Mississippi Republicans and Miscegenation

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tiassa, Apr 14, 2011.

  1. EmptySky Banned Banned

    I know, it's all a bit of a joke isn't it? As you sit in front of the TV, stuffing down another microwave dinner followed by a box of Twinkies and watching the latest air strikes on Libya/Afghanistan/Iraq/Sudan, blah, blah, blah, I forget where now, etc...

    All there is to do really is call the government and complain about how grainy the picture is and couldn't they use higher resolution cameras so that you can see the explosions clearer?

    And what about some fucking sound?! I wanna hear my tax dollars going up in smoke!

    And can't we get some different camera angles on those turban-headed terrorists being blasted into smithereens?

    Isn't it about time wars were directed by movie producers rather than generals?
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  3. quinnsong Valued Senior Member

    Damn Empty, sounds like you need to get a life as it sounds rather pathetic!
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  5. quinnsong Valued Senior Member

    Tiassa, I think this link provided the best answer and the article did not mention Simpson.

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  7. chimpkin C'mon, get happy! Registered Senior Member

    Are you saying we are a logical species?
    There's no way I'm buying that...
    Alright, I'll use the term "wrong" then. Wrongs were committed.

    I never denied the majority were on board with them. There was always a minority who were not, throughout our history.

    As far as paying reparations to Blacks, ceding land to Native Americans, and moving to Europe...(Ignoring the fact I have a small smidge of Native blood in me) that would require me to possess land, possess more amounts of money than I do now-since right now, my income is mostly my outgo, and the co-operation of some European country to take me in.

    I don't have those things. I'm poor by the standards of the realm.

    Again,your prejudice has already given you a caricature of us, and it closes your perception.
    The thing about prejudice is that it gives immense power to something called the "confirmation bias."

    So...while I might tell you "No, it's more complicated than that," you are only going to perceive that which reinforces what you already think of us.

    Just as some white bigot who sees black people as stupid is ONLY going to perceive evidence of black stupidity...and conveniently screen out smart black people.

    So one of our astronauts, also a medical doctor,also a professor of oncology at Baylor when not flying space missions...and making the rest of us feel embarrassingly inferior...

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    ( Doctor Robert Satcher also fights Doc Ock in his spare time)
    ...The aforementioned bigot would probably forget about Doctor Satcher a lot faster than some dumb teenage kid he or she happened to see doing something stupid.

    You'll only remember what confirms your prejudices.

    As far as the whole "Islamic Bogeymen," thing...as I have put it, there are 1.5 billion Muslims...if they were all determined to kill us, we'd all be dead...
    Therefore, obviously those Muslims who wish to kill us are a very small part of what is a very large, very complicated whole. Most Islamic people just want a good life, like everyone else. I'd really like it if my government stopped preventing that from happening in many places....but we have a sham democracy here, so, again, not much I can do to stop it.

    The westerners/Americans who fit your prejudice are a small part of what is a very large, very complicated whole.

    Do you want to try and apprehend the reality more closely, as I do with other parts of the world? Or would you prefer to keep wearing your blinders?

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    Because if it's the latter...then, again, as I said before, there's not much point in talking to you-your mind is shut like a steel trap.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2011
  8. chimpkin C'mon, get happy! Registered Senior Member

    I have no objection to the idea of us all becoming lightly brown and wavy-haired people in a few generations. That actually sounds pretty cool.
  9. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    Rather, challenges to slavery were only successful once an industrialized economy that could out-compete plantation slavery became available.

    Doesn't imply that there were no challenges before that. And anyone with a basic grasp of US history knows of serious, prominent challenges to such going all the way back to the revolution.

    How about you open a fucking book instead of trolling us with these inane premises?

    Oh, right, because you aren't looking for information. You're just a cheap racist troll.
  10. YoYoPapaya Trump/Norris - 2012 Registered Senior Member

    I support this.
  11. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Religion was also a big factor. The natives, after all, were godless heathens. Many things have been changing since science and secularism have taken hold. Racism arose after slavery for the most part, as a way to justify the institution. It was further reinforced whenever a black person rebelled against it, thus "proving" that they were intrinsically violent.
  12. anakin Registered Member

    In respect to a great lattice effect,inter-racial and non-racial groups, virtues are and going to be played out. Fact is, a harlequin effect goes on....then how much is enough! Let by-gones be by-gones lots of luck. ..
  13. siphra Registered Senior Member

    Please tell me I wasn't the only one who found that funny.

    (As in old enough to know why it's funny...)
  14. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Creatively Obvious

    No, no. Plenty are old enough. Of course, some might debate whether or not it was funny.

    But I liked it. It was what I like to call "creatively obvious".
  15. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    As if the Mississippi poll wasn't bad enough, check out this ad from the Alabama Republican primary (the actual ad is at the beginning of the video, Bill Maher then goes on to create a couple more ads lampooning the first one.)


    Here's a quote from the ad

    "On the school board, Byrne supported teaching evolution, said evolution best explains the origin of life -- even recently said the Bible is only partially true"

    Mr. Byrne promptly responded saying that he believes every word in the bible is true and that he actually fought to have creationism taught at Albama public schools,,,,,,,.

