missed among the news...4.1 million more people in poverty

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mikasa11, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. mikasa11 Registered Senior Member

    REad the Washington post E J Dionne Jr and in it he said

    the Census Bureau's annual economic report, released in the midst of the Gulf Disaster, found that an additional 4.1 million Americans had slipped into poverty between 2001-2004

    FUNNY THAT it got buried!!!
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  3. radicand Registered Senior Member

    That's exactly why Bush won't sign the Koyoto accords. In not signing, he is insuring that all of his tax cuts for the rich on the backs of the poor won't be recognized. Why? Because then vicious, severe hurricanes will be produced at will to bury this type of news.

    Man it felt good to get this out!! :bugeye:

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