Proof of the existence of God

Discussion in 'Religion' started by Jason.Marshall, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. river

    Your assuming then that this being is perfect. This being is not. Though.

    This being is not constant nor deterministic.

    We know this because beings react very much different all the time.
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  3. river

    What are the " they " that move at light speed?
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  5. BrianHarwarespecialist We shall Ionize!i Registered Senior Member

    Key word you used here is "time" the bieng am describing is pure potential energy but does not experience time, at least not in a way we can relate the common context of it in a linear way. So if technicaly that bieng contained imperfections those same imperfections would be perfections in the domain of space-time. It's all context based and context is based on position and position is changed by evolution. Even if something seems like an error that's only in the smaller picture like chess you could give up a piece (even your queen)and your opponent may take it and loose the game.
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  7. BrianHarwarespecialist We shall Ionize!i Registered Senior Member

    Both the gravitational field and the emf.
  8. river


    I don't see time as linear either.

    The Universe as a whole, holistically, has movement.

    Space-time does not correct imperfections. Movement is what it is; nothing more nothingless.

    Position changes true.

    But even if I were to meet this being in some form; or your god if that makes you feel better; I would still tell this being I am Human.
  9. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Logic is independent of reason.
    Logic is a function of mathematics. It is an abstract potential.
    Reason is a process of thought. It assumes a reasoning sentience. A Motive.
    OTOH, a computer works on the principle of logic, but it cannot (does not need) reason. It works strictly Deterministically.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2015
  10. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    I disagree. Time must be linear in order to form chronology. It need not be continuous, except as the time line of the entire universal holomovement. All other individual (dedicated) timelines of individual or sets of chronologies are embedded within the Universal timeline of spacetime. IMO.[/quote]

    I agree. Bohm calls it the Holomovement

    IMO, movement is what it is, but can only do what it must and is mathematically allowed in chronological order .

    I agree.

    You'd have to do it in a language it can understand, mathematical language. Even then, I doubt you'd get an answer. And that answer might well be a comet that wipes out half of life on earth. 50/50[/QUOTE]
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2015
  11. river


    But you have not responded to my above quote which was reiterated.

    Further you refer to mathematics as the basis for your argument. And that logic is a " function " of mathematics.

    But mathematics extant is because of the extant of things.

    Therefore reasoning because knowledge exists.

    Reasoning pulls knowledge together ; logic is the consequence of the knowledge and the following reasoning.
  12. river


    Say I had a billion bits of information and I through them in air so that this information is completely chaotic. Then I asked you to express this information mathematically.

    You would have to order this information.

    It is this ordering of this information is another way of saying reason. Or reasoning. Information.
  13. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    By sentient organisms, but not required for abstract mathematics. The Mathematical function needs no Free Will. It is Deterministic by definition.
  14. river

    Sentient beings are not the foundation of my response.

    Mathematics NEEDS things. For example; give me the foundation of mathematics in empty space?
  15. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Zero State condition.
    But you would not need to ask at all, it is inevitable that some information (potential) will connect and create a compound potential, etc, etc, the evolution from meta-physical "implication" to physical existence.
    In a timeless condition, random chance is not an issue. It is inevitable that some combination of abstract information will result in an event. Read CDT.
    I disagree, because reason is not implied or necessary. As long as it is mathematically (logically) possible, the potential exists.
    Compare it to an abstract "natural selection" process.
  16. river

    Your reasoning doesn't follow ; you are reasoning it out whether you relise it or not.

    The only way mathematics can begin to know what is logically possible or not is to order the information given.

    Mathematics naturally will order this information otherwise the following logic won't and can't make sense.

    Therefore mathematics will draw all the information in based on reasoning. Mathematics must.
  17. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    If I leave this ........... blank.........., does that make mathematics disappear?

    One might also say Time NEEDS things. Give me a foundation of time in empty space.

    On the contrary, a sentient God NEEDS things like a motive (a reason to act) for one.
  18. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Exactly, and nothing can become reality unless the information exchange is mathematically sound and logically implied. No miracles.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2015
  19. river

    First ; yes ; blank means mathematics has no foundation.

    Time also needs things otherwise what would time measure? Time NEEDS movement to exist.

    Being just is. Assuming the Universe is about being in the Brain of this being.
  20. river

    And reason is before both. It is the resaon that dictates on what grounds the mathematics is based.

    No miracles.
  21. BrianHarwarespecialist We shall Ionize!i Registered Senior Member

    If I know with certainty the correct answer then my position is complete static and determined, if I do not then I will always require corrections over time until my answer is the final absolute answer, this is the reason to make a distinction of space, and spacetime with the allowance of probability.
  22. BrianHarwarespecialist We shall Ionize!i Registered Senior Member

    The alpha cause is evolution, the beta is position this is why a positron is an electron to the left of the number line. And God is the manual overrider of this system existing in a complete form holding the codes to dictate this system of probability induced evolution. This is why the universe is not symmetric its a work of art. There is evidence that the univers ringed like a bell 7 times to me that means 7 wavelengths of light as well as 7 days as well indicating a solid state foundation which is the foundation of this universe just an inference though I have not verified the math.
  23. BrianHarwarespecialist We shall Ionize!i Registered Senior Member

    The the incomplete observer( an observer not oringinating from the true centroid of existence) meaning everything we are aware of. The temporal distrubution of data points will always be incomplete and hence probable this is just a natural consequence of logic comparing positions of the origin to the observer. That gap is probability but once time =0 the gap disapears and probability vanishes.

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