Sylwester's 'Everlasting theory'

Discussion in 'Alternative Theories' started by Sylwester Kornowski, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Below is the link to my new paper (4 pages)

    The Theory of Neutron Stars

    Here, within the Scale-Symmetric Everlasting Theory (S-SET), I present the Theory of Neutron Stars. Neutron stars behave as liquid crystal, not a Fermi gas as it is in the mainstream cosmology. It causes that the upper limit for mass of a neutron star is calculated incorrectly and instead one Chandrasekhar limit there appear two. The second concerns the mass of the supernova SN 1987A so we still cannot see a neutron-star remnant in the place of explosion of this supernova. The mainstream cosmology should be reformulated.

    The flat structures in the Type neutron-star liquid crystal are the squares with neutrons in their vertices whereas the elongated rectangular prisms consist of parallel neutron squares. In the neutron stars there is a lattice with mean side equal to (A + 4B) / sqrt(2), where A + 4B = 2.7048 fm is the radius of the last shell for the strong interactions which follows from the atom-like structure of baryons. Such conditions lead to the upper limit for mass of neutron star (of the neutron black hole) 24.81 solar masses.

    There appear at least two Chandrasekhar limits i.e. masses of stars which explode as supernovae without a neutron-star remnant - they are 1.395 and 11.20 solar masses. The first mass is the very well known Chandrasekhar limit (it is the mass of the Type Ia supernovae).

    The two mentioned here Chandrasekhar limits follow from perfect energy flow from core of a star towards its surface via the condensates of the Einstein-spacetime components which are the black holes in respect of the weak interactions. Such perfect energy flow leads to sudden collapse of whole star and, next, to violent full volumetric explosion so there is not created a neutron-star remnant. The condensates are the condensates in centres of muons (52.828 MeV) and centres of baryons (424.124 MeV). Their number densities increase rapidly for the threshold masses of stars. Presented here Theory of Neutron Stars is very simple and leads to observational facts.
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  3. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Today, we make efforts to understand the dark-energy and dark-matter mechanisms, the inflation, why contrary to the microscopic time the macroscopic time is deterministic, and why with time the Universe is more and more complex. The Scale-Symmetric Everlasting Theory (S-SET) leads to following solutions.

    What is the difference between the dark energy and dark matter?
    The dark energy consists of the additional free luminal Einstein-spacetime components. They are FREE so their motions are chaotic. It causes that dark energy increases the dynamic pressure of the Einstein spacetime so there appears the repulsive force between masses. The ground state of the Einstein spacetime does not expand. In our Universe expands only the additional part i.e. the dark energy. Density of the dark energy is about 10^55 times lower than the ground state of the Einstein spacetime so our Universe is practically flat and such is the observational fact. The Einstein-spacetime components are the neutrino-antineutrino pairs so their resultant weak charge is equal to zero. It causes that detection of the Einstein-spacetime components is much difficult than detection of neutrinos. The S-SET shows that the dark-energy appeared after the inflation but just before the expansion of the Universe. It follows from the fact that the inflation and the expansion of the Universe were separated in time. It is the reason that the B-modes in the CMB do not follow from production of gravitational waves during inflation. Moreover, the S-SET shows that there are not in existence luminal gravitational waves. Their existence follows from wrong assumption in the General Relativity. Just there appears the speed of light in vacuum in the Ricci tensor whereas the S-SET shows that gravity is not associated with the luminal part of the spacetime, it is associated with the superluminal Higgs field. We never will detect luminal gravitational waves. The luminal Einstein-spacetime components appeared during the inflation due to the evolution of the superluminal Higgs field.

