Anti-religion internet memes

Discussion in 'The Cesspool' started by StrangerInAStrangeLand, Sep 4, 2018.

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  1. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

    I did not start a thread for memes & hope no 1 thinks I did. I doubt I ever would but at this point it does not matter whether I might .

    I regret going on&on&on wrestling with the pig as long as I did. I do not blame the moderator for wanting to take most of that out of the other thread.

    Posts #1, 2, 3, 40 & 78 had a specific intent & definite purpose which are nearly lost by taking them out of the other thread.

    Only 1 person has complained about that type of post & many have liked them. The complainant replies but does not actually respond to the message or idea. He automaticly calls all such memes & casually dismisses them. He replied to 1 by trying to denigrate the person quoted while saying nothing about the content of the quote then later admitted he knew nothing else about the person. I suspect he does not know the definition of meme. Of the posts I just cited, I do not know that any are memes & I must doubt whether he does. I suspect 1 is. Regardless, memes should not be assumed invalid as messages or expressions of facts, ideas or opinions. I believe this explanation should not be necessary.
    This person repeatedly replies by simply calling them memes as if that is an insult, calling them spam, coming up with stupid nicknames for me & childish personal attacks. I wish such could be stopped. I was accused of ad hominem against this person while he near constantly commits such. While this seems to be some of the worst, I realize, of course, much of it is his routine method of supposedly attempts at "discussion".

    Referring to those posts as anti-religion memes is grossly oversimplifying them.

    Unless instructed otherwise, I might use those posts again without the usual considerable consideration I would have before putting the same post in more than 1 thread.

    I wish, at the least, Post #1 can be returned to the other thread.

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
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  3. Slartibartfast Registered Member

    I see musica is evidence of the no minimum age requirement for joining this forum. I know five year olds who would be embarrassed to present the argumentation s/he presents.
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  5. Xelasnave.1947 Valued Senior Member

    I feel genuinely disappointed that Musica did not attempt to answer my questions ... apparently only to engage in a silly little arguement motivated apparently to indulge in what seems casual intimidation.

    I would call my questions " big questions" and one would think that a theist would be happy to discuss this sort of thing.

    I do like Musica just as I like Jan but like Jan Musica has this personality thing where he they both answer questions that have not been asked and side step or openly ignore specific questions. Is this common to theists or only to Jan and Musika. Still all good for site traffic.
    And sadly there would be a part of the casual readers who follow only to see Musika or Jan get outsmarted.

    But they both do a wonderful job apart from site traffic by demonstrating the arguement style of at least one or two theists.

    It is though they march to the one drum☺☺☺

    I wonder if they are sensative to drummer jokes?

    They both act like drummers☺

    Their appeal is that they are both frustating to deal with as people who avoid being direct and informative with their answers.

    Anyways my questions go unanswered so I guess I must be on ignore☺ presumably for asking questions.

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  7. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

    It is quite common for theists but those 2 are some of the worst. It is not exclusive to theism tho.

  8. Xelasnave.1947 Valued Senior Member

    I could imagine there are folk much worse.

    Musika and Jan present as so much more inteligent than the folk who ring up Matt and who take the good book that is crazy to say ...really who can take the good book literally ...can you imagine the bodies that would pile up on the Sabath for some and Sunday for others...and heck the continual stonings would mean you would have to truck them in...the population would be reduced by three quaters in a year.

    I really believe the good book should be read in school zo everyone a tually knows what is in it...cover to cover...and questions be asked ...

    I do think reading the good book cover to cover may put it in a reasonable perspective for folk...if followed it clearly would change shell fish or pork all would realise it is clear the OT is still law with a big rubber stamp from JC endorsing approval...and that brings me to what ticks me off about the whole deal...the good book is a cherry pickers your neighbour or stone your neighbour are both options.

    Its all guess work...well what else as god certainly has never explained anything to humans in a direct and understandable manner.
    You would think a god would do that but a made up character hides behind mystery ...the mystery that its creators must instal to explain why god never appears.

    Its all so crazy and yet so many are taken in without any knowledge of what is in their good book...I mean, if you, being a theist actually knew what was in the good book you would understand why atheists think you are being conned.

    And I think for a lot of religious folk they give substantial portions of their income and capital to their church...Ten percent I understand is not uncommon but I really dont know and certainly as churches pay no tax I expect the numbers are not available.

    I do notice tele evangalists making millions from their followers.

    Anyways I dont care ...well I do but how do you cure stupidity on the one hand and gross opportunism on the other.

  9. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

    It still involves a contradiction but I strongly suspect that love your neighbor in scripture was meant to be applied only to those of their race, ethnicity or country.

    The 1st factor in stupidity is the brain a person is born with, which is probably mostly due to DNA but is also affected by the health & diet of the mother. 2nd is early childhood influences. 3rd & 4th are education & diet. Then there are illness & injury & later influences, peer pressure for 1.
    1 example of the 2nd is simply having a dictionary & encyclopedia in the house even if the children never see anyone using them. Illness & injury are often negative yet there are cases where a child who must spend much time in bed turns to reading & it makes a huge difference.
    Basic logic & critical thinking should be taught from kindergarten thru high school.

