Considering what he accomplished with the Abraham Peace Accords should Israel grab Trump?

Discussion in 'Parapsychology' started by Dennis Tate, Apr 25, 2021.


Should Israel attempt to lure President Donald J. Trump to Israel?

  1. no

    0 vote(s)
  2. yes

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes....this would decrease the probability of Israel being attacked

    1 vote(s)
  4. No.....this would increase the probability of Israel being attacked

    0 vote(s)
  5. Maybe..... constitutional monarchies proved helpful during WWII.

    0 vote(s)
  6. Yes...the economy of Israel has been hit hard by COVID 19 and he would help them a lot.

    0 vote(s)
  7. No.... the economy of Israel has been hit hard by COVID 19 and his going there could hurt them

    0 vote(s)
  1. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member


    Prediction...... you will eventually change your mind about all this once you fully begin to catch on.

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  3. Bells Staff Member

    I'd like you to meet the site's rules.

    Particularly this part of this site's rules:

    Propaganda, preaching, proselytising and evangelising
    I21. Propaganda is loosely defined here as posts that have no aim other than to proclaim the superiority of one belief over another, particularly where the belief in question is the subject of controversy or argument. Examples include preaching one’s own religion as the only true religion, proclaiming that one’s favoured political party is superior to the opposing party, or proclaiming that one group is morally superior to another. The signature of propaganda is that it consists largely of a member expressing strongly held personal beliefs about things that can’t be proven, supposedly in the interests of achieving some important aim (e.g. world peace, governing the nation effectively, ensuring that people act morally).

    I22. Propaganda wars are similar to flame wars, except in that they ostensibly involve argument about a topic. They are typically characterised by zealots on both sides of the argument who have no intention of listening to the opposing point of view, let alone possibly changing their minds. The result is invariably that members become frustrated and spin-off complaints to the moderators become rife.

    I23. Propaganda can include material copied verbatim from other websites, books or articles, that demonstrates a clear bias for or against a particular belief. It does not include article which examine an issue objectively and rationally, looking at both sides of an argument.

    I24. Preaching is giving a sermon, often but not always of a religious nature, stating how people should or should not act, as if the sermon itself were self-evidently true.

    I25. Proselytising is attempting to convert others to one’s own beliefs, often with threats of adverse consequences if one refuses to convert.

    I26. Evangelising is where the poster’s main aim is to spread the word about his or her beliefs, without being interested in real discussion or critical analysis.

    I27. The moderator team takes a dim view of propaganda, preaching, proselytising and evangelising. Engaging in these activities is not guaranteed to get you banned, but you do so at your own risk.

    I28. The quoting of religious texts as unquestionable authorities to support an argument will in general be regarded as preaching, particularly if the discussion is not about how a religious group interprets the text in question. Quotes of large sections of a religious text will be removed as a matter of course; such texts are available elsewhere online and can easily be linked if appropriate.

    You seem intent to start converting people. Given how you have had a habit of infecting threads with this kind of stuff in the past, perhaps you feel you need to start kicking it up a notch.


    This may be the parapsychology sub-forum, but you aren't even posting that any more. You want to convert people. You are posting religious babble and mixing it with politics and none of it even makes sense. You are veering all over the place.

    I can assure you, we take a veeeeerrryy dim view of what you are doing here.
    Dennis Tate likes this.
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  5. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member

    Question for you.....
    do you want your nearly flatline board resurrected......
    or do you want her Allow Natural Death?

    Your choice......

    but I could tell you how to resurrect the poor pathetic thing if you wanted that little thing done!

    I will send you a link to another forum that I began yesterday that will give you some hints as to what I mean by this.
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  7. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    Good Lord... thats BIG news... how did you learn of it.. an how soon will it be known that Trump actualy won the election.???
  8. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member


    Zionism ?

    in parapsychology

    manifesto publishing of geo-political ideology
    inside the parapsychology forum
    under what ?

    this is getting really confusing

    on one angle it almost looks like your asking for medium services to advise the x usa president

    but he is not president any more

    and how does that fit with swapping out for Israeli policy

    do jews believe in ghosts ?
    more so to accept advice from someone claiming to be a medium ?

    i think you may need to slow down on some of your subjects & make sure you stay inside the specific subject or you will lose readers

    Zionism medium services from dead american presidents whom are 200 years old ?

    its getting a bit confusing
    and thats from me (someone who lives in confusion most of the time)
  9. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    i do not perceive Israel needing to "lure" anyone to Israel
    if donald decides to visit, he will be a tourist spending money
    and or an investor looking t make money

    donald is a secular catholic
    h is highly unlikely to suddenly switch religions to become jewish
    equally a jew deciding to switch to become catholic
    the 2 religions are not adversely oppositional in their mainstream moderate versions

    how does that relate to a dead usa president ?
    Dennis Tate likes this.
  10. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Does someone believe Covid-19 was created by Democrat's to undermine Trump's, re-election?

