Build a government...

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by cosmicbrat, Jun 9, 2007.

  1. Build a new government...

    When I speak to religious folk about new sciences, they compare all my data to the data they grasped of their Bible... which filters their input, with filters built 700-years ago... thereby maintaining the flocks and herds bound in submissive mentality.. for money, and blind servility, from that which they view as "the animal community".. us...

    It be a few of those at the top, abusing the base... It's like wearing shit on our head...
    In other words, "Democracy"... is when shit has migrated to the throne... from there governing our lives for Shit...
    But when we try to flush'em, they aren't connected to the tether, because they own that part of us....

    Democracy told us, "income tax will be stripped-out of government as soon as the nation is back on its feet as it was before WW2"... They swore it, but not on a bible...
    The nation got back on its feet, and they lied to us, and grew to be like a swamp leach stuck to your leg...

    Democracy is based upon a great lie... and now parasites are suckling on the federal reserve.. feeding upon our toil, our gratitude, our future, and our now.. our lives as their perpetual meal... allowing us just enough to survive, and the strength to work for their projects.. for handouts of seeds, glitters, beads, and little pats on the head and bum...

    Democracy is a Liar...
    Liars are Shit...
    Democracy is Shit...
    But we sure don't want Communism neither... They're both based upon Slavery...

    Maybe if we stop fighting long enough to redefine humanity.. and together build a humanity governance system conducive to Life, while there still is Life on this planet...
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  3. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    So by calling everyone "shit" and "liars", you're not fighting anyone???? Ye're being a, what, ....nice guy?

    My, what odd manners your mommy taught you.

    Baron Max
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  5. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    Democracy doesn't lie, people lie.
    Liars are shit? But all people lie, therefore all people are shit. Isn't that a depressing world view?
    Why don't you want communism? No government on the planet ever tried it, so on what basis do you consider it undesirable?
    Justify your statement that communism and democracy are both based upon slavery.

    The four lines I have just examined appear to be central to your thesis. I find them to be seriouslyflawed and thus your thesis is likely to be valueless.
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  7. Mosheh Thezion Registered Senior Member

  8. "So by calling everyone "shit" and "liars", you're not fighting anyone???? Ye're being a, what, ....nice guy?"

    Am just seeing it as it is.. just calling the shit, "shit"... Open yourn eyes too, and you too will see what's really all around you, outside your little box...

    "My, what odd manners your mommy taught you."

    My parents didn't teach me anything, but: anger, pain, sorrow, disrespect, being poor, distrust, how to be a slave, and how to be ignored... I learned how to be what I am by watching all of you...


    "Democracy doesn't lie, people lie."

    Democracy is people... Is there democracy on the Sun..?

    "Liars are shit? But all people lie, therefore all people are shit. Isn't that a depressing world view?"

    Sure is... but it's the ways things are... Blocking from noticing it is considered to be "survival".. but more along the context of "insanity", to force oneself to not believe something is when it is... and not far off from the ostrich burying its head in the sand...

    "Why don't you want communism? No government on the planet ever tried it, so on what basis do you consider it undesirable?"

    Communism is based upon harnessing the masses... That's Slavery... Both Democracy and Communism are an evolved take on Roman Slavery System... We need to build a state of the art governance system, that gets the things done that governments should be responsible for getting done... A system that crooks can't penetrate, nor manipulate...

    "Justify your statement that communism and democracy are both based upon slavery."

    They both maintain the masses in a state of ignorance, allowing them only enough intellect and resources to survive, and enough strength to fulfill government projectivity, with enough left over to play a little, under the immoralist's legal umbrella zoo-cage...

    The fact that things are so bad in the world well illustrates that our present forms of governance haven't worked, and don't work... It's like we are forever trying to use the wrong tool for the job... It's time to try a new tool...

    "The four lines I have just examined appear to be central to your thesis. I find them to be seriously flawed and thus your thesis is likely to be valueless."

    Very good!.. and more than expected...
    I do have a couple of bad habits... One of which I'm sure you would definitely not like... You are welcome to label me by that bad habit.. for this we will call it "X", to allow yourself permission to discount all my output... And you are absolutely correct.. my stuff is absolutely valueless to you, as a pocket knife is to an iguana...
  9. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Ahh, then that explains it all perfectly well.

    All of us? My, you really get around, don't you. There are people here from all over the world did you learn from us all? a lot of traveling, did you?

    Baron Max
  10. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    Cosmicbrat, you have more than enough issues to handle without me adding to your woes by detailing the errors of your perceptions. I'm sorry life has dealt you a crap hand so far, but wish you well for the future. Here is a tip, I'm fairly sure you will ignore, but I'll offer it anyway. If you expect the worst from people you will generally not be dissappointed. If, however, you expect the best it is amazing who often that is also what you will get.
    You have the power to change your life for the better right now. Good luck with the effort.
  11. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member


    Always looking for a new banner that makes better sense.
  12. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member

  13. Howzabout "Realism"..?

    Do a Google Search for "Realism"...

    How can anyone grasp anything new, if you all filter all your input with ancient biblical conditioning filters?..
    Your conditioning doesn't permit you to explore anything new... Your thought processing ceiling maintained at 7% mind-usage...

    Processing thought beyond the allotted 7% gives you a nasty migraine...
    after which, exploring dogma causes your glands to secrete your body's bio-anesthetics into your constricted cerebral nerve plumbing...
    Now high on the body's own internal drugs.. "Praise god!" cries out the stoned christian...
  14. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member


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