Hillary in a new (?) better light...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Seattle, Dec 10, 2019.

  1. Quantum Quack Life's a tease... Valued Senior Member

    Suggestion : Please make sure you provide date of publication for future references.
    the videos were published on You tube : Dec 6, 2019
    So are very recent....and relevant given the current state of the Presidency.

    Very worth while watching IMO ( and I am an Aussie)
    Women of significance, role models for future generations etc are always inspiring.
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  3. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    For a drive by posting, there seems to be some value.
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  5. Quantum Quack Life's a tease... Valued Senior Member

    Unfortunately for you , you have a significant history of drive by posting and you must have rattled every one including me, when you actually started a thread which you do not often do, and posted something of value for a change... lol

    Do you agree that your thread OP could have been a bit more... uhm.... explanatory?
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  7. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    I don't have a history of drive-by posting. Provide examples if you are able to. Also, if you chose to, provide an example where I started a thread by posting something of no value. Just because you don't agree with a viewpoint doesn't mean that it's of no value.

    You are the one who starts threads by stating the obvious and then following it up with "care to discuss?".
  8. Michael 345 New year. PRESENT is 72 years oldl Valued Senior Member

    Five minutes - perhaps.

    Two and half hours????? seriously NO

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  9. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    You don't have to watch the whole thing to find it interesting. You do get that, right?
  10. Michael 345 New year. PRESENT is 72 years oldl Valued Senior Member

    True enough. Unfortunately I am guessing only parts will be of interest

    Guess you have more faith in my psychic abilities than myself, specifically the ability to fast forward though the boarding bits to flush out nuggets of interest

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  11. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    I don't know what a "boarding" bit is so I can't help you there. It sounds like maybe this video isn't for you.
  12. Michael 345 New year. PRESENT is 72 years oldl Valued Senior Member

    Which, as I stated, at 2½ hours I am not going fast forward looking for the interesting bits for me

    Past experience puts a 2½ long video, this type, has at most, 15 mins of interesting bits

    Hence my


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  13. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Great. Thanks for letting me know.
  14. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Your ignorance is noted.
    It is not evidence of physical reality - Clinton has given many interviews, including informal ones, and her general graciousness and humanity in some of them has been noted by many people - including people such as Molly Ivins, pundit and journalist, who were openly discouraging the Democratic Party from nominating her for President decades ago.

    She has always come off as a human being to the sane and non-Republican, in other words. There is nothing new in that posted video, and if there is in the larger video it would be your job to select it and post it.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  15. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Possibly so, but not because of anything you did.

    When somebody drops a random youtube video into a thread with no comment, question or point of discussion, the general membership has no choice but to make of it what they will. With no particular guidance or direction given to the thread by the opening poster, it can go in many different directions. Sometimes, the members manage to find a point of interest or debate and a real conversation can start by accident. Other times, the thread meanders fitfully for a shorter or longer time, or goes off on one or more irrelevant tangents, eventually dying or being killed off when it all becomes too pointless and/or boring.

    Basically, linking a youtube video with nothing else is lazy and disrespectful of the audience. It also does nothing to enhance your own standing in the community as somebody worth paying any attention to.
  16. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    The comment was in the title. Now we're worried about standing in the community?
    dumbest man on earth likes this.
  17. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Whatever you say. A title line doesn't leave a lot of room for nuanced commentary.

    Nobody said you have to worry about it. If a lack of care about your own reputation is what floats your boat, good luck to you.
  18. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    I don't care what you think of me. That would be pretty shallow of me.
    dumbest man on earth likes this.
  19. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    I'm not the only person who sees your posts.

    But like I said, if you don't care what anybody thinks about you, that's fine. Whatever floats your boat. All I did was to point out how they'll probably perceive you. That's not affected by whether you care about it.
  20. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    I don't. Not everyone is hostile to everything I do on here. I care about those people more but no one should be overly concerned about what other's think. It should be about what you think about yourself. This is a small group on this site. It would be silly to worry about what the majority thinks if it's not what I think.

    Do you care what Tiassa thinks about you? I hope not. What if Rainbow and Iceaura all have some negative thought where you are concerned. Should you care?

    I posted a video that I found interesting. I have no reason to care that you took exception to that. Next time will I post a few sentences just to keep the peace. Probably but I'm not exactly known for starting threads with no comment. That would be Paddoboy. He did that for ages. I don't recall you getting this involved with those threads.

    I don't have a lot of respect for your judgement on this particular matter so that's why I don't care.
    dumbest man on earth likes this.
  21. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    With a title that was flat out offensive to any reasonable and informed American - an open display of slander, made worse by the lack of self-awareness.
  22. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    That's just a stupid comment. What can I say...
  23. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    The obliviousness of the Tribe is not innocence. It is willfully maintained.
    The bare video category of posting is not definitive, but it is symptomatic and/or indicative - it indicates a reliance on shared assumptions, a presumed audience.

    To emphasize: there was nothing new in the image or character of Clinton presented in that video clip.

    That is the Clinton normal people - including political foes of Clinton, such as the left and libertarian centrists (for example: the "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party") - have been familiar with for decades now. Consider that, and then look at the title of the thread.

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