    On the other hand, in the dark matter, the Einstein-spacetime components are ENTANGLED so their motions are ordered. It causes that in regions in which appear the ordered motions, the local pressure in the Einstein spacetime is negative. Just there appear the pressure holes. For example, a virtual loop composed of entangled Einstein-spacetime components produces a negative-pressure loop. It means that to increase the negative pressure (the Universe tries to equalize the pressure) such loop attracts the Einstein-spacetime components and visible matter. In absence of visible matter, in the Einstein spacetime there are produced the “islands” with higher mass density – the “islands” are the components of the dark matter. When there is more and more visible matter then instead the dark-matter islands there are produced visible-matter islands. In the limit, due to the evolution of the Universe, all dark-matter islands will be replaced for the visible-matter islands. The visible-matter islands are entangled with the virtual dynamic structures in the Einstein spacetime so there appears the advection which, for example, leads to the dark-matter orbital motions of stars. The advection is the transport mechanism of the mass of gas and dust by the entangled luminal Einstein-spacetime components due to the characteristic motions in the virtual structures.

    What is the difference between the microscopic and macroscopic times?
    Usage of time-dependent equations to individual bare particle is useless. It is because behaviour of a quantum particle is non-deterministic. It is due to the fact that a quantum particle disappears in one place and appears in arbitrary other one, and so on. Just the quantum physics is the statistical theory so we can say that quantum physics is deterministic only statistically. We can say only about deterministic motion of a statistical picture/object representing a quantum particle i.e. about changes in time of the wave functions. But even then the quantum time is wrongly defined. It follows from the fact that in micro-world there are produced different virtual and real pairs and different fluctuations in the Einstein spacetime and turbulent motions which change the local mass densities so local times (local units of time) as well. Just quantum particle has volume so we have simultaneously many different units of time concerning the same quantum particle. The solutions to the time-dependent equations in the quantum physics are only approximate.
    So what is an alternative? We should seek the statistically stable states and we can do it considering the phase transitions – it is done in the Scale-Symmetric Everlasting Theory.
    Equations dependent on time are very useful in deterministic worlds i.e. macro-world. It follows from the fact that dominating part of nucleons, about 100%•727/939 ≈ 77%, at the today density of the Einstein spacetime, behaves in a deterministic way (it is proved within the S-SET). Emphasize that the classical parts of nucleons produce quantum particles. But due to the classical parts, collections of interacting atoms behave classically. To collections of interacting atoms we can apply time-dependent equations.
    The Schrödinger equation dependent on spatial coordinates only (we can separate the time- and spatial-dependent parts), leads to the statistically stable shapes of the wave functions so such solutions are correct.
    We can say about the good defined relativistic time only in relation to deterministic objects.
    We can use the Uncertainty Principle, which ties energy of an object and its lifetime, because it leads to statistical shape concerning the lifetime.

    Why with time the Universe is more and more complex?
    According to the S-SET, our Cosmos appeared due to collision of two internally symmetrical pieces of space i.e. the initial entropy was lowest. But due to the succeeding phase transitions of the initial Higgs field, there appeared the internally left-handed matter and right-handed antimatter and quantum entanglement. It causes that there can appear particle-antiparticle pairs but creation in the luminal Einstein spacetime two vortices with opposite internal helicities causes that in the left-handed vortex is produced more matter (protons) than antimatter (antiprotons). It is the locally broken symmetry. Such locally broken symmetries and the quantum entanglement are characteristic for different scales. It causes that with time the Universe is more and more complex i.e. distribution of the free and bound Higgs-field components is more and more complex.
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  5. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Below is the link to my new paper (4 pages)

    Relativistic Mass and Virtual Objects

    Relativistic mass follows from constancy of the speed of light in “vacuum” and the law of conservation of spin. Relativistic mass appears in grainy spacetime.

    The Einstein-spacetime components have mass and luminal speed but they are the non-relativistic objects.

    In the Einstein spacetime can appear virtual objects. A virtual object consists of a particle-antiparticle pair or a condensate carrying positive mass and of a mass “hole” carrying negative mass.

    The gravitational fields are not directly associated with the luminal Einstein spacetime, they are directly associated with the superluminal Higgs field. Today production of virtual objects in the Higgs field is impossible - it is the reason that we cannot unify directly (within the same methods) gravity with electromagnetic, strong and weak interactions i.e. a direct unification of gravity and Standard Model is impossible.
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  7. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Below is the link to my new paper (5 pages)

    The Non-Perturbative Quantum Electrodynamics

    Here, within the Scale-Symmetric Physics, the non-perturbative quantum electrodynamics of electron is presented.

