What's With Russia?

Discussion in 'World Events' started by joepistole, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    You would be surprised. Reagan was involved in all kinds of covert action against regimes he considered a threat, mostly in South America. Remember Iran-Contra? How soon we forget.

    Anyway it seems you desire to rekindle a cold war, probably a nuclear war with Russia, and do want them to create a parallel economy and banking system with China, and don't want them to help us defeat Islamic Extremists. Besides, the Russian press was largely credible before this whole Ukraine thing. We are the ones that caused Putin to turn to the right. It was a great opportunity, but we failed to respect Russian power. It will go down as one of Obama's greatest blunders. Maybe the most important one.
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  3. Billy T Use Sugar Cane Alcohol car Fuel Valued Senior Member

    If that were true, which it is not, you would be able to find at least one post of mine claiming there was something of a conspiritual nature about the Fed. - You won't be able to as in general I think the Fed has done a fantastic job of delaying the coming economic collapse that excessive printing of thin air money will some day cause. Unfortunately, kicking the problem can down the road usually just makes the ultimate pain worse.
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  5. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    You don't recall your allegations about the US delaying the return of Germany's gold deposits?
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  7. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Name me one country Reagan forcibly annexed? All countries are involved in covert actions. That isn't new. It's been the norm since the birth of mankind. Do you know what the Iran-Contra scandal was? It had nothing to do with invading and annexing foreign lands. It isn't even remotely similar to what Putin has done. Iran-Contra was a financing arrangement to free American hostages held by Iran.

    LOL, going off the deep end again I see, did I invade a neighboring state? Did I annex neighboring lands? No, Putin did. If you are good with the things Putin has done, then go live in Russia. But for the rest of us who value our freedoms and who value integrity in government and don't like government corruption, I don't think we are ready to give up those liberties to a arrogant tyrant - at least I am not. The West hasn't done anything untoward towards Russia. Russia and more specifically Putin cannot say the same. The West isn't to blame for Putin's aggression towards his neighbors. And we all seen how well appeasement worked for Chamberlain with Hitler.

    I have seen many bullies in my time, and they are all basically the same. I have seen the worst of the worst, and to a man they are all scum. They only respect power. The way you deal with a bully is to stand up to them. Blaming someone as you have done for standing up to a bully is contemptible. Thinking the West can control Putin's and is responsible for Putin's actions is not only stupid and ignorant, it is equally reprehensible. It is like blaming the victim for the acts of the victimizer. The West isn't responsible for adhering to and expecting Putin adhere to international law. The West would be responsible if it did nothing as you are advocating. Just how is that Putin was ever not what he is today? Apparently, among other things, you do not know much about Putin. If Putin recreates the cold war and by all appearances, he has, then he is solely responsible. If Putin uses his nuclear weapons, he will be solely responsible. You cannot legitimately blame others on unrelated parties as you have done. Obama doesn't have a radio remote control device which controls Putin's behaviors. Only Putin controls Putin, and only Putin is responsible and accountable for his actions. It isn't Obama or anyone from the West.

    As for a parallel banking system with China...keep dreaming. Tell that to the Russian people who are living with double digit inflation and a recession that is quickly morphing into a multiyear depression.
  8. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    What law? Yanukovych was illegally overthrown in a coup as soon as it became clear he would strengthen ties with Russia. The US "bullies" too, it's called power. We tried to invade Cuba. Annexing or financing rebels, instigating a revolution, or installing our own US friendly dictator, it's all the same thing. Ever heard of the Monroe Doctrine? Basically it said the US controls the entire hemisphere.
  9. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Ever heard of impeachment? Yanukovych was overthrown by his people. Using your logic, the American Revolution was a coup. Ever heard of the Euromaidan Revolution? I guess you think dictators like Putin are entitled to dictatorial rule. People have the right of self determination. Yanukovych was overthrown by his people because he ordered thugs to kill protestors and because his people were tried of his corruption. Yanukovych was impeached by an elected parliament.


    As for your allegations of US wrong doing, those Cold War events transpired more than a half century ago. I was a baby at the time. There was this thing called the Cold War. You might want to read up on it while you are reading up on the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine didn't say anything about the US controlling the whole hemisphere or anything beyond its borders for that matter. The Monroe Doctrine was issued to thwart further European colonization of the Americas - one of "dem" minor details again.

