Declassing Cannabis from a drug ?

Discussion in 'Chemistry' started by Mark Turner, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    Natural drug , unnatural drug , what sounds worse ?
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  3. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    Neither "sounds worse". A drug is a drug whether it cures you or kills you. "Drug" is not a derogatory word.
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  5. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    I class cannabis as a relaxant , a drug that stimulates thoughts with little harm or side effects .
    There is no withdrawal side effects , a user can wake up and spend the day without cannabis with no apparent issues .
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  7. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    Women, it seems, do not want the government meddling about inside their bodies.
    So too, I would prefer that the government did not meddle about with drugs.
    More people die from pharmaceuticals every year than from all illegal drugs combined.
    One wonders, does government meddling serve a positive purpose? (besides enhancing revenues for pharmaceutical companies, lawyers, and the prison industry)
  8. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    Quite clearly pharmaceutical companies support governments and political parties giving parties their agendas .
    It just proves to me how corrupt the state actually is .
    Delusions or not I know an unjust system when I see one .
  9. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    So you do classify it as a drug. That's all I'm saying.
  10. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    Well not really but you insisted it was . In my opinion a drug is something that mentally impairs you and/or has significant effect on your body .
    Cannabis does neither , quite provable of course .
  11. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    So in your world penicillin is not a drug; none of the "wonder drugs" are drugs. Wouldn't it be easier to just speak English instead of making up your own language?
  12. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    I don't consider medicines a drug , I consider medicines a necessary need . Just because a definition says something , it doesn't mean we have to follow that definition to the letter.
    Some medicines I'd class as drugs , especially in respect to psychotic medicines .
  13. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    Just because you don't like a definition doesn't mean you get to make up your own. You pretty much have to use standard definitions if you want people to know what the hell you're talking about.

    One more time... "drug" is NOT a bad word. It does NOT imply harmful effects. If you want to distinguish between good drugs and bad drugs, call the bad ones "poison".
  14. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    I understand your view point on the word drug . However , words are defined by the pompous and their strict use is not the strict use of the less pompous society that live a completely different walk of life .
    In our world drugs are heroine etc , as you say poisons .
    Dualism of life , the divide of the rich and poor is two different languages . Jeremy Hunts master plan to abolish illiteracy is beyond insane , based on himself and his own literate ability and society lifestyle .

    Perhaps we could define drugs in being bio hazardous substances ..?
  15. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    The word "drug" is used as I use it by pretty much everybody in our society.
    In our world drugs are drugs and some of them are also poisons.
    No. We already have perfectly good words for both drugs and biohazards.
    exchemist likes this.
  16. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    I hate illicit drugs and as I said earlier, have never participated in any drug taking, other then medicinal, coffee, tea, alcohol and some limited kava intake as a ceremonial requirement in Fiji. As such I'm no expert on cannabis, but I do see it as a possible step up to more dangerous substance abuse and addiction.
    Plus it seems to have the effect of staying in one's system for days on end, something that in NSW and Sydney has seen many drivers being fined and suspended from driving when stopped and tested in MDT and Alcohol breath tests.
    On that score, other then for supervised medicinal purposes, I am against any legalisation of the stuff.
  17. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    Well, there is certainly no insensibility or stupor with cannabis as with other drugs . The analgesic effects are medicinal , not only for pain relief but also for life stress relief.
    It is interesting that a special relativity case hasn't been made for Cannabis before Parliament to pass legalisation.
  18. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    Everything you say makes total sense of course. However Mark Turner is, almost certainly, Theorist.
    sideshowbob likes this.
  19. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    As regards to driving , a sobriety test should be performed as opposed a breathalyser, in consideration of cannabis .
  20. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    I've told you before I'm an amateur , not a theorist .
  21. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    That isn't true. It is pretty much universally agreed that cannabis impairs ability to drive, etc.
    I don't know what Parliament you're talking about but the Canadian Parliament has already legalized the recreational use of cannabis - while recognizing that it definitely is a drug with definite potential dangerous effects.
  22. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    What dangerous effects may that be ?
  23. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    While Alcohol has many detrimental effects on humanity in general, I see no reason for legalizing anymore substances that may have detrimental effects. Alcohol has been with us for eons and is a social necessity and is recognised as such, again adding any more to the list [cannabis] is fraught with danger.
    [Just the thoughts of an old fart and someone who has never needed it.]

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