Life is a Prison?

Discussion in 'General Philosophy' started by Soulcry, Apr 1, 2003.

  1. Canute Registered Senior Member

    Hmm. Avantasia can speak for themselves.

    Perhaps we ought to define 'freedom' at some point. There are vast cultural differences affecting what people mean by it. (A fact that causes problems when particular types of freedoms are generously imposed on those who don't actually want them). I sometime suspect that by 'freedom' many people mean free and open markets and no laws which might interfere with proper consumer behaviour or free-for-all commerce. There's nothing that obstructs global commerce more than cultural differences that are based on the acceptance of limits to personal freedom. (For an extreme example - the Taliban's outlawing of TV, less extreme would be cultural opposition to Sunday trading).

    Global capitalism must of necessity work to destroy individual cultures in order to create open and homogenous markets, and thus full economies of scale. I suppose it's a matter of opinion whether this is a good or bad thing. Me I say bad. The idea of 'freedom' (ususally from cultural limits to behaviour) is the main weapon in this assault on culture - and its replacement by 'multi-culturalism' (an oxymoron that translates as free capitalism run amock).

    Sorry - Felt like a rant.
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  3. Balder1 Registered Senior Member

    Capitalism is economic freedom. What other options are there?

    Communism/Fascism: the government/community decides what you do with your resources and how you acquire them.

    Traditionalism: everything is run according to tradition. Kids follow in their father's footsteps, peasants are peasants, lords are lords, rich people continue to be rich through generations.

    What's the best? Freedom, or the alternatives?
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  5. Canute Registered Senior Member

    Don't muddle personal freedom with economic freedom, or with personal happiness.

    I don't know what you mean by "capitalism is economic freedom". What is 'economic freedom'? How do I get hold of some? And how does some poor inner city kid get some?

    The way forward must be through imagination and synthesis, not the picking of one of three stale alternatives.
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  7. ProCop Valued Senior Member

    RE: Balder1

    Anarchism for example. (Meaning people living without any political system)
  8. wesmorris Nerd Overlord - we(s):1 of N Valued Senior Member

    Kill yourself or adapt. It's as simple as that.

    I recommend adaptation.

    If you are a teen, then you are just suffering from cranial immaturity, as the emotions in teenagers are handled in the oldest and most primal parts of the brain. As you mature, your emotional activity shifts towards your frontal lobe. In that process, some of the "intensity" is removed and things generally become much less bleak.
  9. Soulcry Registered Senior Member

    I think you didnt read my replies on the first page of this topic. I am not a teen anymore and i think you understood the meaning of this topic wrong. I am not in a depression or something like that and suicide is for the weak.
    Adapt it or die.. Why? Isnt there another way like trying to make a difference.
  10. wesmorris Nerd Overlord - we(s):1 of N Valued Senior Member

    Sorry if I didn't quite get you.

    Because it's a matter of attitude. You are imprisoned by your skin (or whatever else you see as a prision) if you think you are. Some would say it sets you free. It's just how you bend your mind to see it. Suicide is just an easy solution such that you don't have to see.
    Yes, bend your mind to see the positive stuff in life. Then bend your you to FEEL the positive stuff in life. Then, SHARE than feeling.

    Please Register or Log in to view the hidden image!

    I think that's a good way to make a difference.
  11. fredx Banned Banned

    Wes Morris, your last two posts on this site have been exceptional, I commend you.
  12. moementum7 ~^~You First~^~ Registered Senior Member

    ah .... yes

    this thread has give rise to quite a few rants within myself..more than uaual,(must be the caffine) as to everybody that says that people with suicidal thoughts are weak, your simply over simplifying the unique and obviously less than optimal circumstances these people have experienced. like morris has said , generally the people who entertain these thoughts are younger people who are still at the mercy of theyre chemical reactions neccassary for the maturity of theyre bodies. whether it is an actual imbalance of the seratonin in theyre brains or the intellectual raping done by theyre so called peers. who teach that the world is an unknowable place and that theyre minds are impotent to deal with existence. anyways ,...these people have physical disabilities or have not come across any great thinkers who actully do beleive in mans capability to acheive greatness, (to acheive his own highest values) and that yes, mans highest value is of himself.
  13. moementum7 ~^~You First~^~ Registered Senior Member


    everybody sees the world and others through the same lense as they see themselves. as they see themselves they see the world. anyone who thinks that man is stupid and theyre minds are impotant to deal with reality, or any one who beleives it is wrong to hold oneself as theyre highest value is obviuolsy going to see others not worthy of existence themselves.////////////as for this and thats a prison thing,,, just change your wording. use the word context instead of prison. it constructs the same concept with out the negative and defeatest attitude. like changing the word (problems) to (challenges). it holds the same construction but allows more practicallity for furthering your own valued pursuits.
  14. moementum7 ~^~You First~^~ Registered Senior Member

    economic freedom

    economic freedom is the right given to you in this country to pursue your own interests for creating goods for your own profit in a free trade dealing with others on a value for value basis. the only thing stopping you from getting this freedom is a lack of commitment and reason to put forth the enourmous amount of energy it requires to attain this economic freedom,...generally known as profit.
  15. Canute Registered Senior Member

    Hmmm. There are other ways of looking at it.