    We calculated the lower and upper limits for the fine structure constant (1/137.035999053(11194)). The error is equal to the value of the coupling constant for the electron-proton weak interactions. The obtained results are very close to the experimental values which follow from the experimental values of the electron charge and reduced Planck constant (1/137.35999053(12095)). As expected, the error is a little higher than the theoretical value.

    There appeared papers in which theoretical and experimental values of the fine structure constant have much higher accuracy than the quantities which appear in its definition. In this paper is proven that the higher accuracies are groundless.

    Using the combined value of the fine structure constant (the experimental central value plus the theoretical limits), 1/137.035999053(11194), we obtain a theoretical value of the electron anomaly 0.001159652191(95). The weak interactions cause that this value cannot have higher accuracy. Within the Scale-Symmetric Physics are calculated physical constants and other quantities which appear in definitions, from the fundamental initial conditions. The initial parameters lead to 1/137.036001 and 0.001159652174. We can see that both results are consistent with the determinations.

    Emphasize that today the mainstream QED contains the 12,672 diagrams (number of terms is tremendous) whereas presented here non-perturbative QED contains only one diagram with six terms. The difference follows from an improperly understood weak interactions and production of virtual pairs in the Einstein spacetime. To calculate all needed quantities we do not need supercomputers, we used the Microsoft Office Excel with 13 decimal places.
  8. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Below is the link to my new paper (5 pages)

    Incorrect Mainstream Views

    Here, on the basis of the Scale-Symmetric Physics (S-SP), I present the incorrect mainstream views. The very short remarks and justifications concern

    the Type gravitational-wave B-modes in CMB,

    matter-antimatter asymmetry,

    constancy of the physical constants,

    dark energy,

    two different spacetimes,

    duality of relativity,

    production of black holes before galaxies,

    dark matter,

    decays of the superphotons (they lead to two wrong conclusions in the mainstream cosmology i.e. to the conclusion that the first stars appeared about 13.2 Gyr ago and that about 5.7 Gyr ago there was an acceleration of expansion of the Universe),

    the preferred frame of reference in CMB,

    smoothness of CMB,

    bare particles,

    quark model and masses of quarks,

    mass and spin and two radii of proton,

    non-existence of ground quantum state,

    many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics,

    and universal time and travel in time.
  9. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Below is the link to my new paper (3 pages)

    The Einstein-Spacetime, Dark-Energy and Dark-Matter Particle and the Higgs Boson

    Here, on the basis of the Scale-Symmetric Physics (S-SP), are the short remarks concerning the Einstein-spacetime, dark-energy and dark-matter particle. Such particle carries unitary spin and very small gravitational mass. It is the neutrino-antineutrino pair which we will refer to as the Planck boson. The superluminal energy frozen in the Planck boson is about 119 powers of ten higher than its gravitational mass. Detection of the neutrino-antineutrino pairs is much difficult than neutrinos because their resultant weak charge is equal to zero. The different properties of dark energy and dark matter follow from the quantum entanglement.

    The Higgs boson is not the Standard Model particle. The Higgs boson is the condensate composed of confined Einstein-spacetime components (it is due to the Mexican-hat mechanism). The mechanism describing the transition from gravitationally massless pieces of space to the gravitational mass of neutrinos all Principle-of-Equivalence particles consist of is beyond the Standard Model and General Relativity. Such mechanism is described within S-SP.
  10. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Below is the link to my new paper (2 pages)

    The Truth about the Strange Non-Chaotic Stars

    Within the Scale-Symmetric Physics we showed that the structure of proton leads to the Theory of Chaos.

    We proved that the structure of the nonchaotic star KIC 5520878 mimics the internal structure of the core of baryons. The more precise observations should show that the ratio of the two principal frequencies for KIC 5520878 is 1.5711 (the today observations lead to 1.57) and has nothing with the golden ratio 1.618….

