Global Climate Strike

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Beer w/Straw, Sep 20, 2019.

  1. Beaconator Valued Senior Member

    Wait a minute!

    Plants can turn c02 into carbon and oxygen, but hydrogen peroxide makers aren't liable for anything!?!?!?!

    As far as we know hydrogen peroxide doest react with co2.

    Meaning h2o2 is just good at making your teeth white while your getting a divorce!
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  3. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    lol at the climate change denier trolls trolling the thread
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  5. Truck Captain Stumpy The Right Honourable Reverend Truck Captain Valued Senior Member

    if you're interested, check this out:

    If you're interested in the longer video:
    here it is:
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  7. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    I'm in the circle
    Today is predicted to hit 50 degrees F
    Not much frost this morning
    good day to get up on the roof and clean out the chimney
    then (prediction)
    snow tomorrow and monday and wednesday and thursday
    and temperatures predicted to be 30 degrees below normal

    It seems that climate change has something in common with changing from subsonic to supersonic flight------------during the transition, all holy hell shakes loose
    (put your head between your knees and kiss your ... .......)

    If we are in a time of transition
    any guess as to duration?
    Truck Captain Stumpy likes this.
  8. billvon Valued Senior Member

    And we have now entered the "it's cold today, so there's no such thing as climate change" silly season.

    Up next - not many people have measles, so no need for vaccines! Almost no one is sick.
  9. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    does this not seem like an oxymoron?
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  10. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    ass hat clown parade
  11. Truck Captain Stumpy The Right Honourable Reverend Truck Captain Valued Senior Member

    we have a similar prediction...
    just one reason that video I linked is so poignant, imho, especially as it ties directly into the link you left.
    f*ck, you're about to be cold! I figured you were the circle... we're not too much further south. they predicted 20 - 30 degree below normal temperatures, depending.
    me personally? nope (I've never looked it up, tbh), but the models are getting a lot more accurate
    I think a lot of the duration is going to depend on us, starting with our technological and power advancements and ending with our ability to do something about CO2 and the problematic GHG's.

    that depends on what you mean.
  12. billvon Valued Senior Member

    I hear it all the time. Makes about as much sense as "smoking's not bad for you! I smoked and now I feel fine."
  13. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    Where do you hear that?
  14. billvon Valued Senior Member

    On the Internet. At the drop zone. From our president. Places like that.
  15. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    Curiously, I've never heard nor read that from anyone but you.
  16. Truck Captain Stumpy The Right Honourable Reverend Truck Captain Valued Senior Member

    I've heard it a lot... everyone in my family smokes except me (and now Sarge, but he used to smoke), and this is the excuse they've used for years - plus, I've heard it for years while at work (Truck Company, Rescue, etc).
    and I wish I were joking.

    I really can attest to the fact that this is a common excuse. it's also used for alcohol and "meds" (opiates, but also MJ and harder stuff).
    I've heard that many, many times, including the additional "my [insert relative here] smoked (or did [insert random drug]) for years and they lived to a ripe old age (or they lived to be 426 years old, or some other excuse)

    our current POTUS said it? or a previous?
  17. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    I was responding exclusively to:
    I have never heard nor read that except in here from billvon.

    smoking, drinking, drugs are therefore/thereby(?) untoward.
    Truck Captain Stumpy likes this.
  18. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Interesting. Here's a short list from Trump alone:

    It snowed over 4 inches this past weekend in New York City. It is still October. So much for Global Warming.
    It’s extremely cold in NY & NJ—not good for flood victims. Where is global warming?
    It's freezing and snowing in New York--we need global warming!
    It is snowing in Jerusalem and across Lebanon. Global warming!
    Snow and freezing weather all over mid-section of Country. Global warming specialists better start thinking fast!
    It's really cold outside, they are calling it a major freeze, weeks ahead of normal. Man, we could use a big fat dose of global warming!
    @NewsTodayUSA: Two Canadian Coast Guard ships sent to rescue U.S. freighter stuck in ice. #globalwarming?
    Record setting cold and snow, ice caps massive! The only global warming we should fear is that caused by nuclear weapons - incompetent pols.
    Among the lowest temperatures EVER in much of the United States. Ice caps at record size. Changed name from GLOBAL WARMING to CLIMATE CHANGE
    Wow, 25 degrees below zero, record cold and snow spell. Global warming anyone?
    Record low temperatures and massive amounts of snow. Where the hell is GLOBAL WARMING?

    That is a few out of 115. Let me know if you'd like some more.
  19. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    At least three hundred years, according to the researchers in the field. Probably longer.
    Some of the predictions include the collapse of industrial civilization and consequent rebalancing of CO2 boost and decline, some don't.
    Depends on the rate of change.
    Since as you know AGW is about ten times as fast as any former "transition" except meteor impact, the holy hell is likely to be more dramatic than anything in the record except meteor impact.

    You can find much of the information you lack in the major journals, the IPCC reports, and so forth.
    - - - - -
    You never read the papers or watch the news on TV?
    You never listen to the speeches from the Congressmen elected from Iowa?
    You have forgotten all the links and so forth I and others have posted here - to the hearings of Federal agencies in control of science funding, back before the 2018 elections, for example, where naive posters here were attempting to inform Schmelzer of how US climate change research was funded?

    More pointedly, have you forgotten your own posting of such arguments, in fancier language but similar kind and quality of inference?

    I remember your presence in those threads - had you begun hitting the "like" button for Schmelzer's "arguments" back then? At any rate, you very definitely have been posting innuendo based on links to the dramatic events of the Younger Dryas and other weather swings around Greenland and Hudson Bay in the transitions to previous interstades - which amounted to the kinds of arguments Billvon mentions, only Billvon's sources rely less on innuendo and more on honest assertion and claim.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
  20. Truck Captain Stumpy The Right Honourable Reverend Truck Captain Valued Senior Member

    just offering information
    Oh, the phrase is bandied about a lot. and they've been using similar arguments for years, too... especially when there is a cold snap, like this one or the one from 2010
    I don't know if it's popular here on this site because I don't frequent here as much, but those arguments are incredibly popular on other sites. and the news.
  21. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    gee billvon, you seem to pay a lot more attention to this guy than I ever would
    are you sure that you are not a closet republican?
  22. billvon Valued Senior Member

    I am sure.

    You sure seem eager to change the subject! Understandable under the circumstances.
  23. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    [(#chortle) | (#sigh)]

    No, it wasn't.

    Seriously: Our neighbor couldn't cut it at 4chan, and you know it. Most people couldn't. There's no reason to go dragging such infamy into the discussion.

    Thank you, though, for reading the extraneous, "fuck", correctly; I pulled it for the sake of others, because I should have thought of them in the first place, and decided to do away with the question before it arose. Never mind, that's a longer explanation than any of us need to bother with.

    Honestly, we should take the time, in an appropriate thread, and whenever you prefer, to explore the idea of Liberal Anarchism juxtaposed with your defense mitigation remarks of about racist violence and police brutality. And I know that line won't sit well with you regardless of how I fashion it in hopes of suitable political correctness to assuage your pride, but, seriously, it's a fascinating question. Your attitude on racist violence in the U.S. was neither "liberal" nor "Anarchist", even more so as a weird distraction from a larger question about the propriety of violence toward particular racism and implication.

    But, to be specifc, you gregariously self-adoring, call yourselves whatever you want, two-bitters whose principles—

    —are as flexible as their reading comprehension, but at least you have a laugh along the way to reinforcing what you would pretend to disdain and not be.

    What in the world would compel you to take that member's use of that word in that circumstance according to that literalist context?

    Especially, y'know, you, a "Liberal Anarchist".

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