    "The Monroe Doctrine was a US foreign policy regarding Latin American countries in 1823. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention.[1] At the same time, the doctrine noted that the United States would neither interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal concerns of European countries. The Doctrine was issued in 1823 at a time when nearly all Latin American colonies of Spain and Portugal had achieved or were at the point of gaining independence from the Portuguese and Spanish Empires; Peru consolidated its independence in 1824, and Bolivia would become independent in 1825, leaving only Cuba and Puerto Rico under Spanish rule. The United States, working in agreement with Britain, wanted to guarantee that no European power would move in.[2]:153–5" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_Doctrine
  10. Billy T Use Sugar Cane Alcohol car Fuel Valued Senior Member

    I alleged nothing - Iquoted two different sources that proved to be correct thus far. I did present a capacity analysis that showed the entire requested amount could be returned in in less than day, by only four C-47s, less than routinely flew training missions together. - that is all I asserted - namely that there was some other reason, possibly the one my sources speculated about - namely that US had leased out the German gold and had to wait for the lease to expire.

    Here is repost of our exchange, post 663 at : http://www.sciforums.com/threads/th...r-more-worse-news.105212/page-34#post-3149989
    here that "hog wash" is direct from the Germany's Central bank's original announcement:
    Here it is in the origial German:
    “Auf einer Pressekonferenz am 16. Januar 2013 stellte die Bundesbank ihr neues Konzept zur Lagerung der deutschen Goldbestände vor. Ab 2020 soll die Hälfte des Goldes in Tresoren im Inland, die andere Hälfte bei Partnernotenbanken in New York und London lagern. Im Anschluss hatten die rund 70 anwesenden Journalisten erstmalig die Möglichkeit, bei einer Prüfung von Goldbarren dabei zu sein.
    „Die beiden wichtigsten Funktionen der Goldreserven sind die Vertrauensbildung im Inland und die Möglichkeit, binnen kürzester Zeit Gold an Goldhandelsplätzen im Ausland in Fremdwährungen umtauschen zu können“, erklärte Vorstandsmitglied Carl-Ludwig Thiele. Die beabsichtigte künftige Verteilung der Goldbestände – die eine Hälfte im Inland, die andere Hälfte an den wichtigsten Goldhandelsplätzen im Ausland – trage diesen Funktionen Rechnung. Bis 2020 werden dazu schrittweise 300*Tonnen Gold von New York nach Frankfurt und 374*Tonnen von Paris nach Frankfurt verlagert.”

    Germany is to get all its 300 tonnes back only by 2020. It does not get more official than the 16January 2012 press release by Germny's central bank to an assembly of 70 journalists but no doubt you will still claim my statement is "hog wash" instead of appoligize for your frequently repeated BS and you continue to refuse to give the link the Bloomberg you claimed to be quoting from.

    Summary you are a well demonstrated / proven to be a bull shitter and LIER.

    BTW, I can note for about the 8th time, that I only quoted (and gave links to) two different sources say Germany would not get all the gold it wanted back until 2020. I NEVER SAID THE WORDS YOU STUFFED IN MY MOUTH (a very common habit you have) about me claiming "the Federal Reserve told Germany it couldn't have its gold back right away and would need to wait 7 years"

    I did demonstrate in a series of very fact filled posts that all 300 tonnes could be delivered to Frankfurt in less than 12 hours by only 4 of the US's 224 C-17 heavy lift cargo planes and asked you why you thought the Gemans had to wait 7 years to get that gold back. I (and many others) speculated that one reason might be that the US has encumbered the gold via leases to others. That speculation is strengthened by fact no independent audit has been allowed for SIX DECADES! Congressman Ron Paul tried hard for years to get a new independent audit done but was "stonewalled" by the administration. That does make one wonder what they must hide.

