Is there anything wrong to marry your cousin?

Discussion in 'Ethics, Morality, & Justice' started by Saint, Dec 16, 2005.

  1. An4401 Registered Member

    Haha thanx for the advice

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  3. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    Yeah. Just wear a condom. That would, for all practical purposes, eliminate the risk of degenerative problems.
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  5. Saint Valued Senior Member

    If you and your cousin both fall in love, there is nothing wrong to get married and fuck each other!
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  7. An4401 Registered Member

    Second half cousin remember lol
  8. NewJerseyMan Registered Member

    My thoughts...

    Well I do find the concept of incest to be creepy. But I think mankind has much more serious issues at stake: war, povery, sexual/physical/emotional abuse, AIDS, the list is nearly endless. I would say incest (apart from child sexual abuse and similar issues) is fairly far down on humanity's list of problems.

    To be honest, I was always attracted to one of my cousins, but I never acted on my urges. I suspect she didn't feel the same way, and even if she did, I wouldn't even so much as kiss her lips. I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I even tried to do that.

    Nevertheless, I still do agree that incest is bad, but I think it's no worse than homosexuality. It's funny that in some cultures you can be jailed or executed for homosexuality but incest is accepted practice, and in our culture incest can get you jailed for like 25 years but homosexuality is accepted practice. Just a couple of facts for you to think about. I agree that if one is wrong, so is the other.

    However, I think if you get with like your 9th or 10th cousin it would be just fine. There has to come a point where you're distantly enough genetically (and in whatever other ways are important) where your "relation" with that person would no longer be an issue.

    What I absolutely have a problem with, on the other hand, are parents that take advantage of their young children and sexually abuse them. I think we can all agree that is one of the most heinous and sick crimes: child sexual abuse. But as far as consensual incest, count my vote as no, but with perspective that there's alot worse out there - infinitely worse.

  9. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    Homosexuality isn't even a societal problem. If anything, it helps society, as a natural check on overpopulation.

    But incest can cause problems later on down the line. Or, rather, inbreeding can. It can lead to genes, that would normally be lost in a sea of new genes over several generations, becoming common traits and such. A lot of these genes can lead to genetic diseases or problems, such as the infamous Habsburg Jaw, or the European royals' common haemophilia.

    Incest in and of itself does not cause problems, because it is simply a sexual act. Condoms can prevent just about all of the potential problems. It is when they breed over many generations that causes genetic problems.
  10. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    Have you guys even read the previous postings? If you're going to perform thread necromancy on a discussion that went dormant a year ago, you take on the obligation to familiarize yourself with what's already been said. Most of what you're saying is repetition.
  11. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    I've noticed that some of our new members are reviving old topics. I just figure it's part of how they come to find us. Perhaps we should take a survey: Did you discover Sciforums through (A) a friend, (B) a search engine (which one, please?), or (C) a message from Jesus?

    As to the obligation to become familiar with prior discussion, I agree in principle. But people around here often reject the obligation to have even the slightest clue about whatever they choose to discuss, so in the scheme of things, rehashing stuff we've already forgotten about isn't the worst thing in the world, is it?
  12. srikar Registered Senior Member

    just check out the title of the sub-forum
  13. blackfoundations Registered Senior Member

    Yes, there is. There is far too many people out there for you to dwell on marrying your cousin or not. Leave that mess alone. lol
  14. mike47 Banned Banned

    In many nations marriages between cousins is legal . However the risk of genetic deformation is well documented in some cases .
  15. Quantum Quack Life's a tease... Valued Senior Member

    There is apparently if the community in question is small in population <1,000000
    I refer to the illness that is very comon amongst Gypsy [ Romani/Sinta] of a name I can't recall.....a blood disorder I think of some type...
    The Jewish "race" for example, is sufficiently large enough apparently to avoid this remote complication....
    [refering to "races" in general that tend to discourage interacial marriages and procreation.]
  16. swarm Registered Senior Member

    Marrying any of my cousins would be a huge mistake, what a scary bunch. Now my sister is pretty hot and she's available at the moment, that would be a smarter move. All my other close relative and inlaws are currently spoken for.
  17. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

  18. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    Yes, because it's taboo.
    If it wasn't it could just be mankind's greatest problem.
  19. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Practically the whole USA is embroiled in the gay marriage controversy and one of the major issues is the ideal that marriage should be permitted between consenting adults, right? Well, golly, if we permit gays to marry, how can we deny adult cousins? Or adult siblings? Or parents marrying their adult offspring?

    And please, don't bring up the issue about the possible problems of deformed babies ....there's nothing in any of the marriage laws that require the birth of children!

    Baron Max
  20. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    If they aren't going to have any sex why would they get married at all ?
  21. Baron Max Registered Senior Member


    So now you're implying that one must be trying to get pregnant if they have sex????? Huh? Surely, that can't be what you're trying to say, is it? And if it is, what's that say about gays???

    Perhaps you should be a little more ...ahh, wordy, and explain what you really mean by that statement.

    Baron Max
  22. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    I meant that if they aren't having sex then it's not a normal relationship, I'd even say that it's not love. So why get married ?
    You marry if you love someone, right ? And what loving couple doesn't have sex ??
  23. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    I think you should tell all the elderly couples and handicapped that.
    You have such a narrow minded view of what love is

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