I love you Ridley Scott: Alien Prequel confirmed for 2011

Discussion in 'SciFi & Fantasy' started by Plazma Inferno!, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. Plazma Inferno! Ding Ding Ding Ding Administrator

    Humans should be included in movie, because Weyland-Yutani knew about Aliens before Nostromo crew faced them. What if previous crew was annihilated, so nobody could give a clue what's going on on LV-426 or some other planet or ship where humans encountered xenomorphs for the first time?
    WY decided to send 'collectors' (Nostromo) again, but this time with insider (Ash).

    Also what are Aliens? Just strange organisms discovered and gathered by Space Jockeys for further research, or powerful bio-weapon created artificially?
    This also raises question about Space Jockeys. Are they peaceful race or blood-thirsty warriors?

    Prequel could give a lot of answers and it should be exciting enough to 'wash' the bitter taste of Alien 3, Resurrection and AVP movies.
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  3. phlogistician Banned Banned

    We know the company know about the existence of Aliens and Predators, that is canon from later films. Ash wasn't on a specific mission, order 937 stands on every mission, that's why they deviated and investigated the beacon (he has a little speech about their contractual obligations to do so). If there was some a-priori conspiracy to put Ash on the Nostromo before they left Earth, it begs why they waited until they were on their way back before they investigated, why the company didn't prevent mother from deciphering the beacon as being a warning, and why, after the destruction of the Nostromo, instead of sending another team to investigate the crash site, they instead send terraformers, seemingly ignorant of the crashed ship full of Alien eggs, or why they sent a mining ship, not a team of marines/scientists in the first place. No, the angle that the company knew anything before the Nostromo picked up the signal just doesn't fly.
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  5. phlogistician Banned Banned

    Then it depends when the prequel is set. Sure, the company know about Aliens and Predators after the canon that is AvP (whether you like that or not). Therefore they would probably expend considerable effort to procure Predator Technology, is not Alien specimens. But to try and work some a-priori knowledge of LV-426 into the back story of Alien doesn't fit. In AvP the company assembled a team of the best people it could find to investigate a ruin, so the idea they'd send a bunch of space truckers to pick up a potentially deadly alien species doesn't fit.

    Again that doesn't fit, or they'd have sent more people to investigate after the destruction of the Nostromo, and after losing two ships in the same area, they'd go in tooled up, not send women and children terraforming families.

    Ash got his head beaten clean off by a fat guy with a bat. What use was he? Ash failed, and I can only presume that was because he wasn't prepared for what he found.

    Now these are the questions, and a prequel should focus here. We know two non human space faring races know more about xenomorphs than we do. A lot more. Adding humans into the prequel starts opening cracks in the canon, unless they all die and little knowledge is passed on.

    Like it or not, they are canon, and a prequel has to fit. Let's hope this flick isn't going to do a 'Highlander 2' and ignore what we already know. OK, so Resurrection sucked some, but Alien3 and AvP were interesting ideas, if not executed as well as they could have been.
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  7. Plazma Inferno! Ding Ding Ding Ding Administrator

    I would drop AVP background and focus on humans-xenomorphs-Space Jockeys triangle only.

    It could fit with Alien script, because Company could hold the news about xenomorphs Top Secret. For example:

    • Company cooperates with Space Jockey race (assuming that they have not bad intentions toward humans).
    • Space Jockeys discover new species, perfect killing machines that could be used for wars. Or possibly, if Predators are included, Space Jockeys could be in war with them, discovering xenomorphs in one of Predators' bases.
    • Space Jockeys send word to their partners (Company) about the discovery (language shouldn't be a problem because Ripley as a layman decoded the warning message).
    • Company agrees to send emissaries that will pick the xenomorphs and bring them to Earth (or nearest WY station or ship).
    • Xenomorph eggs would be carried in two ships, the one that Company sent and Space Jockey's.
    • Shit happens during the voyage, first to human ship (chance for another sequel), and then to Space Jockey ship that lands on LV-426.
    • Company doesn't know what happened to crew and ships (but audience knows) until they intercepts Space Jockey signal.
    • Company sends the nearest ship, Nostromo to check what happened, hoping that human ship will also send signal in the meantime.
    • Or alternatively, instead of having one more (human) ship, Company crew could be boarded on Space Jockey's ship. It could include one sane officer (Ripley-like) who realizes the danger that is heading to Earth, sacrificing him/herself (and the rest of the ship) for the sake of all humans, and sending out warning (or that could be done by one of Space Jockeys who is helping human officer). Or instead of sacrifice, one curious or reckless crew member could cause mayhem, etc.

    I know, it's not flawless, but it's intriguing.
  8. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    Plaz's second option is what the comics have been using: xenos as bioweapons for clearing and colonization by the Space Jockeys.
  9. Repo Man Valued Senior Member

    It was SOP to investigate distress signals. Special Order 937 was not.


    After losing one (possibly more than one?) very expensive ship and crew, it seems Weyland Yutani gave up on the Alien. Information about the derelict on LV426 was apparently lost, and no one (that we know of) was sent to investigate until Ripley is rescued, and tells her story about what happened. Carter Burke then sends some prospectors to investigate, of course without giving them sufficient warning of what they might find. There is no mention, or any hints that I'm aware of, that any old or lost information about the aliens factored in to what happened in Aliens.

