparent that we don't know much to date, in relation to what there is to know. That is what's been proven true throughout history. We were unaware of molecular structures, bacteria, viruses, and dust mites until we developed a microscope. We were unaware of the existence of other galaxies before we developed a telescope.

    God can use a ball of ice to send a message. God can use anything He wants to mean different things to different people. Science and God are not mutually exclusive. Science is the how, God is the why. God designed and created everything that we discover with our science.
  19. SkinWalker Archaeology / Anthropology Moderator

    It's funny how "messages from god" become more and more obscure and vague in direct proportion to the technology and advancements of society.

    When only a few, elite people possessed the technology of writing and the ability to record an event was limited to anecdote alone, the Judeo-Christian god spoke directly to his/her cult followers. Now, in an era of cameras on every cell phone, voice-recorders, and methods of measuring most observed events, god only speaks to those we are least likely to listen to anecdotes from.

    Speaking to god is considered prayer. When god speaks to you, it's schizophrenia.
  20. Lori_7 Go to church? I am the church! Registered Senior Member


    That's your opinion, and it is because you don't want to believe in God. And the messages that I've received from Him have been very specific, loud, and clear.
  21. jayleew Who Cares Valued Senior Member

    The problem you have is your perception of Christians is distorted by Christians. God doesn't agree with religious people. Does he hate them? Maybe, but I don't claim to know what goes through a mind of a being who created the universe. I don't like "Christians" because they give the term "Christian" a bad name. Corinthians and Romans talks about these "Christians"

    "Christians" put God in their own box to their own level of understanding. They want to believe that things like Haley's comet is a sign from God. Who knows, I don't care really. Everything is relative with "Christians".

    The one thing that I have found in my journey is that if you don't believe in God, you may as well kill yourself because sinning (ignoring everyone and everything but yourself) day in and day out is pointless to eternity, and doing good is pointless to eternity. Everything will pass away and we forget the works of good men who were our fore fathers, just as I will be forgotten.

    So, if you are going to believe in a god, then the God of Abraham is THE God because it is the ONLY one that is the least poppycock with circumstantial evidence that it is the truth. It is the ONLY ancient belief today that was not made in the last few hundred years. It is the ONLY belief where one could have a good (even if controversial) argument that every prophecy told has come to pass.

    So, we are left with the choice. Do we believe or not. Do we follow God or not. That has always been the choice for milleniums.
    If we choose to believe and there is a God, we have everything to gain.
    If we choose to believe and there is no God, we have lived a great life that will echo an eternity.
    If we choose not to believe and there is a God, we have everything to lose.
    If we choose not to believe and there is no God, who cares (we are dead anyway).

    So, the best choice is to believe in the most evident religion, in the hopes that it is true. That is the beginnings of having faith.

    I find it ironically exciting to see that the more someone tries to disprove Christianity, the more they find the truth in it.

    I sought the truth and I found it by looking for evidence to disprove the existence of God. It was not an easy road afterwards, but I follow God today. I am a screwup and a sinner, but I know I am and I want to do better for the good of God and mankind.
  22. cato less hate, more science Registered Senior Member

    what necessitates a creator of man?
    why did the universe have to be created?
    why should the universe's nature be constricted to the requirement that the universe was created at some point?

    the simple answer is: if you acknowledge that everything does not need a creator, then there is no reason to hold onto a untested, nonsensical, and antiquated theory of god.
  23. jayleew Who Cares Valued Senior Member

    Good question. No one knows.

    If everthing must have a cause (causes) in order to exist, then who/what created the universe? Who/what created the electron?

    Energy is constant, but space(void) cannot create the electron. There must be something or someone who created the electron. The dust of the universe.

    So, we have a choice. Accept the creation on faith that someone/something created the electron, or that the electron created itself.

    Why is it so hard to accept the creation by faith. We open a can of greenbeans in faith that it is not going to poison us. We have faith that we won't be killed in a car accident on the way to work.

    If you don't believe in a being, then you are rolling the dice, and the odds are against you. If you believe in a being, then you have nothing to lose (right or wrong). We all want our own way so bad that we forget about the homeless person down the street, or the hurting widow with children. And we sleep at night knowing that our belly is full and nothing else matters because we feel good inside, but we are again hungry the next day.

    Wouldn't it be nice to not be hungry again? The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Folks, I am truly satisfied. I am stressed and in debt over my ears, people close to me die like flies, and my country is turning to the crapper, but I am content and happy because God has always brought me through for years and he will feed me tomorrow.

    Why does it take some tragic event for people to realize that we need God? We think we are immortal, until we are faced with death.

    I hope that God is there on the other side of death as he promises, but if I'm wrong I've had the best life, and I can die happy with a clear conscience. I choose to hope and have faith that God created himself, because I'm tired of losing when I gamble. Life has shown me what it has to offer, and I am reminded that I don't belong here by the drug dealer on the corner and the pedifiler next door. I am liar, but I know I am, and I look to one who is perfect to fullfill his promises to make me clean. He gives me a peace that is past understanding.

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