My Research Database of Posts

Discussion in 'General Science & Technology' started by Vmedvil, Sep 9, 2021.

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  1. Vmedvil Registered Member

    No, that's the truth about the internet, that's not just a theory that's fact. =)
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  3. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    You misunderstand. By "this" I wasn't speaking about your ideas about the state of the internet.

    I was getting the impression that your database of questions and answers is concentrating on a particular scientific hypothesis that you have developed (I've no idea what it's about, but I presume it's something physics-related), and that - were that the case - the thing to do to keep it alive, and not rotting in a text file on Google Docs, is to develop it into a proper hypothesis for public consumption and post the final, succinct hypothesis it for comment.

    Ideally, once you've taken into account all the feedback you've got, it will be bulletproof, and no one will be able to poke any but the smallest holes in it.
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  5. Vmedvil Registered Member

    I will consider it, but I am not going to do it right this second.
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  7. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    OK. I couldn't resist.

    1. It's a .zip file. .zip files can be used to transmit viruses. As such, no canny internet user would dare open a .zip file from someone they don't know or trust.
    2. It's not about an idea - it's simply a collection of (what I presume to be) all your discussions - about everything from nuclear reactors to cancer articles to Covid-19 biochemistry.
  8. Vmedvil Registered Member

    See, I wasn't trying to give you a virus, it's alot of discussions about random topics.
  9. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    That doesn't preclude it containing malware. Avoid zip files if you want anyone to ever open anything of yours.
  10. Vmedvil Registered Member

    Well, In any case, What did you think about some of the topics? Personally, my Favorites are the Multivalent Retroviral Vectors and Supermassive Black Hole Dyson Sphere Construction Guide.
  11. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    Dunno. Could be a virus.
  12. Vmedvil Registered Member

    You worry too much, lol. I will just wait until you get curious enough to download it and open it.
  13. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Mod Hat — Not quite subtlety

    It stands out that we are this far into the back and forth and I still cannot tell, from the discussion, what forum these posts are supposedly archived from. (No, seriously, did I miss it?)

    Why are people so unwilling to communicate basic information, yet so willing to waste this vapid back and forth about it?

    And don't get me wrong, there is a larger phenomenon that goes beyond any one person. Ask a question of the people who know a particular answer and for whatever reason, they won't actually answer; maybe one will concur that it sounds like a question, and the other will tell you he answered a different question. Okay, okay, that one, don't ask. But, still, it's just weird. I actually did have someone explicitly refuse, one time, just because, and that was weird because of another occasion when someone else very similarly explicitly refused, but that time the reason was because some other people people, over there, he didn't like didn't deserve it. But, no, it's not necessarily so explicit. This thread's example is, well, not quite subtle, but, no, I do not see that a random Googgle grab bag is a healthy notion.

    For the time being, the link is broken. Generally speaking, thread is closed. If, between prior questions of spamming and the current vagary, a more functional range of discourse is somehow so elusive, I confess having no good idea what recommendations to make.
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