    I make an effort to ignore all of the AVP garbage. As far as I'm concerned, it's like having the Enterprise show up to help destroy the Death Star.

    It's not as though I think a prequel should include humans. But a film that does not include them will have difficulty appealing to mass audiences. That sounds risky, and I can't see a studio taking that sort of chance with a big budget film in these economic hard times. There are still lots of ways humans could play a role, it just takes good writers.
  10. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    Listen, you two: there was nothing wrong with the second AvP. Nothing.

    The first one never happened.
  11. phlogistician Banned Banned

    So they sent a bunch of space truckers without any equipment to capture said beastie on their return journey? Some priority mission. I don't buy it.
  12. tuberculatious Banned Banned

    predators planted the eggs on the ship.
  13. Cowboy My Aim Is True Valued Senior Member

    Agreed, and good points. Except that I thought the first AvP movie was pretty cool. :shrug:
  14. Plazma Inferno! Ding Ding Ding Ding Administrator

    That's how Mark Verheiden depicts them in his novels.

    I'm with phlog here. Company either doesn't know what's on the ship, or they know (it's some sort of weapon) but they want to keep it confidential (more likely).
    Also, both Company's and crew's knowledge about xenomorphs should be even lesser in Prequel.

    AvP had ok idea, but poor execution. I would like if the movie was based on video game.

    Also, Aliens TV series would be good idea, but J.J. Abrams shouldn't be involved.
  15. CptBork Valued Senior Member

    No way AvP is part of the official canon. I myself refused to go see that movie because Danny Glover wasn't in it, you can't go only half-way on the stupidometer if you're gonna make a movie like this. So yeah, if I were making a prequel for Alien, I would make sure to close all loopholes so the whole AvP comic book fan rubbish can't possibly be part of the storyline, even in the most pimply-faced teenager's wet dreams. Maybe the aliens from Independence Day can make a cameo appearance instead of the predators, and Arnold Schwartzenegger can show up as the Terminator to save everyone at the last minute.

    The Alien saga was a great series with plenty of room to explore unanswered questions. My feeling the whole way through was that the real monster is the corporation itself, not the aliens it sends people to get eaten by for the sake of obtaining specimens, so I hope they play off this angle some more in the prequel.
  16. CptBork Valued Senior Member

    Oh yeah, they've already done that actually. Check this out.
  17. phlogistician Banned Banned

    I liked AvP, I just thought it was a bit rushed, even watching it with the extra scenes it was all over far too quickly.

    We only capture a glimpse of the Predator homeland, that could have been expanded. We still have no idea of the length of the relationship between Predator and Xenomorph, although it's clear the Predators see them as a trophy species, and have done for some time. Because of the hunter/hunted relationship I doubt Xenomorphs were created as weapons, I think they just happen to be hard sons of bitches, the Predator species seem to have been roaming the galaxy for thousands of years so have had plenty of time to explore and discover such things. That said, I find it impossible to conceive that the 'Space Jockey' species, and the Predators were not aware of each other, or at least, Predators aware of 'Space Jockeys'.

    Perhaps 'Space Jockeys' breed Xenomorphs and sell them, and Predators were consumers, .....

    But anyway, seems there is dislike for AvP, but it is canon, so prequels have to incorporate, or skirt the facts it revealed.
  18. Repo Man Valued Senior Member

    You are aware that the quote in my post is Special Order 937 just as it appears on Mother's screen in the film Alien?
  19. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member


  20. Grim_Reaper I Am Death Destroyer of Worlds Registered Senior Member

    Cool one year before the end of the world sweet.
  21. phlogistician Banned Banned

    Yeah, but that is after the creature is running loose around the ship, and as Ash appears next to Ripley as she's sat interrogating Mother, it's clear he has access to Mother too, has probably reported his findings back, and received that reply.

    It doesn't imply the company knew there was a life form before the Nostromo set out, because as I've said, they investigated on their return journey, which doesn't fit with the priority given to this order, they have no equipment to capture a creature, and aren't the hombres for that job either..

    Had Ash any clue before they set down, he should have just frozen Kane when he came back with the face hugger on him, and as Parker suggested that himself, I doubt there would have been any arguments from the crew. Ash could then have returned the specimen inside Kane back to Earth, and fulfilled his mission. Clearly, the direction events took developed, it was not planned in advance.
  22. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    I'm positive it was an inside job.
  23. superstring01 Moderator

    I totally agree. IT was, as you mentioned, a good idea and had huge potential (and a significant fan base to tap into), but never executed quite right. The whole thing was rushed from A[lien] to Z[een-o-morf]. The speed in which the aliens grew in the crew's chest was too fast. I don't know the right amount of time (my guess: two to five days), but there's no way it should happen in a few hours, and then grow into full sized drone in double that time. Lame. Poorly done. What's more: It didn't need to be "portrayed" so quickly. Things could have cut away to a few days later (or some other plot device).



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