    The possibility exists and I repress my doubts.
    Dennis Tate likes this.
  11. Bells Staff Member

    This forum has been around for over 20 years.

    If we allowed you to peddle what you are peddling, members would leave in disgust and rightly so. Thus far you have spouted conspiracies.. Dangerous ones, and you have linked dodgy treatments and alluded to how these are preventing you from catching COVID, not to mention dodgy near death experiences and religious visions and tried to tie it into Trump, to name a few.

    And how do I know this? No, it's not from a near death experience, nor did it come to me in a vision. I know this because of the number of reports we receive about your posts.
    I'm sorry, but who do you think you are?
    My point stands.

    And here is how I know that too:

    You sent me links to threads that were deleted and scrubbed from that site. And then you sent me another link to the same forum that appears to have banned you.

    A site, mind you, that is peddling fake stories and also has highlighted one thread of people whining about black people and Democrats destroying cities ..

    And they appear to have banned you.
    Dennis Tate likes this.
  12. Janus58 Valued Senior Member

    Any day now, just like it's been since the election. This all comes down to the minority of people in the USA that hold a positive view of Trump not being able to accept that they are, in fact, in the minority.
  13. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    Well… in defence of Dennis Tate… after a simple search about voter fraud i found whare 4 days ago a Pennsylvania State Represeanative announced real cases of election fraud had been found in his State.!!!

    If these finds keep comin up... mayb Dennis Tates statement will be proven true soon.!!!

    The truth is out thar... you just have to look for it.!!!
    Dennis Tate likes this.
  14. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member


    The unusual thing about the Moshiach ben Ephrayim / Cyrus prediction is it has to be a Gentile..... so he does seem to fit the profile.
  15. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member


    Thank you. I believe that we are in for a fascinating year in 2021!
  16. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member


    True,...... I found out for sure this morning that I was banned on that other forum so thank you for putting up with me so far.
  17. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member


    President Trump was despised by many, many influential people in the G.O.P. as well who did not trust him to go along with the level of corruption that has been going on for decades.
  18. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    So, I bipartisan conspiracy or fact by corrupt politicians to hurt Trumps reelection chances; Covid-19.
    Dennis Tate likes this.
  19. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Trump is an expressions of high level of corruption that has been going on for decades. Read his bio!

    He does not think he is subject to the rules of other people, i.e the Constitution.

    He is an Autocrat...!

    au·to·crat·ic, adjective
    1. relating to a ruler who has absolute power.
      "the constitutional reforms threatened his autocratic power"
      • taking no account of other people's wishes or opinions; domineering.
        "an autocratic management style"

        Similar: despotic, tyrannical, oppressive, repressive, dictatorial, totalitarian, autarchic, absolute, all-powerful, arbitrary, undemocratic, antidemocratic, one-party, monocratic, illiberal, domineering, doctrinaire, dogmatic, draconian, overbearing. bossy, high-handed, peremptory, imperious, harsh, strict, severe, rigid, inflexible, unyielding, dystopian.

        Opposite: democratic, liberal
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2021
  20. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member

    Good question.....
    or could COVID 19 be similar in some ways to how CIA agents encouraged Saddam Hussein in his goals to invade Kuwait........

    and soon Iraq and Iraq's economy and military were destroyed.

    If within five years from now China is a third world economy that barely ranks in the top economies then this possibility will deserve more consideration.
  21. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member

    That and he is definitely more popular in the nation of Israel.

  22. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Then the ultimate goal would have been the Invasion of Iraq. Kuwait being invaded was "Desert Storm" and having a lot more support than "Enduring Freedom:" the second war. Hence, to garner support, Bush Jr. flew those planes into The World Trade Center...
    Dennis Tate likes this.
  23. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member


    You could be correct.... that is far, far, far, far above my Security Clearance level..... but it would not exactly be Bush Jr. but it would be people who had access to him who would not even bother to ask him and...... even if the President were to ask them what they were doing....... They might reply to most Presidents that they were on a need to know basis..... and did not need to know.

    Prediction.......... within five years China may have gone DOWN several notches when compared with the economies of other nations.

    It may take twenty to fifty years though for the full truth of what was done and how and by whom to come out though!

    If you google "Epoch Times corruption in Chinese military" you will begin to know what I mean by this prediction.

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