
Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by WendyDarling, Aug 19, 2021.

  1. WendyDarling Registered Senior Member

    One question to you. Will you, Baldeee, continue to exist without acting(accordingly)? Yes or no answer.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2021
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  3. Baldeee Valued Senior Member

    So, unable to be meaningful, you resort to playing games.
    Ah, well.
    Define the words as you're using them, please: what do you consider to be the "you", what do you think it is "to exist", and what is it "to act", and "to act (accordingly)"?
    Unless you can do that, my answer is simple: yes or no.
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  5. SciWriter Valued Senior Member

    Implementation<-manufacturing<-planning<-thinking<-idea<-mind<-brain<-evolution<-cells<-molecules<-atoms<-stars<-elementaries<-quantum fields<-causeless
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  7. river

    Disagree .

    2 million yrs ago , Could you create an idea ? If you did , based on ..

  8. river

    All of it and more .

    Space Ships that have no problem going thousands of miles or kilometers per second . Because of anti-gravity tech.
  9. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Did you just make that up or do you believe it?
  10. river


    I know . Actually many know . The speeds , accelerations , the materials that can handle all of this and more is .....interesting .
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2021
  11. WendyDarling Registered Senior Member

    Um, causeless makes more sense than the reality we live in here on Earth where all things are caused? So something out of nothing is your assertion?
  12. WendyDarling Registered Senior Member

    I did not create thought, intelligent Creation is thought in action, which created everything and is Existence.
  13. WendyDarling Registered Senior Member

    If you have to be theatrical about a simple question, you deserve
    not to understand further. I was trying to walk you through the logic but mules will be mules.
  14. WendyDarling Registered Senior Member

    “Help, I’m stepping into the twilight zone. This is a madhouse...”

    Ya know, how many of the ancient philosophers wrote out their philosophy in propositional form?

    I really want you all to understand but I am not writing a 1000pg. anthology to explain a couple logical thoughts.

    If Yazata understands, maybe he can bridge the gap for the rest of you.
  15. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    We get it - it's not rocket surgery...

    You're an ID nut.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2021
  16. SciWriter Valued Senior Member

    'Nothing' cannot even be meant.
  17. WendyDarling Registered Senior Member

  18. SciWriter Valued Senior Member

    Causeless = ever and always being extant without cause and without beginning or end = eternal = quantum fields
  19. WendyDarling Registered Senior Member

    What cause do quantam fields have to produce anything ordered?

    Why produce anything? No purpose.

    How many things do you produce with no purpose?
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2021
  20. SciWriter Valued Senior Member

    Luckily, no purpose to anything. Experiencing is the only 'benefit'.
  21. Baldeee Valued Senior Member

    Nothing theatrical, just an honest request for you to define the words you're using.
    If you were being even remotely serious in your endeavours, or in having a sensible conversation, you would provide such.
    But you're not serious.
    If you were genuinely trying to explain your logic, you would actually do so.
    Set out the logic, please.
    Not a question, but the logic.
    Set it out as a syllogism if you can... you know, your premises then your conclusion that logically leads from it.
    We can then assess whether such logic is valid, and sound.

    But you're not serious.
    It seems you're just here to push an ID agenda, wrapped up in some attempt at logic I don't even think you understand.
    So how on earth are you supposed to explain it to us if you don't have a grasp of it yourself.
  22. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    Wait. SciWriter makes things with purpose - therefore you conclude that God must too?

    God is modeled on what humans do?

    SciWriter: you poop, right? Everybody poops. Therefore Hi-D will argue that God poops too?

    God is modeled after humans? It almost sounds like this God was made in Mankind's image...

    Indeed. He continually makes statements whose implications he does not think through.
  23. SciWriter Valued Senior Member

    The ancients found themselves here and not there,
    Yet to fathom earth, fire, water, and air,
    Asking why life was not square, as unfair,
    So invented the Bad Role Model’s Care.

    They looked unto their calamities,
    Their powerful rulers and enemies,
    Toward their olden family structure’s way,
    Of strict father, and mother with no say.

    This Father Notion they based on themselves,
    As the best answer that was ever delved:
    The demanding Male Mind who was called ‘God’,
    An idea for some to this day, well trod.

    Answers were needed for them to persist:
    They extended the Notion with more myths
    And legends into lore layered upon,
    Inventing the old scrolls of scripture on

    ‘God’ brought both fear and comfort in those days,
    Making people better through fearsome ways,
    Although worse for some—the unchosen tribes,
    Protecting their notions, as taught by scribes

    A wasteland of superstition plod,
    Instantiates a meaning for ‘God’.
    Emotion e’er sets up a firm blockade
    When thoughts fired more build a stockade.
    DaveC426913 likes this.

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