The basis of quantization

Discussion in 'The Cesspool' started by Arcades Cinza, Sep 12, 2020.

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  1. Arcades Cinza Banned Banned

    .....Quantificational expression is not just secondary because of some describable subjectivity, but that quantification is only demonstrant through the observer's existence therefore, what we experience is of an inherent inversality.
    This means that experienced realism is of a representative infinite-supposition, that makes the content of quantification and the observer synonymous aspects, a supra-presuppositional context, thus representing a type of equality between the two that quantificationing betrays, thus any description of an observer, that is in any way separated from the wholeness of reality, is incomplete, much like stating that 5 = 3 when the whole is represented as 5 -2= 3.
    Also, the supra-presuppostionality is infinitely recursive, and thus, due to the fact that the observer is making the judgement, any judgement of equality, of supra-presupposition, is recursive as well.

    Here is the logical premise for the hypothesis statement:
    what exactly would be the foundation for a representative beingness that is itself reality, or in a comparative sense, not reality, when reality, perforce, is the comprehensive totalness? Reality must logically be a preliteralism that inherently prenegates the effect of quantitative beingness, or you could say "given composition," unintentious to the certainty of, and the fact of that state: we are talking about the nonconditional pro-proximation of potential quantitative factotum.
    No condition, state, or compositional ethos representing reality can be ultimately objective.
    Structure, the very basic spatiotemporal unity of elements, is not ultimately objective for the fact that both order and inorder demand for logicality, a precursor intent enacting the realistic designation of symmetric implication. We don't have that in physics, which is the school we presently use to describe the "physical reality condition"
    a rational ultimate realism must not have a characteristic condition.
    The reality proposes in compositive logic is a preunassociation of realistic logical or illogical literal composite program, therefore no order, or fact or infactitude of order, or premise is actually possible, at least within the limitations of physical context.
    Reality must be a supra-symmetrical approximation without the necessity of a precedent condition, or a condition consequent.
    Reality having condition, like how for us now reality is a physical one, offers characteristic demands that there is a context of plausibility for a literal programme directive that is specifically a given pattern of composition, and not in fact an ultimate pattern.
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  3. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    This reads like the product of a psychotic episode, experienced by someone suffering from schizophrenia.

    Are you receiving medical treatment?
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  5. Michael 345 New year. PRESENT is 72 years oldl Valued Senior Member

    It's perfectly logical

    You just don't get it

    Would you like a translation?

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  7. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    Er, go on, then........
  8. Michael 345 New year. PRESENT is 72 years oldl Valued Senior Member

    ..... Ekspresi kuantitatif tidak hanya sekunder karena beberapa subjektivitas yang dapat dijelaskan, tetapi kuantifikasi itu hanya ditunjukkan melalui keberadaan pengamat oleh karena itu, apa yang kita alami adalah inversitas yang melekat.
    ini berarti bahwa realisme yang berpengalaman adalah pengandaian tak-hingga yang representatif, yang membuat konten kuantifikasi dan aspek pengamat menjadi sinonim, konteks supra-presuposisi, sehingga merepresentasikan jenis persamaan antara keduanya yang dikuantifikasi mengkhianati, demikian pula deskripsi apa punseorang pengamat, yang dengan cara apa pun terpisah dari keutuhan realitas, tidak lengkap, seperti menyatakan bahwa 5 = 3 ketika keseluruhan direpresentasikan sebagai 5 -2 = 3.
    juga, supra-presuppostionalitas adalah rekursif tanpa batas, dan dengan demikian, karena fakta pengamat membuat penilaian, penilaian kesetaraan apa pun, dari supra-presuposisi, juga bersifat rekursif.

