Small question: Difference between electricity and magnetism

Discussion in 'Physics & Math' started by Secret, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Secret Registered Senior Member

    Electricity and magnetism are closely linked by maxwell equations
    But other that we still have not found any magnetic monopoles (no, not those quasiparticles in spin ice, they don't count), is there any other significant difference between them?

    Background of this question
    Learning some solid state chem at uni

    Learnt of phenomenons such as
    Diamagnetism (Antiferromagnetism)
    Frustrated states (spin ice, spin liquid, spin glasses)
    Exchange spin magnets
    Spin ladders
    Spin canted magnetism
    Giant magnetoresistance

    Diaelectricity (Antiferroelectricity)


    Google searching give me more stuff to fill in the gaps
    Ferrielectricty (All links leads to a journal describing a compound AgNbO3)
    Pyromagnetism (rare:
    Quantum electric dipole glass (
    Giant electroresistance (

    Phenomeon that I cannot find any analogue in google search
    Frustrated states (spin ice, spin liquid)
    Exchange spin magnets
    Spin ladders
    Spin canted magnetism

    This caused me to revisit the question on the subtle difference between electricity and magnetism
    google search result mainly said they only striking difference is the absence of magnetic monopoles
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2013
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  3. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    I seem to recall learning once that magnetism is the effect that Special Relativity has on electric charges moving relative to one another. Something to do with Lorentz contraction altering charge densities in one wire, as seen from the reference frame of the moving charges in the other wire. But don't ask me for the details.
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  5. MarkM125 Registered Senior Member

    Yes. For example, the magnetic force has the property of being velocity dependent - its magnitude is equal to qvB, where q is the particle's electric charge, and B is the magnetic flux density. Magnetic fields are also generated by moving electric charges, and so a frame of reference can always be chosen to eliminate a particle's magnetic field (more on that in a moment). Additionally, the magnetic force acts perpendicular to the direction of motion, and so tends to cause particles travel in orbits, like in a cyclotron. Also, magnetism can be used to produce the Hall Effect.

    The relationship between the E and B field can be described, as exchemist noted, with special relativity. In a frame of reference in which two particles are at rest, there will be no magnetic force in between them, but there will be an electrostatic force. So, consider a wire of charge of length l and a with a current I, and a particle of charge q. In a frame O in which the velocity of q is a positive number, v, the magnetic field generated at a distance r from the wire can be seen from the Bio-Savart Law

    B = μ₀I/2πr

    Since the force on q has a magnitude of F = qvB, the force is equal to

    F = -qvμ₀I/2πr

    Where the negative sign indicates that the force is attractive. Now, boost to a frame of reference O', at rest with respect to q. So, in this frame v = 0, and magnetic force exists on the particle. However, there must be a force in O' that does act to attract q to the wire, as events are independent of the frame of reference. In O', however, the wire must undergo Lorentz contraction by a factor of γ. So, the spacing in between charges in O' is equal to l/γ. Let's say that the wire consists of N charges per unit of length in O. Then, as per the mentioned length contraction, there must be γN charges per unit length in O'. If the charges in the wire possess an electric charge e, then the Lorentz transformation changes the current density as

    λ → λ'

    λ' = (γNe - Ne/γ)
    = Ne(γ - 1/γ)
    = -γNe(1 - 1/γ²)
    = -γNev²/c²

    The current I in O is given by I = Nev. Therefore, the above charge density can be rewritten as

    λ' = -γNevI/c²

    Since the electric field of a charged line is given by E = λ/2π∊₀r, the E field in O' is

    E' = λ'/2π∊₀r
    = -γNevI/2π∊₀rc²

    Then, we can use the fact that the relationship between the speed of light and the vacuum permeability and permittivity is c² = 1/μ₀∊₀, the above takes the form

    E' = -γv(μ₀I/2πr)

    The electric force on q is then

    F' = qE' = -γv(μ₀I/2πr)

    Which is identical to the force in the frame O up to a factor of gamma. So, Lorentz transformations transform electric fields and magnetic fields into each other. For components perpendicular to the direction of motion, the relevant equation was derived above

    E' = -γv(μ₀I/2πr)
    E' = -γvB

    So, the difference between E and B fields is that of the frame of reference. Therefore, the fundamental quantity is not the electric or magnetic fields, but the electromagnetic field.
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  7. eram Sciengineer Valued Senior Member

    @Secret hopefully they've let you experiment in the lab instead of just reading textbooks all the time.
  8. Secret Registered Senior Member

    They have labs, but my curiosity result in pretty much every time I look up information after lectures and labs, I end up having a new question. (I basically asked my professors as much questions as in this forum)

    @MarkM125: thanks for the info. I still need to get my head around relativity though.
    So basically the two major difference is
    1. No magnetic monopoles
    2. Magnetic force is frame dependent?
  9. MarkM125 Registered Senior Member

    Yes, those are both distinct differences. The magnetic force is determined by the velocity of the charged particle, so, in the particle's rest frame, it doesn't create a magnetic field.

    Relativity isn't critical to EM, I was just elaborating on a point made by exchemist in regards to how relativity explains the frame dependence of the magnetic field.

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