    Moreover, notice that the ratio of the radius of the equator of the torus in the core of proton to the radius of the gluon loops the neutral pions consist of is 1.5 so there should be stars with such ratio of principal frequencies also. The same concerns the quasars.
  11. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    Thanks for the laugh!
  12. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Dunces grin like a Cheshire cat (you know, the cat in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) because they completely do not understand physics.
  13. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    Yes, yes we all know that you consider yourself a genius and for some reason the rest of the world cannot see it. Carry on - I did not mean to interupt, like I said, I just wanted to thank you.
  14. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    The rest of the world cannot see that at low energy the quark model is nonsensical - it does not lead to mass and spin of proton. No one understand the dark matter and dark energy so big part of mainstream cosmology can be nonsensical as well.

    I just wanted to thank you as well.
  15. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    Yes, as I said I know your position.

    You are more than welcome. Have a good day.
  16. Jake Arave Ethologist Registered Senior Member

    I finished reading and I am still as confused as I was when I started.
    Your "Everlasting theory" has no scientific basis right out of the gate. I cannot find any observational science that comes anywhere close to validating your claims. Making wildly inaccurate and unfalsifiable claims is not good science - I feel like my time has been quite wasted.
    Try watching "Tim and Eric's 'The universe'" as a reference.
  17. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member


    Such posts I refer to as the Type ble-ble-ble posts. Such posts contain no scientific argument.

    Moreover, you proved that you know the first 3 pages (the Contents) of the total number 535 pages.

    You are much better musician than physicist.
  18. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Below is the link to my new paper (2 pages)

    Information, Thoughts and Dark Photons

    Information can be sent with superluminal speed between entangled particles but new entanglement is created when luminal particles are very close one from another - it leads to conclusion that we cannot send information with superluminal speed because at first we must separate the entangled luminal particles. But when such separation is made then superluminal information is possible - it leads to the superluminal entanglement in quantum physics.

    Arrangements of the entangled Einstein-spacetime components in the physical matter and mental matter are different. For example, the unitary spins of the Einstein-spacetime components on a torus/electric-charge are perpendicular to surface of the torus whereas the unitary spins of the Einstein-spacetime components in the loops the thoughts consist of are tangent to the loops. It causes that the mental matter is flexible (the mental solitons are flexible) whereas the physical matter is rigid i.e. the bare particles are rigid.

    It is true that the superluminal dark photons responsible for quantum entanglement mimic the electromagnetic interactions but they cannot be detected directly i.e. they are dark. The dark matter is entangled with baryonic matter due to the superluminal dark photons carried by the superluminal entanglons the luminal Einstein-spacetime components consist of.
  19. Kristoffer Giant Hyrax Valued Senior Member

    Then I guess you're the master of ble-ble-ble.
  20. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Your post is very interesting. It is due to the tremendous number of scientific arguments.
  21. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Below is the link to my new paper (5 pages)

    The Hydrogen-to-Helium-4 Ratio in the Expanding Universe

    Ludwig et al. derived solar ages up to 22.3 Gyr (2009). The applied Th/Eu ratio is most credible. But the upper limit of the obtained interval is inconsistent with the mainstream-cosmology age of the Universe (about 13.8 Gyr). On the other hand, the Scale-Symmetric Theory (S-ST) shows that the age of the Universe is about 21.614 +- 0.096 Gyr but due to the duality of relativity (the speed of light, c, is the speed in relation to source of light or to a last-interaction object) we cannot see the initial period about 7.75 Gyr of evolution of the protogalaxies/quasars. The calculated time distance to the observed most distant galaxies is 13.866 +- 0.096 Gyr but they are already 7.75 Gyr old. The era of the quasars and the big stars in quasars lasted about 10 Gyr but we can see only the last period about 2.3 Gyr. On the assumption that in cores of stars acts the GASER (the Gamma Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) we can solve the solar neutrino problem and the cosmological lithium problem (we obtain value 0.294 instead the 1 obtained within the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis). The GASER leads to conclusion that in stars dominates the transition from helium to iron, not from protons to helium. Just abundance of iron in cores of stars is higher than it is assumed. With time the abundance of helium in stars decreases i.e. in most aged stars abundance of helium should be smallest and it is consistent with observational facts. Here, by an analogy to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, we obtain formulae for change in abundance of helium-4 and hydrogen in the expanding Universe. On the assumption that today abundances are 24.5% for helium and 75.5% for hydrogen (ratio = 3.1; we neglect the other chemical elements), we obtain that at the end of the era of quasars there should be 29% of helium (ratio = 2.45) whereas in the most distant observed Universe there should be about 30% helium (ratio = 2.3). The ratio for the primordial unobserved Universe was close to 1.
  22. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Below is the link to my new paper (2 pages)

