
Discussion in 'Computer Science & Culture' started by Saint, Aug 26, 2018.

  1. Saint Valued Senior Member

    Is it legal and morally right to build a hackintosh PC?
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  3. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Yes, go ahead.
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  5. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    is it legal and morally right for big multi billion dollar companys to stand by and watch millions starve to death & die from preventable illness for lack of money for medical care ?
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  7. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Is it the responsibility of a business to concern themselves with these things? It doesn't matter how big they are. If you open a small restaurant, should you also be charged with solving the medical problems of the world?
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2018
  8. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    so if someone copies one of your dishes why should the working class pay for some over paid corporates to chase down and criminalise the person copying your food ?

    and why should the working class pay for some corporate agency to check your food quality and pay for some agency to make licenses to sell to you.

    surely it should be customer beware ?
    if the customer has a problem they should take it up with the business.
    not try and force working class people to pay for them to try and sue the restraunt and force it to produce hygine certificates ?

    what is the morally correct thing to do ?
  9. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    One is related to the business and one isn't but no one is going to be charged with copying your dish.

    The working class pays, through taxes, for government, as we all do. That is if the working class, in your example, makes enough to have to pay income taxes at the end of the year.

    You seem to want to create an artificial "working class" though. If you open a small restaurant, are you working class or an over paid "corporate"? I think you fear what you don't fully understand.

    How different is it in your country?
  10. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    "fear" ?
    your parading your personal issues out.
  11. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    "you're" not "your".

    You have an issue, it seems, with companies but I trust you do like jobs and the two go together. Government should deal with issues that involve everyone and companies should deal with issues that pertain to their businesses.

    Regarding a "hackintosh" I don't care if someone hacks together a computer or not. I have an unlocked android smart phone that I only paid $40 for and I only pay $10/month in service fees (mainly because I don't use it much and when I do it's usually around wifi) and I'm all for doing whatever one can do within the law to save money and take advantage of current technology without paying more than necessary.
  12. TheFrogger Banned Valued Senior Member

    Class is categorised as follows:

    Working-class:using their hands to work
    Middle-class: providing a service
    Upper-class:income from ownership of land.

    Anyone who provides a service is Middle-class. Basically a waiter/-tress or someone who looks after the elderly is Middle-class. A business owner is Upper-class (including Public House landlords/ladies.) There is plenty of confusion about the class system. It is far from perfect.
  13. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    This makes no sense. In what world is a waitress middle class based on income or someone who looks after the elderly.

    Most anyone in the working-class by your definition would make more than the middle-class.

    Upper class is someone who derives income from the ownership of land. In a small town, anyone (construction worker, waitress, etc) could buy a small house and rent it out.

    Why are you even trying to define the classes, particularly given you demonstrated lack of knowledge in this subject?
  14. TheFrogger Banned Valued Senior Member

    Because I've studied Sociology. Yes someone who rents out is Upper-class based on the class definitions. ☺
  15. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    I would like to see this assertion corroborated with some sort of reference.
    I've heard of many definitions of class, but not these ones.
  16. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    You mean, based on your class definitions.
  17. TheFrogger Banned Valued Senior Member

    No. Based on the sociological definitions.
  18. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Why even bother to post this nonsense. It's obvious that you can't back this up because it's ridiculous in the first place.
  19. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    I'd like to see these please.
  20. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    fyi to any readers
    you are now on perminent ignore .

    your vitriolic personality disorder to try and play mind manipulation games with people, bores me.
    your inssesent dogma riddled materialism of cause and effect capitalism as a mechanism of your own ego tires me like watching animals fight to the death for no real purpose.
  21. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    You'll probably be wanting to put me - and half the other members - on ignore too.

    See, you have only yourself to blame for how people respond to you.

    It is very obvious that you try very hard to seem sophisticated. This rubs people the wrong way. We know you're posing - it is painful to watch. If you want to be taken seriously, don't try so hard to sound clever. And knock off the word salad. We're smarter than you give us credit for, and we can see when you're talking nonsense.

    And it doesn't help that most of us know you're a sock. Which is probably why you're trying so hard to adopt a false persona.

    :deliberately pushes large 'Ignore' button across table to RS:
  22. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    bully mind games
    victim shaming

    pathetic !
  23. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    Maybe your mind is too easily manipulated.

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