    Chemical processes and hormones apart young people do not not generally get depressed because they are told they cannot ever understand the world. They get depressed because they are told that they can, and that it is all quite prosaic really. This is nonsense of course, and it is part of the tragedy of our pathetic excuse for an education system, these days no more than vocational training for future cogs in the economic machine - in my experience a fact not missed by the young people suffering from having to be in it.

    I think I'd rather do without economic freedom as you define it.
  16. Phyxer Registered Member

    BECOME A LEPRACHAUN! they know ALL.....
  17. Squashbuckler Registered Senior Member

    "Sometimes i think about life as a prison." - Life is the most precious thing that has ever been given to you.! You are a thinking creature who is capable of anything! Life is not the prison, your mind is making life a prison! You are holding back your potential. You must find what it is that makes your life truly special!
    I can only speak for myself but..

    My job suits my personality perfectly. I woudl recommdn that you discover a career path that excites you and challenges your intellect.

    "There is a system and whatever you do you cant get out of it."

    What system are you referring to? This sounds like the babble of people who believe they are shackled by some "system"
    The system is here to HELP YOU!!!!!
    If you want knowledge, you can have it!
    If you need emergency assistance, you will have it!
    If you want to travel, You can!

    There are so many things in this world that you can do, and enjoy.
    The opportunities are there! they are in front of you everyday!

    "Even though you dont want to be a part of this circle you dont have any other chance."

    Are you saying you would rather leave this circle!!! hahaha!
    I really dont think you would! In our society, everyone works and contributes to everyone elses happiness. I work as a police officer, I protect and serve the community so they can continue living. I used to work security, protecting other things.
    My girlfriend is a creator. You must be productive and earn money, if you dont, you arent helping our society, and wont receive compensation for your assistance.

    In my opinion, jobs are viewed as the following two circles.

    The social services, and the production services.

    I work in social services, I would rather help others than manufacture goods for others.
    My girlfriend(an engineer) manufactures goods for others so that they cna travel! she is an aerospace engineer.
    You can be involved in production on many levels. (im sure you know) or , social services.

    "Sometimes i think that technology messed all our lives."
    Technology allows us to expand our minds and create.
    Think of medicine, air travel, video games!!! (sorry, i like pc games= _)

    People who fight reality are having moral and ethical issues that are holding them back. Your morality and ethical code must correspond with the reality.

    I find it very interesting that someone suggested buddhism.
    Ive been there, and do not suggest it.

    "I am not one of those humans who get happy by only consuming"

    No, and neither am I! but everyone have instinctual drives and needs that must be satisfied. Find things that make you happy! you dont need to consume! people who work, consume , and have no view of thier existence or why things are are "ballast".
    There are many of them, they have no clue about anyhting other than making money and consuming. Yes, it is tragic, but that is how they choose to spend thier money!

    If you cannot find something that is meaningful to you, or an interest, there is no point in your existence, you might as well give up and kill yourself. Make way for people who want to enjoy this life! So either enjoy it, or throw it away!
    I hope that you will take my advice and enjoy it, because life can be so beautiful at times.
    When you truly love someone, your life will fill with energy.

    I write to myself almost everyday, I think about the reality, and I constantly seek the truth.
    My most recent views have allowed me to deal with reality and many problems that are faced in everyday life.
    A moral code is essential for your life.
    My morale code is based on two philosophers.

    Ayn Rand and The dalai Lama

    Ayn Rand will teach you to enjoy your life, and selfishness. The dalai lama will teach you compassion and love.

    You will need: Money, security, health , career,
    You will need: Affection, love, sex, friendship,

    I recommend these books: Ayn Rand : For the new intellectual
    Dalai Lama : The path to tranquility.

    Be objective! take Ayn's advice, but remain compassionate and loving.
    Love is the aswer... it really is..
    You must know your values and relate to the worl based on you inner convictions. You must have an integrated view of existence, and you must have a high self-esteem.

    I really hope that I have helped you out today.
    If you would like to discuss things in depth, i would be more than happy to express my opinions and possibly give you another side of the story.
    My email address is



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