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  16. JuNie Registered Senior Member

    roll tide! :d
  17. EmptySky Banned Banned

    When we are discussing race of course we screen out the individual, they're only the exceptions that prove the rule.

    If only I had a dollar for every time some ignorant white liberal posted the face of a black man with a career as evidence that race doesn't exist or that all blacks have the same level of intelligence as whites I'd be, well, you know... rich.

    You can understand that posting details of a white athlete in some ridiculous attempt to suggest that all the top athletes are white or that whites dominate athletics or possess the same level of athletic ability as blacks would be absurd.

    How blacks are treated by whites in Western society - whether they are used as slaves on a plantation or promoted via affirmative action to prominent social/political positions is only a barometer of the interests and goals of whites. It has nothing to do with nature (except in how an alpha group controls and exploits a beta) as that hasn't changed in millions of years and certainly not in the last few centuries.
  18. EmptySky Banned Banned

    Thanks for proving my point.

    At least we're clear now that abolition was driven entirely by the economic goals of the white world.

    I guess it's a bit like a Christian calling a non believer a heretic. It might make you feel good and allow you to vent some of that liberal frustration caused by living the life of a sheep but it means nothing to me.
  19. chimpkin C'mon, get happy! Registered Senior Member

    Everyone's an individual. Geniuses come in all colors. Morons too.
    I was about to say I think I'm dealing with the latter, but no. You're intelligent, just a racist, which I find disgusting. You also don't seem to have simply been around enough people who don't share your skin color...because you seem to think we have to be indoctrinated to think this way.
    When you grow up knowing people of different colors as people, they are just people, and I'm sorry you're too mired in your way of thinking to see that.

    Race is still a social construct...that having been said, it's a disadvantage to have a black skin in the Western world ATM, true. There's such a thing as skin privilege. It's not fair. It plays to my advantage, and I'm embarrassed and a bit ashamed of that...but, not much I can do. Social attitudes change slower than glaciers.

    For one, I'd use MLK's analogy...they run the same race, they just start further back in many cases.

    Besides that, one doesn't get to be a professor of oncology through affirmative action-one gets there by curing a lot of cancer, or developing inventive treatments for same.

    Nature has nothing to do with us, either.
    We domesticated ourselves about 10,000-30,000 years ago, unless there's further archaeological evidence to be found.

    Since I was saved by modern medicine several times over, it takes modern medicine, much time in filtered air, and occasionally breathing machines on occasion for me to be alive-at all times...as one person pointed out, I am a low-level cyborg.
    I'm completely unnatural.

    So, your contention is that white people are superior? Not just in charge, to be clear, but superior?
    Because you've hinted at that, but never quite come out and said it....

    Man people like you depress and disappoint me so freaking bad I ....just ...can't...man...
    ...Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit huffing spraypaint...
    *Chimpkin squirts huge shot of spraypaint into bag, inhales deeply*

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    (sound of braincells exploding)

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    *Chimpy dives through window*

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    (We are having technical difficulties, please....standby....BEEEEEEEP......)
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2011
  20. JuNie Registered Senior Member


    African immigrants to the U.S. are more highly educated than any other native-born ethnic group including white Americans. Some 48.9 percent of all African immigrants hold a college diploma. This is more than double the rate of native-born white Americans, and nearly four times the rate of native-born African Americans.[9]
    In 1997, 19.4 percent of all adult African immigrants in the United States held a graduate degree, compared to 8.1 percent of adult white Americans and 3.8 percent of adult black Americans in the United States, respectively.[10] This information suggests that America has an equally large achievement gap between whites and African/Asian immigrants as it does between white and black Americans.
    Of the African-born population in the United States age 25 and older, 87.9% reported having a high school degree or higher,[11] compared with 78.8% of Asian-born immigrants and 76.8% of European-born immigrants, respectively.[12] Immigrants groups in general tend to have higher high school graduation rates than the native-born general American population.
    Africans from Nigeria (89.1 percent), Ghana (85.9 percent), Botswana (84.7 percent), and Malawi (83 percent) were the most likely to report having a high school degree or higher. Those born in Cape Verde (44.8 percent) and Mauritania (60.8 percent) were the least likely to report having completed a high school education.[13]
    In Canada, similar trends can be seen where both foreign-born and Canadian-born blacks have graduation rates that exceed those of other Canadians. Similar patterns of educational over-achievement are reached with years of schooling and with data from the 1994 Statistics Canada survey.[14][15] Black immigrants have a higher standard of educational achievement, on average, than the overall Canadian population.[16]
  21. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member

    So the Japanese that immigrate here don't have better education than Africans or at least the same?
  22. JuNie Registered Senior Member

    Population of Japanese in America is higher than African immigrants. So you can draw whatever conclusions you want. I just posted the facts in response to racist, white supremacy ideology from that other jerk.
  23. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    Is that the best you've got?

    No, we aren't.

    Nor are we "clear" that there's any salient distinction between the "economic" and "moral" aspects of abolitionism.

    You really think this cheap crap is going to impress anyone? Everyone's heard these lame talking points by the time they graduate high school.

    It's more like a Christian calling a televangelist a cheap charlatan.

    You troll like a little girl. Grow a sack and learn to troll like a man.

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