Your Opinion on Age Gaps

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by Novalis, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member

    That is Hugh Hefner and that is his 5th wife , I believe, the rest all were given millions when he divorced them.
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  3. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    That actually looks like the remains of Hugh Hefner and those women earned every penny of those millions....
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  5. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member


    All they had to do was just pose with him at his parties and goings on.
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  7. scheherazade Northern Horse Whisperer Valued Senior Member

    What an interesting dynamic the conversation between Geoff and Fraggle has added to this thread.

    As for the extreme age difference in the photo posted by Cosmic, in the dark all cats are grey.

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    "At the exact same time, there are two 35 year old men on opposite sides of the world. One is walking a tightrope between two skyscrapers. The other is getting a blowjob from an 85 year old woman.
    They are both thinking the exact same thing.
    What are they thinking?"
  8. Daecon Kiwi fruit Valued Senior Member

    "Don't look down."
    scheherazade likes this.
  9. Novalis Registered Member

    Yeah....I've pretty much left you all to your own devices with this thread. Salute.
  10. Daecon Kiwi fruit Valued Senior Member

    To clarify, is it seen as more acceptable for there to be an age gap with couples of the same gender? I don't know about lesbians, but it doesn't appear to be that uncommon among gay men.
  11. IIIIIIIIII Registered Senior Member

    Depends... But if one couple want babies and has significant ages differences the only possible way is a younger woman as their fertility goes down from 26 yo to approx 40. Then it's very hard to conceive and/or too risky... On the other hand the men keep their fertility at more than 80% even after reaching 50 years old...

    If you do not want babies... well... the hell with the society standards, right ?

    My 2 cents...
  12. IIIIIIIIII Registered Senior Member

    Who is 28 ? the dog ?
  13. wellwisher Banned Banned

    Men and women have different motivations. Women look for security and prestige, while men are more motivated by desire disconnected from security needs. The old dog and the young sex kitten can benefit each other.

    The old dog gets to rekindle his desire by having a beauty queen on his arm, to stimulate his fading desire. She knows he is grouse for sex, but sex is secondary to the security and prestige he can bring by allowing her to live in the mansion with style, while having a golden parachute. He knows she is in it for the money and security, because he is old, yet she is a trooper and makes him feel young. Both are maximizing.

    Once her security needs begin to lower due to feeling secure, then sex begins to be rated higher. She may decide to stray. One the other hand, once the old dog begins to feel his age and his desire goes down, then his equation shifts. The desire may not be worth the expense. Once they reach a tipping point, they part their ways.
  14. IIIIIIIIII Registered Senior Member

    Like me you would have been more shocked by the dog being 28 than the girl... or not...
  15. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member

    I've been told that younger women require a lot of maintenance.
  16. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Yeah, and all young men are really just looking for a mother.

    Folk wisdom, eh?
  17. IIIIIIIIII Registered Senior Member

    Choosing your friend sensibly should help... or not. [=
  18. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member

    Regardless, it seems that youth is meant to be shared among the young.
  19. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    I suspect that older women need more spackle - but they pay for it themselves because they don't want you to know.
  20. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member

    Hmm... Cosmetics, that's worthy of another thread. I've never understood the woman's compulsion to paint her face.
  21. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    No. Neither of us ever had progeny. I have a modest bank account, and her parents will leave her a substantial sum, so I'm not worried about it.
    My parents were from the generation that had nice pensions in addition to their Social Security, so when they died I inherited a considerable sum.
    We are not as close to our elders as earlier generations were, and this is largely due to the pension system, which came into existence in the late 19th century.

    Due to contraceptive technology, modern Americans (and many other cultures) have much smaller families than their ancestors. These smaller families simply don't have the resources to take care of older people once they begin needing round-the-clock care. They still have jobs to go to every day, and children of their own to take care of.
  22. Samaran11 Registered Member

    If you address this in terms of natural instinct, without too socially programmed cultural thinking, sex is connected is reproduction. It is not connected to some social agenda. Sex did not evolve to help boost the flower and jewelry industries but it appeared to make babies. The facts are, men can reproduce later in life, than can women ,since their sexual systems are far less complicated and easier to upkeep naturally.
  23. parmalee peripatetic artisan Valued Senior Member


    Erm, I don’t know about that. Half of working Americans make less than 30k per annum. And a significant portion do not have a working partner, or one who makes equal or more.

    I could live on 30 grand easily. I could,and have, live(d) on less than 10 grand easily—but I am unquestionably an outlier. I haven’t got any human dependents (just a dog), and I live like a savage. This laptop thingie is the most sophistimacated piece-o-junk that I’ve got. I mean, I’ve got plenty of electronics (I’m a musician), but a fair portion of them were made by me and I seldom employ technologies developed past the late 70’s/early 80’s (no DSP for me). Point being, most people wouldn’t want to live like me, and I seriously doubt that most would even be capable.

    So, in most folks’ “reality”, 30 grand doesn’t go to far—especially if you’ve got (human) dependents, pre-existing health conditions, and the like.

    In fact, on the matter of health conditions: I’m ridiculously epileptic—temporal lobe epilepsy, so mostly freaky, trippy shit; inexplicable tantrums, speaking in “tongues”, and general odd-ness; and the occassional (secondary generalized) falling down, convulsing, and falling into a deep sleep or stupor or prolonged aphasia. I have been since the age of five, but I wasn’t diagnosed—properly—until the age opf 24. Why? ‘Cuz I’m poor (Incidentally, I was diagnosed correctly in Canada, where I was a grad student and quality of health care is not determined by personal affluence.) Dx’d schizophrenic for a number of years which was loads of fun, and then when I was finally dx’d properly, the dealers were all trying to push this new shit (anti-convulsants) on me. Any neurologist who knows his/her ass from a hole in the ground knows damn well that this new shit really don’t do shit for extreme and unusual cases, and the only drugs that really work are things like benzos, barbiturates, and kinda/sorta the valproates. But, of course, the patents have long expired on these, so they sure as fuck aren’t prescribing them. (Also, the side-effects really suck.)

    So, yeah, we might be “rich” compared to pre-Industrial folks, but I would much rather have been treated by Paracelsus than by any of the fucking dumbass scheisster capitalist vermin I’ve seen.

    /end rant


    Also, some of your pre-Industrial anthropology--and in particular, your "facts" on nomads, hunter-gatherers, and the like--is more than a trifle screwy--and seriously dated to boot! But I haven't got time, or the inclination at the moment, to go into it. I have before, elsewhere on this forum, but seriously: read some anthropologists who've published after the 1950's!
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015

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