    Berikut adalah premis logis untuk pernyataan hipotesis:
    apa sebenarnya yang akan menjadi fondasi bagi wujud perwakilan yang merupakan realitas itu sendiri, atau dalam arti komparatif, bukan realitas, ketika realitas, terpaksa, adalah totalitas komprehensif? Realitas secara logis harus menjadi preliteralisme yang secara inheren prenegates efek wujud kuantitatif, atau Anda dapat mengatakan "komposisi tertentu," tidak disengaja untuk kepastian, dan fakta keadaan itu: kita berbicara tentang proksimasi non-kondisional dari potensi factotum kuantitatif .
    tidak ada kondisi, keadaan, atau etos komposisi yang mewakili realitas yang pada akhirnya bisa objektifstruktur, kesatuan spasiotemporal yang paling dasar dari elemen, pada akhirnya tidak objektif karena fakta bahwa baik order maupun inorder menuntut logika, suatu maksud pendahulu yang memberlakukan penunjukan realistis dari implikasi simetris. kita tidak memilikinya dalam fisika, yang merupakan sekolah yang saat ini kita gunakan untuk menggambarkan "kondisi realitas fisik"
    realisme pamungkas rasional tidak boleh memiliki kondisi karakteristik.
    Realitas yang diajukan dalam logika kompositif adalah asosiasi pra program gabungan literal logis atau tidak logis yang realistis, oleh karena itu tidak ada urutan, atau fakta atau ketidaktepatan urutan, atau premis yang benar-benar mungkin, setidaknya dalam batasan konteks fisik.
    realitas harus merupakan pendekatan supra-simetris tanpa keharusan kondisi preseden, atau kondisi konsekuensi.
    Realitas yang berkondisi, seperti bagaimana bagi kita sekarang, realitas adalah fisik, menawarkan tuntutan karakteristik bahwa ada konteks yang masuk akal untuk arahan program literal yang secara khusus merupakan pola komposisi tertentu, dan bukan pola pamungkas

    See clear as the morning dew at midnight

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  9. Janus58 Valued Senior Member

    Or if you prefer:
    Kvantitatiivinen lauseke ei ole vain toissijaista jonkin verran kuvattavan subjektiivisuuden takia, mutta kvantifiointi on havainnollista vain tarkkailijan olemassaolon kautta, minkä vuoksi kokemamme on luontaista käänteettömyyttä.
    Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että kokenut realismi on edustavaa ääretöntä olettamusta, joka tekee kvantifioinnin sisällöstä ja tarkkailijan synonyymisistä näkökohdista supra-olettamuksellisen kontekstin, mikä edustaa kahden tyyppistä tasa-arvoa, jonka kvantifiointi pettää, mikä tahansa tarkkailijan kuvaus , joka on millään tavalla erotettu todellisuuden kokonaisuudesta, on epätäydellinen, aivan kuten toteaminen, että 5 = 3, kun kokonaisuus on esitetty 5 -2 = 3.
    Myös supra-esiasennot ovat äärettömän rekursiivisia, ja siksi johtuen siitä, että tarkkailija tekee tuomion, myös kaikki tasa-arvoisuuden, supra-ennakoinnin tuomiot ovat myös rekursiivisia.

    Tässä on hypoteesilauseen looginen lähtökohta:
    mikä tarkalleen olisi perusta edustavalle olemukselle, joka itsessään on todellisuutta, tai vertailevassa mielessä, ei todellisuutta, kun todellisuus, voimallinen, on kattava kokonaisuus? Todellisuuden on oltava loogisesti preliteralismi, joka luonnostaan ennakoi kvantitatiivisen olemuksen vaikutuksen, tai voisit sanoa "tietyn koostumuksen", joka on tahaton kyseisen valtion varmuudelle ja tosiasialle: puhumme potentiaalisen kvantitatiivisen faktotumin ehdottomasta läheisyydestä .
    Mikään todellisuutta edustava ehto, tila tai koostumuksen eetos ei voi olla lopulta objektiivinen.
    Rakenne, elementtien hyvin perustila-ajallinen yhtenäisyys, ei ole viime kädessä tavoite sille, että sekä järjestys että tilaus vaativat loogisuutta, edeltäjätarkoitus, joka toteuttaa symmetrisen implikaation realistisen nimityksen. Meillä ei ole sitä fysiikassa, joka on koulu, jota tällä hetkellä käytämme kuvaamaan "fyysisen todellisuuden tilaa"
    järkevällä lopullisella realismilla ei saa olla ominaista ehtoa.
    Komposiittilogiikassa ehdotettu todellisuus on realistisen loogisen tai epäloogisen kirjaimellisen komposiittiohjelman esiassosiaatio, joten mikään järjestys, tosiasia tai järjestyksen epätäsmällisyys tai lähtökohta ei ole tosiasiallisesti mahdollista, ainakin fyysisen kontekstin rajoissa.
    Todellisuuden on oltava suprasymmetrinen lähentäminen ilman ennakkotilannetta tai siitä johtuvaa ehtoa.
    Todellisuus, jolla on ehtoja, kuten se, kuinka todellisuus on meille nyt fyysinen, tarjoaa tyypillisiä vaatimuksia sille, että kirjaimelliseen ohjelmadirektiiviin liittyy uskottavuuden konteksti, joka on nimenomaan tietty koostumuksen malli eikä itse asiassa lopullinen malli.
    One should always have options.

