Is Amazon delivering for everyone now?

Discussion in 'Business & Economics' started by Seattle, Jul 24, 2019.

  1. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Too late.
    Wouldn't have worked anyway: You have certain incapabilities in that area (becoming informed by having knowledgable and honest people tell you things is not in your intellectual range - Reagan less sleazy than Bill Clinton? Please. )

    And why would I, if it did? As I warned you long ago, the amusement that little wingnut trap provides is pretty much the only value to me of any of your posting. (The demonstration that you guys can't keep yourselves from falling into it would be another, evidence for the obvious point about credibility etc, but repetition has eroded its entertainment value over time. It lacks the continual provision of startling new developments and unpredictable absurdities that mark the wingnut's reflexive need for personal attack).
    Gibberish as posted in this context. What are you trying to talk about?
    There is no "us" in that project.
    Otherwise, good idea - get rid of the Republican Party and every Congressman in it, restore the Post Office. The country would be much better off.

    Because Amazon is never going to deliver to, or for, everyone.
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  3. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    is the amazon being delivered to everyone ?
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  5. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    There's an ad hom thread you might want to join and contribute to.
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  7. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    That's illiterate, as well as irrelevant.

    But it meets your need for personal attack, it safely makes no thread relevant argument or claim you might be accountable for, and you cannot recognize the otherwise embarrassing illiteracy - so you post it. It furthers your agenda here - and thereby illustrates it.

    You could have addressed, say, this: "Because Amazon is never going to deliver to, or for, everyone."
    Or this: "Otherwise, good idea - get rid of the Republican Party and every Congressman in it, restore the Post Office."

    But such addressing of thread issues requires argument, etc. Even thinking. And you have bad luck when you attempt that.
    Meanwhile: the coherence of your posts has been exhibiting the standard wingnut erosion for a couple of pages now
    (the more intelligent cases, the ones capable of self awareness and reluctant to post hash, often give up argument and discussion altogether: their posts become single lines, the single lines cleared of declaration or specific claim relevant to the topic
    (they learn to avoid unfortunate mishaps like this: "There is a USPS union but Amazon is doing a better job")
    and instead post one line innuendo, simple allusions, bare links, etc)

    so the appearance of "ad hom" is par for the course.
    Wingnuts are unable to use the term "ad hominem argument" - or any of its shorthands, especially "ad hom" - both deliberately and correctly in a sentence. But they insist on using it. It's a field mark of the faction.*
    - - -
    *Their level of education, ability to handle complicated matters in other contexts, apparent IQ, etc, makes no difference. That is interesting.
    Even the attempt to explain that enlightens - if anyone is interested in where these guys are coming from and what has happened to US politics in the Reagan era that's a high yield analytic approach; there is a list of terms similarly difficult, and they all have a couple of things in common.

    Confucious was right: rectify the names.
    Reagan and Gingrich and Luntz and Limbaugh and the Koch brothers were right: destroy the names.
  8. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    You are certainly a talented individual. It takes a certain skill to name call for an entire post while accusing the other person of name calling. Job well done, Sunshine.
  9. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Except: I have not accused you of namecalling on this thread, let alone that post. That's primarily a wingnut term (usually used wrong - more wingnut illiteracy), and almost always a wingnut term when used as an accusation. You're projecting (again? How much of this bs from you has been projection?).

    It's the strangest damn thing - you had a fairly wide selection of denigrations ( certainly my posting has exhibited contempt for your idiotic bullshit in many ways) - why would you pick something I hadn't done? But it's typical in that - you have a lot of company.
    "Namecalling" is usually another of those wingnut illiteracies, btw - it's not as inveterately wrong as "ad hom", but it's seldom used accurately by that crowd - and not even the dictionary can help you.
    As noted before, you would do better if you flipped coins on these claims. You'd have a fifty fifty chance of avoiding falsehood. Wouldn't it feel better to be held in contempt while being right, instead of wrong in such a silly fashion, occasionally?

    But the thread topic isn't on your agenda, is it.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2019
  10. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    dementia ?
  11. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Don't you mean dementia?
  12. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    You guys are pretty entertaining for basement dwellers. I assume that there are some cranks that don't live in basements though. Have you seen any?

    Do you think that one's pay should come from productivity, scarcity of one's skills or primarily based on being a living, breathing human?
  13. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    if i dont mean it how do you know i dont

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  14. iceaura Valued Senior Member

  15. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    I don't know. That's how it works with dementia.

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  16. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    the harder you work the more you get ?
  17. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Since it came up again:
    Amazon will never deliver for "everyone". Unless legally prevented, it will instead use its market leverage and monopsony/monopoly power entirely for its own profit and corporate benefit, at the expense of everyone else. That is how it is being set up, and that is how it will run.
    RainbowSingularity likes this.
  18. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    or more so itsproxy corporate drones,
    to suggest the likes of government owned private enterprise is incapable of adapting to the market
    as a clearly false dog-whistle term to mean, lets asset strip it as much as possible and try and remove all government ownership and control so we can remove all regulation and cut it back to the bone to remove as much service as possible and run it into a system that barely does anything and has the duopoly price leverage that can be exercised to remove fair competition from price marketing

    all sung directly out of the Republican party song book
    "oh yee woe be tied ye regulation, for tho shalt undo my profits"
    "may ye working class legal systems pay corporate welfare to police my monopoly"

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