Complete Economic Collapse

Discussion in 'Business & Economics' started by Michael, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Also, even thought the wealthy in the USA do hold the deeds they hold that land at the leisure of the Public. It'd be just as easy for a politician to say to the electorate "Elect me and I'll see that anyone who owns more than 1 house is taxed so f*cking hard they'll wish they hadn't" Or "Elect me and landlords will be a thing of the past - One Citizen One House" - Sure, today that is not going to work, BUT shit hits the fan hard enough and it just might - at least at a local electorate level.

    It's only possible to stick it to the common man in a democracy just so hard. that's why the economy is so important in the USA, if the little guy feels he is losing out he'll vote in someone who he thinks can make sure he's winning again. The easiest way to do that, in the short term, is to take the money from the wealthiest family's and give it to the poor (ex: Cornelius Sulla's proscribing). Even now we can hear hints of it in Obama's and Hillary's rhetoric.
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  3. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Yeah, like politicians never misrepresent themselves. Duh!
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  5. kmguru Staff Member

    See most of my posts in Sciforums...there are plenty. Rest are what I read in WSJ, Fortune, Forbes, BusinessWeek, Der Spiegel, Economist, FT etc....

    Who said to collapse all the banks? I said, it would be considered as total collapse when the government closes the banks (for a short time because...)

    ...the government is forced to shutdown (the banks...)
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  7. Syzygys As a mother, I am telling you Valued Senior Member

    In Japan they call it the lost decade, when the central bank tried to keep the economy from collapsing and it did collapse eventually, it was just delayed. Some people make the point that we should just let the economy correct itself and move on.
  8. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    kmguru i think that closing the banks compleatly like that (rember even when banks are closed people still have access to there money through electronic means now) for even one day would effectivly crash the economie unless there was a VERY good reason for it. It would destroy all confidence in the economy and that would causes a crash faster than anything.

    Rember all the people running to ATM's to get bank statements incase they lost there money with the Y2K bug
  9. kmguru Staff Member

    I am talking about what could happen in an extreme case....
  10. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    actually it was more like 33 - 50% that died.
  11. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    ok does that change my theory?
  12. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    maybe not.
    I'm certainly not suggesting that we kill anyone. BUT, I'm also of the mind that if there were an economic collapse (or catastrophic plague) that of those that survived things might be pretty good for them. Once the dust settled there could be many more opportunities for the people that made though to the end.
  13. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    I wouldn't like Latvia's economy to collapse, because many, many would suffer from that, including me. We have an economic crisis right now. Inflation is sky high.
    We mostly have the super rich, who wouldn't care any way, and the usual citizens who all are more or less on the same level and suffer equally.

    And I just contributed to the US economy by buying loads of expensive hi tech stuff from there.
  14. kmguru Staff Member

    What are they? Are you sure they are not from China or Korea?
  15. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    Some pro video and audio recording and monitoring devices. One manufacture (or assembly) company is American, two others are Japanese, but the retailer is US.

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    At half the price in Europe.

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  16. idiot0boy Registered Member

    No thanks no job, no home and no food doesn't seem fun to me
  17. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member

    The people in charge of American companies are different today that before. They now only want to take as much as they can for themselves as like Russia and China do. If you look at both Russia and China their leaders as well as their top business leaders are the only ones really making a great deal of profit. Same as in America, the only people making it really rich are the top echelon of our country.

    By thinking that a collapse will bring about their downfall think again. They will only move from America to another country to live the life of luxury while Americans try and reform their beaten down economy by those that made it that way then left it in ruins! Americans are being made fools of by those in charge, they take everything that was reasonable and make it expensive only for their greedy purposes not for the betterment of society.

    Americans are being screwed by just about every major company that is doing business within it. Americans won't do anything about it so it will continue until a collapse happens. Electing the same people into Congress and the White House will never solve the problems for they are only working for the top companies that control America not the people who vote for them.

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  18. kmguru Staff Member

    They are the baby boomers who are after money than legacy. Exploiting customers are the mantra these days. That is what CRM companies tell their customers. A lot of deregulation over the years caused this mess. It is one thing to deregulate an automotive industry to compete with the Japanese, but another to deregulate the phone company. Now we have the poorest service all in the name of efficiency. Today, I got a telephone call that was intended for my neighbor because people were working on the telephone line and switched the line because of incompetency. In the past, the technician calls to verify if the line is correct.

    Most inefficiency is in stock traded companies so that they can take the shareholder's money and run. To the CEOs, the shareholder money is like tax money - it is free. Take as much as you can before you get pushed out to go somewhere to start that again.
  19. Carcano Valued Senior Member

    I dont want it...but I think radical change is necessary and can only be brought about by the serious consequences of a flawed system.
  20. kmguru Staff Member


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