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    Better yet, let's run that back through the translator:
    The quantitative expression is not only secondary somewhat because of the subjectivity to be described, but quantification is only illustrated through the existence of the observer, which is why we experience an inherent inversion.
    This means that experienced realism is a representative infinite assumption that makes the content of quantification and the synonymous aspects of the observer a supra-hypothetical context, representing two types of equality that quantification fails, any description of the observer in any way separated from the totality of reality, is incomplete, just like the statement that 5 = 3 when the whole is shown as 5 -2 = 3.
    Supra-predispositions are also infinitely recursive, and therefore, because the observer makes a judgment, all judgments of supra-anticipation of equality are also recursive.

    Here is the logical premise of the hypothesis theorem:
    what exactly would be the basis for a representative being that is itself reality, or in a comparative sense, not reality when reality, powerful, is a comprehensive whole? Reality must logically be preliteralism that inherently predicts the effect of quantitative essence, or you could say “a particular composition” that is unintentional to the certainty and fact of that state: we are talking about the absolute proximity of a potential quantitative factum.
    In the end, no condition, state, or ethos of composition that represents reality can be objective.
    Structure, the very basic-temporal unity of the elements, is ultimately not the goal that both order and order require logic, a precursor purpose that implements a realistic designation of symmetric implication. We don't have it in physics, which is the school we currently use to describe the "state of physical reality."
    rational ultimate realism must not have a characteristic condition.
    The reality proposed in composite logic is a pre-association of a realistic logical or illogical literal composite program, so no order, fact, or inaccuracy or premise of order is actually possible, at least within the limits of the physical context.
    Reality must be a suprasymmetric approximation without precondition or consequent condition.
    A reality that has conditions, such as how reality is physical for us now, provides typical requirements for the Literary Program Directive to have a context of credibility, which is precisely a particular model of composition and not, in fact, a final model.
  10. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    My nipples explode with delight!
  11. Michael 345 New year. PRESENT is 72 years oldl Valued Senior Member

    I am glad you got that off your chest

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    Bells likes this.
  12. river

    The Final Model of this Universe is Symmetrical Recycling . Objectively .

    All Forms of Matter and Energy have All Existed for Infinity . Together . From the Hot to the Cold .
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2020
  13. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    You need some toilet paper river, because that is a load of shit.
  14. river


    Not to Me .

    Its as Clear as Clear can be . No shit here .
  15. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    Do you ouant, do you ouant to come back to my place bouncy bouncy?

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  16. Michael 345 New year. PRESENT is 72 years oldl Valued Senior Member

    I wish to buy a hearing aid

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    river likes this.
  17. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    I vill not buy zis tobacconist, it eez scratched.
  18. Bells Staff Member

    Mod Note

    A quick google search resulted in the discovery that Arcades Cinza posting the exact same message across several forums and on social media as well.. No participation, just start new threads and with identical messages and then he moves onto the next one. Thread closed.
    exchemist likes this.
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