    BTW there is at the quote's source a link to an 8:46 minute video of the German fault in Frankfurt, which is waiting for the gold. This is a direct link to that video:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2015
  11. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Yes, the American Revolution was an illegal coup. And the Monroe Doctrine, only recently repudiated by John Kerry, was the principle that this hemisphere was OUR sphere of influence. Russia also has it's sphere of influence and it feels threatened by the encroachment of European interests. We would too if the situation were reversed.
  12. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    again that idea ignores the fact that Ukraine has interests to and for a large portion of ukranains that means moving away from russia. this may come as a shock to you but the weak have their own interests too.
  13. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    So let them fight Russia and lose. That will solve everything.
  14. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    You are being more than a little disingenuous. Now where in all that does it prove your allegation the Fed couldn't return Germany's gold because it didn't have the gold? You cited specious sources for your allegation. Germany's repatriation of its gold was never the issue. Congrats, you proved a point that wasn't in contention.
  15. CptBork Valued Senior Member

    Yes NATO can fight Russia. It may or may not go nuclear, but either way Russia doesn't come out as the winner. A conventional war would be ugly for both sides, but in relative terms if you think it would be anything short of a rout in NATO's favour, then you haven't read any statistics on military spending, training or established battlefield performance over the last 10 years. Russia is badly outclassed in virtually every means possible except on the fantasy TV screens of RT and its affiliated brown-nosers.

    We don't want to fight Russia now, just as we didn't want to fight them in the Cold War even a few miles off the tip of Florida, but don't confuse that with being utterly helpless while they simply steamroll their way through eastern Europe, because whenever they fantasize about it, that's really just the Vodka talking.
  16. CptBork Valued Senior Member

    So I guess you missed the reports coming out of Russia about how this bullshit was all planned by the Kremlin well in advance? And I guess it's our fault that dissidents have been steadily locked up since the day Putin stepped into office, it's our fault that they're stalking gay people via the internet and then maiming them in public, we're the ones who made them corrupt, fat, lazy, violent and drunk?
  17. CptBork Valued Senior Member

    Oh and as for this stupid idea that Russia is somehow an ally in the war on terrorism... All they have to do is stop selling Kalashnikovs and missiles to Islamic fundamentalists and their sponsor nations, and watch the problem magically disappear. ISIS is just the excuse of the year for Russia to rape more Ukrainians and Chechens, Israel to build more West Bank settlements, Iran to continue colonizing Syria, and any number of other nearby nations' regional ambitions; I don't think any of those parties are truly that upset to have this "global threat" on their radars.
  18. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    So basically you do not believe in the right of a people to determine their own government and how they want to live. You believe in the right of corrupt autocrats and dictators to rule with absolute power over people. Well you would fit in fine with Putin, Hitler, Mussolini, and a host of other dictators. But don’t expect the rest of us to go along with you. If you like Putin so much you should move to Mother Russia.

    What Putin fears most is successful democracies on Russia’s borders. Successful democracies on Russian borders might make Putin’s fellow Russians a little less compliant. Russian people might begin asking questions Putin would rather not be asked. This isn’t about Russian sphere of influence. A nation doesn’t have to invade, occupy and annex a country to expand its sphere of influence. Ukraine doesn’t belong to Russia. Further, Russia isn’t entitled to enslave Ukrainians. Ukrainians have the right to self-determination even if self-determination irks you as it obviously does. One nation cannot be allowed to enslave another, even if that pisses you off. And Ukrainians have a right to remove a president who violates Ukrainian law, just as we Americans have the right to remove a president if he or she violates American law. It’s called impeachment.

    Further, your continued refusal to recognize simple facts is unimpressive. Per my previous post and the references I gave to back it up, the Monroe Doctrine did none of the things you claim it did. It was a policy to prevent further European colonialization of the Americas. At the time the US was a fledgling new country. It wasn’t the world power it is today – far from it. Kerry didn’t repudiate the Monroe Doctrine. He said it was dead, because if you haven’t noticed, European powers are no longer attempting to colonize the Americas. The need for the Monroe Doctrine no longer exists. If your point is the US has a sphere of influence, it does. But does the US invade, occupy and annex lands to keep its sphere of influence? No it doesn't. The reason the US is so successful is because it has a long history of engendering trust. That is why the US Dollar is the world reserve currency. It didn't earn that trust by invading, occupying and annexing neighboring states and flagrantly violating international law.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  19. Billy T Use Sugar Cane Alcohol car Fuel Valued Senior Member