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
  10. Xelasnave.1947 Valued Senior Member

    I am sure you are correct as I read something recently or I dreamed it that supports your opinion.
    Thats right when JC told followers to go out and spread the word he told them to keep away from everyone but Hewbrews and I think heaven is for them only...but whats the point in pointing any of that out to believers they want it to be true so anything that does not fit their version they reject...and they unfortunately approach science in a similar fashion.

    Their loss not mine.
  11. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    In the Bible, in the New Testament original context (Christian), it clearly referred to the Romans, the Samaritans, and the like - people of different ethnicity, country, and possibly "race", than the audience being addressed (although modern "race" had not been invented at the time).
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
  12. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

    Leviticus 19:18 - Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am the Lord.

    This verse strongly indicates what I said & has no indication of the opposite. There are other commandments or rules which clearly say 1 thing for their people & something else for others. Who they could take to be slaves for 1.
    I will recheck further. I intended to ask if you can recommend anything but I now notice a couple links in the quote above which I did not see in your post.

  13. Kittamaru Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums. Valued Senior Member

    It is worth noting, if it has not already been said, that the coming of Christ fulfilled the "old laws" - it isn't that they were changed (as, in God's glory, they were perfect); rather, Christ's birth, life, crucifixion, and return have rendered them moot, judgement having been laid upon Him, rather than Us.

    Essentially, Christ took upon Himself a gospel of fear, despair, and anguish in order that we might instead have a gospel of love, peace, and joy.

    Problem is, far too many "Christians" are quick to forget that it was "Love Thy Neighbor" full stop - not "Love Thy Neighbor unless they look different, worship different gods, etc"
  14. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

    Maybe we have seen different episodes of the show. My impression is that most theist callers try to explain why & what they believe. At least when asked.
    Of the theists I have known, the vast majority try to explain or admit they cannot explain or shut the heck up.

  15. Xelasnave.1947 Valued Senior Member

    You are right ... at least the callers talk about what they actually a matter of minutes one gets a greater glimpse of their belief than months of Jan or Musika.
  16. Xelasnave.1947 Valued Senior Member

    So killing your neighbour for working on the sabath is still the law?
  17. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

  18. Kittamaru Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums. Valued Senior Member

    Not at all - read / understand the post in full, rather than taking a handful of words out

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  19. billvon Valued Senior Member

    They're not here to discuss religion; they are here to "defend religion against secularists" or something to that effect. They look for good ways to slam you; if you just ask questions they have no interest in an ensuing discussion.
  20. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    That's in the Old Testament. Christians regard the New Testament as taking precedence - what Jesus said, in particular.
  21. Kittamaru Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums. Valued Senior Member

    My apologies, I'm only tangentially following the thread - what was the original question?
  22. Xelasnave.1947 Valued Senior Member

    The OT contained the call to kill the "Sunday" worker and I dont see where that was "repealed".
    Same with slavery as I understand.
    It seems that Christians try to distance themselves from the OT which seems strange given JC rubber stamped it.

    I guess the idea with reading the good book is to select only the stuff that supports ones notion of religion.

    So when presented with say not eating shellfish one can say "oh thats so OT JC came down to die for us so we can now eat shell fish"

    As I understand the plot God came down as JC and whilst noting that the old laws have not changed he has made his own sacrifice to himself for humanity 99.9 % of who never knew what was going on or why the whole deal was confined to a small part of the world no one would have been aware of.

    I guess faith means that irrespective of the flaws one can read past all those problems to arrive at a nice way to view the world.

    And that is nice but possibly has little to do with fact...even the facts laid out in the book of authority referred to as the word of God seem to be ignored or accepted with little concern about the selection process.

    Any book that contains errors or mistakes perhaps is not the word of God but an accumulation of camp fire stories thrown together with exceptionally poor editing or review such that it is clear that stories such as the mythical big flood is clearly written by two authors who never witnessed the event or took time to review the nonsensical logistics required which rendered the story clear fiction.

    And yet there are folk who believe this fairy tale simply because it is in their good book.

    And happily accept that the god they worship casually, if the story is to be believed, killed every human except a few because he was ticked off they had been bad.

    Religion is no more than make believe for grown ups set in lies and superstition.

    And really if you believe the NT stuff just remember that JC promised those assembled that he would return in their lifetimes and he did not honor that promise.

    In the real world if someone, from politician to child, does not honor their promise they are regarded as unreliable and unworthy of trust....where does that leave JC?

  23. Xelasnave.1947 Valued Senior Member

    That is clear to me.
    But the bottom line is they lose respect and credibility a situation that could be easily avoided by an upfront honest approach their failure to be upfront leaves one with a most negative impression.

    Still where would we be without them ...these reminders that the advocates of their religions are tricky and untrustworthy.

    Not a good look.

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