Unworthy of Life

Discussion in 'Ethics, Morality, & Justice' started by SetiAlpha6, Sep 26, 2021.

  1. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

    I read something about the anesthetics going on the outside of the microtubules and disrupting the flow of the electrons in the mictrotubles by exerting charges upon them.
    What do you know about it?
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  3. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Let's put it this way, I could be your granddaddy.
    I believe that one of the most underrated human qualities is "empathy", the ability to place oneself into the shoes of another and share their experience of reality.

    How to Foster Empathy in Children

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    I believe that empathy is generated by mirror neurons in the brain.

    I Feel Your Pain: Mirror Neurons and Empathy
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  5. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    The rules forbid sidetracking the threads, so we cannot go there in this thread.

    But I will answer your question in my thread about microtubules.
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  7. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

    Okay. My mistake.
  8. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    I can see the logic and need for some control, but personally I like a free-flowing evolving conversation including tangentially related issues.

    These asides often offer interesting, but obscure information that may not necessarily become apparent when the subject is very narrowly defined and usually just repeats knowledge that is already known.
  9. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    who pays for their housing mental health care doctors fees
    birthday partys
    special events

    who pays them unemployment wages when they have no job ?
    what if their job can not pay all their bills

    who pays those ?

    universal wage ?
    universal health care ?

    selective dystopian morality ?

    for a clearer focus on how extremist radical & unreasonable the anti-abortion people are

    ~~~ Woman or Girl(teen etc) ~~~

    should a women be allowed to choose cesarean section birth if she wants at no cost to herself financially ?
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
  10. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

  11. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

    Okay. Sorry. Rude question. I wouldn't mind being related to you. But as it is, I am related to a bunch of neurotics and crazies.
  12. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

    Who is all of this about?
  13. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    a who as an individual ?
    or a who as in a culture
    or a who as in a species / nation/collective group club or sect etc etc ...

    what do you mean by "who"

    it is hard some times to detach & remain subjective
    some words expressions & even ideas can be triggering

    my "who" is the human species

    but my question of "what is your 'who"
    what do you perceive to be the different groups that it might or might not relate to ?
    (remember answering questions about your own personality is you risk & your choice,
    inevitably im talking about perception so when you start to define boundary's of selective groups in a 3rd person, you must remain as independent as possible)
    [know your own bias's]

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  14. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

    I mean which collective were you referring to. I assume that you were referring to a group rather than being mean about an individual.
  15. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

    I don't know. If one knows exactly what they're asking about then there is nothing to learn by asking.
  16. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

    I'm not at risk ever except physically. There is no way that anyone can be meaner to me than I have already been to myself anyway. Thanks for the warning though.
  17. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

    What does independent mean in this context? Also what is with the smiley face? Are you patronising me? Please forgive me if I am wrong in this assumption...
  18. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    human development
    basic development of the human brain & how it works
    humans as a species group & how they learn, develop & how that is done through, by & toward inside away from culture's(behaviors)

    yes & no
    if you do not entertain the possibility f being wrong, then how to do you develop & up date your knowledge ?

    you need to be able to test your own theory's yourself & safely with others so you can continue to advance

    your welcome
    more people on line now permanently = more people with serious problems looking to take them out on others or engage in toxic behaviors.

    i get the feeling from reading what you have written that your quite a strong person
    as you mention you have been schooled in the school of hard knocks
    sink or swim kinda stuff

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    take it from someone who has done a lot of sinking & a life time of struggling to get to the surface.
    never say never & always have a plan
    & always look to keep updating your mental tool kit to stay ahead of the next kick in the pants when your trying to pull up your socks

    independent means several things
    keeping in mind your in theory attempting to be the observer
    & learn
    know your bias
    a group may not appear to be a group or you may not see a group because of your bias or environmental factors

    ensuring that you remain yourself is a bit of a fools comment because if we never change then we never learn
    independent in this sense is fluid

    primarily independent from bias in what ever for that takes,

    no not patronizing you

    the smiley face is a sign of good will intent to seek positivity in discussion of sensitive areas
    like a personal mantra
    focus on attempting to be & spread happiness when & if you can.

    i also use it as a full stop or signature
    it has no personal meaning to anyone else except my own choice to add something happy
    like art
    like you might add a color to something
  19. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

  20. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

    If one knows it 100% then there is nothing for one to learn about it. However, as per the implication here, not entertaining the possibility of being wrong would most likely lead to stagnation or even regression. I therefore advise against this.
  21. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    not only is the baby a direct cost of cash
    but the mother is incapable or earning money for a considerable length of time
    what can she do with the baby while she goes back to her minimum wage job ?

    cant just stuff it the broom closet

    day care costs a lot & rarely covers a full working day including travel
    so new parents need to get special leave to leave early from work

    its a wonky broken system in constant need of repair

    who pays for the womens pregnancy health care needs if she has no money because she is working minimum wage & cant take time off to go to the hospital
    but cant afford the private health care costs anyway

    for an example ...

    money is EVERYTHING !

    because it is being used to deny people life by not allowing them medical food & housing needs

    so denying the womens right to abortion then forcing her to die from lack of food & health care as she is forced to carry the baby to term
    & then suffer & die horribly in malnutrition
    is not very nice

    but it seems all the anti-abortionists dont have a real answer for the real problem
    just their own wants & the need to force other women to do as they say & suffer as they see fit
    ... and then preach morals from their privilege position of wealth

    what if the baby is born with genetic issues
    who pays for all that ?
    is it ok to just let the baby die horribly ?

    supposedly it is because they have sold their morals on forcing the mother to carry to term with no financial policy to assist

    and when it comes to that REAL question
    they all run away and hide
    Holly-May Leslie likes this.
  22. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

    Aw. Those are lovely words. Anyway it was mainly just me who was mean to me because I wasn't smart or pretty enough for my liking. Then I Increased my IQ from about 90 to about 150. I'm still not smart enough though. A nose job, braces, and a bit of mental sharpening should fix it. Oh yes and I also fell in love with someone who smoked so much weed that he forgot about me and accidentally called me Hayley. It was kind of hilarious in a sick way though. What about your hard knocks, if it is even my place to ask?
  23. Holly-May Leslie Registered Member

    I guess they just really don't like abortion. As for how the mother would get by, she would probably have to take a few favors from a few different charities or people she knew.

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