    No you are still lying. Can not quote any post of mine alleging /stating the words YOU keep putting in my mouth.
    Quoting some source is not alleging what it says. I'll give example of that by quoting the Boston Globe in my next post.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2015
  20. Billy T Use Sugar Cane Alcohol car Fuel Valued Senior Member

    Certainly everyone tends to quote soures that they think are factual and well reasoned (if not just amusing or interesting).
    But that is not making any assertion - You seem incapable of understanding this simple difference and stuff words into other's mouths.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2015
  21. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Sure, go ahead and underestimate them as a bunch of drunk megalomaniacs. If they were evil, I would say sure, treat them like an enemy. But they are no more evil than we are.
    I do believe in self determination. I also believe in breathing. Your criticisms are childish and misapplied. You sound like a 1950's propaganda piece against the commies.
    That's ridiculous. What Russian citizen is a slave?
    Grow up. The whole history of the CIA has been overthrowing democratically elected governments. That's what they do.

    What's the plan here? We sanction Russia, they tough it out as they always have. Then what? We arm the Ukrainians, Russia out-arms the rebels. Are we going to send them tanks and fighter jets? Let's get real. How is this supposed to work?
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  22. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Good, show me something from the Boston Globe which validates your assertion the Federal Reserve was dragging its feet repatriating Germany's gold reserves because it had loaned it out to unnamed third parties.
  23. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Oh yes I can,

    Below are your posts, the posts in which you claim the Federal Reserve told Germany it must wait between 5 to 7 years to get its US gold deposits back. You have never produced evidence the Fed told Germany it had to delay getting its gold back. You have never proven the Federal Reserve had loaned out German gold reserves. And as proven, your claims the Fed’s gold deposits haven’t been audited for 6 decades is also wrong. The Fed and its gold deposits are routinely audited every year by multiple authorities. Additional, as previously proven, the Federal Reserve does not trade gold. It doesn’t own any gold.

    BillyT’s posts:
    ** Conservative as it assumes all holders of maturing Treasury bonds will roll them instead of ask for payment of full face value in cash, despite that is just what and increasing number of holders are asking for. Germany is even asking for half of its gold to leave NYC deposit and return home. Speculation in Holland´s press is that Netherlands will soon do the same. Also speculation is that the reason it will take seven years for Germany to get its gold back is that US has "leased out" much of the gold to others. I.e. there are more "owners" than there is gold.

    Germany asked for its gold back one month after the US treasury refused to let German officials audit / see it. It is beginning to look like there may be a run of extraction of foreign owned gold from the US before my predicted run on the dollar. Germany is officially the second largest holder of gold, but many believe (including me) that China holds more than Germany does, but already keeps it in China. How much they have is a high state secrete. Now that India has put a tax on gold imports China is both world´s larges buyer and world´s largest producer. Long ago, I suggest China, when ready, will back the RMB with gold for all central banks to make it over night the preferred reserve currency. Brazil, and many others are now buying gold for their reserves, and would prefer interest-paying, gold-backed RMB bonds to physical gold. http://www.sciforums.com/threads/th...r-more-worse-news.105212/page-27#post-3040917

    Much US´s gold is owned by others like Germany, or leased out. Why Germany must wait >5 years to get it back to Germany. Why no US gold audit for 6 decades! http://www.sciforums.com/threads/the-u-s-economy-stand-by-for-more-worse-news.105212/page-30#post-3054468

    “The United States is broke — fiscally, morally, intellectually — and the Fed has incited a global currency war (Japan just signed up, the Brazilians and Chinese are angry, and the German-dominated euro zone is crumbling) that will soon overwhelm it. When the latest bubble pops, there will be nothing to stop the collapse. If this sounds like advice to get out of the markets and hide out in cash, it is. http://www.sciforums.com/threads/th...r-more-worse-news.105212/page-30#post-3058605

    We had a very long conversation about your gold machinations in which you expounded on your belief the Fed was delaying the return of Germany's gold...too long to repost all of them. And you have never been able to offer any credible proofs of your claims.

    And as we all know, your much vaunted run on the dollar never materialized. And you went on to say, except for getting everything wrong, you got everything right.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015

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