    The Structure of Proton and Spin Crisis

    Here, within the Scale-Symmetric Physics/Theory (S-ST), is presented some recapitulation concerning structure of proton. It shows that distribution of gluons described within the Quantum Chromodynamics is incorrect - there appears the spin crisis.

    The S-ST shows that there appear three super-dense fields composed of the carriers of gluons i.e. of the luminal Einstein-spacetime components. The three super-dense gluon fields follow from the short-distance quantum entanglement and/or confinement of the Einstein-spacetime components and they are as follows: the torus/strong-charge (its mass density is about 37 powers of ten kilograms per cubic meter; external radius is about 0.7 fm), central condensate (its mass density is about 3 times greater than 23 powers of ten kilograms per cubic meter; radius is about 0.009 fm) and relativistic pion on the S orbit (radius of the orbit is about 1.2 fm). Range of the strong interactions is about 2.9 fm. Within such model we calculated the rigorous mass, spin and two radii (the electron radius and muon radius) of proton.

    The torus/strong-charge is spinning and its spin is half-integral.

    We can compare the densities of the super-dense gluon fields with the mean mass density of proton on assumption that its radius is the range of the strong interactions: about 1.6 times greater than 16 powers of ten kilograms per cubic meter.

    Barbara Jacak, a professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley, claims that the much faster than expected formation of baryonic-plasma droplets and the spin crisis follow from existence of a super-dense gluon field instead discrete gluons - it is consistent with S-ST.
  23. Sylwester Kornowski Neutrinos are nonrelativistic Registered Senior Member

    Below is the link to my new paper (2 pages)

    The Milestones in Particle Physics and Cosmology

    There are the two long-distance interactions so spacetime is composed of two fields (the superluminal Higgs field and the luminal Einstein spacetime) with very different properties (there are respectively the superluminal pieces of space which lead to gravity and the luminal neutrino-antineutrino pairs which lead to electromagnetism and strong and weak interactions) - it causes that unification of General Relativity and Standard Model is impossible.

    We do not need new differential equations to solve the many unsolved problems in particle physics and cosmology - we need a fractal structure of Nature which leads from small-scales/high-energies to larger and larger scales i.e. to lower and lower energies. The fractal structure follows from the succeeding phase transitions of the Higgs field described within the Scale-Symmetric Physics - it is the lacking part of ultimate theory which solves the hierarchy problem (the masses of the detected Standard-Model particles are much lower than the Planck mass).

    Pions are the superpartners of baryons whereas the early Universe (it was the double cosmic loop composed of neutrons) was the superpartner of the cosmic structure which transformed into the dark matter (it consists of the additional Einstein-spacetime components entangled with visible matter) and dark energy (it consists of the additional Einstein-spacetime components not entangled with visible matter). The mainstream supersymmetry and M-theory are, generally, incorrect.

    The Einstein spacetime is grainy so there can appear vortices with left and right internal helicity. Our vortex had the left internal helicity and such internal helicity have nucleons (antinucleons are right-handed) - it solves the matter-antimatter asymmetry in our Universe.

    The nucleons consist of three very dense fields composed of entangled and/or confined Einstein-spacetime components which are the carriers of gluons - it solves the spin crisis of proton. The three-valence-quarks model of nucleons is incorrect.

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