American racism

Discussion in 'The Cesspool' started by birch, Mar 27, 2018.

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  1. birch Valued Senior Member


    asians, out of all races in america, are asked specifically where they are from or their background than any other minority as well as openly told 'asian' stereotypes as if asians are singled out/scapegoated specifically for this.

    this is true because ive seen this pattern over and over again. because subconsciously, there are some other underlying implications and that is foreigner status are considered threats and/or competition and asians look most different.

    interestingly enough, it is white nationalists who have exercised inadvertently the equalizer of racism in this current climate though because they talk shit about every ethnicity and tell them to go back to asia, africa, south america, middle-east.

    they don't play the 'we are more american' than you, therefore we can denigrate and be racist towards you game. they slander everyone.

    this is the blindspot of racism. do you think that all those people who made those racist comments on the nba page, for instance or who even knowingly say nasty racist stereotypes to demean are only white nationalists?

    of course not. they are mainstream americans of all ethnicities/minorities including whites who have their own biases.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
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  3. birch Valued Senior Member


    contrary to what you or the moderators think here, you as well as others are and have done a poor job of discrediting this thread and the legitimacy of the subject matter. you are the one masturbating over this thread as well as whining over it big time.

    you can tell it bothers you a lot. it's like you are throwing a tantrum with each further post with no content except with angry and passive-aggressive projection.
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  5. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Get over yourself, birch.

    A girl who grew up in a concentration camp was asked to draw “home” and what she drew was scribbles. It shows how the horrors of the concentration camp warped her mind. It’s a mystery what the lines truly mean to her, probably the chaos or the barbed wire.

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  7. birch Valued Senior Member

    you are clearly trolling by trying to divert the subject matter. this isn't about auschwitz. plus the lame aspect of it being about just me. an easy way to discredit racism against asians.

    you are just confirming the stereotypical mainstream mindset. racism against asians is dismissed in mainstream culture.

    you are canadian, you don't really know about the ins and outs of american culture.

    this thread kind of hit a nerve with you. since this thread's op is not about you, your culture or even white people and assuming you are white, i find that kind of interesting, meaning there is a reason for it even though you are trolling a bit. possibly you are upset there is not enough attention to racism directed at whites and you are too cowardly to start such a thread so you want to project that asians are bitching since you percieve racism acceptable on some level based on vagaries or other inequalities between ethnicities or minorities. in other words, you perceive or assume asians as not as discriminated as other minority groups, so therefore complaints or highlighting racism against asians as unimportant.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  8. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Maybe I'm not racist against Asians. So, I can perceive this as self serving masturbation thread i.e. you.

    Don't you have anything better to do than masturbate? Maybe try astrophysics like Tyson, but wait, you're a loser. Well, how do you change that?
  9. birch Valued Senior Member

    i'm more interested in your fuked up psyche at this point since you are revealing it all over this thread which has nothing to do with you or specifically about your race or even culture.

    i bring up issues of racism against asians and you bring up tyson and masturbation, how does that compute or have anything to do with the op?

    are you black or white or mixed? are you biracial? your mentioning tyson who is obviously african-american when the op was not targeting or mentioning blacks or any ethnicity specifically except asians does not make sense. your reply seems to hint as thought there is some type of challenge made, meaning if i had denigrated blacks specifically, then your reply would make more sense.

    what is your random point? what does that have to do with the op?
  10. birch Valued Senior Member

    ahhh..after re-reading the op, it was this statement and comment quoted from the nba page that upset most here and set you off. this was the whole 'about me' bs, hidden meaning being asian or focusing on discrimination directed at asians primarily, therefore not considering others or focusing on them in this subject.

    as if others are always discussing or including racism against asians when racism is opined redundantly, right? not. but asians ask for a bit of spotlight on asian discrimination and it's called masturbation?

    that is some nasty fuking racism right there.

    well, not gonna apologize because there is nothing to apologize for.

    again, the only reason why hispanics or middle-easterners have come under scrutiny is the border issue and terrorism. when it comes to asians, it's just their race period that makes them a target which is even more racist.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  11. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Well, I did say this.
    You post the same theme constantly.

    So go ahead, pick apart my psyche. Or, are you that much of a loser you don't realize the consequence of what you want to pretend to be valid?

    Go for it!
  12. birch Valued Senior Member

    this is what i mean. you come across personally threatened/offended by this thread. what does it matter to you? then stay out of it. read, participate or start other threads.

    your rage over this thread doesn't make any sense. it's about asians.

    and because i'm a loser i'm not allowed to bring up issues about racism against asians?

    that is a very racist sentiment, and confirms my point.

    i'm just thinking if it had been a black person or hell, even hispanic, you wouldn't have the same flippant attitude because it's culturally and politically not pc to do so. why do i already know that? you subconciously are aware at least that asians don't have that type of representation for you to get away with being so openly dismissive. you are just playing right into confirming the points i made.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  13. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Uh... Maybe find a different forum. Your sentiment is just being a bitch.

    All you post about is discontent.

    There you go:
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  14. birch Valued Senior Member

    then why are you so attracted to a thread about discontent? lol. you are an idiot.

    it's you who is the bitch because you are not asian and you don't give a shit about racism that asians experience but you have just been trolling this thread and had to make it about you meaning whites/jews/caucasians (auschwitz) or african-americans or tyson or masturbation etc.

    you do realize that the op is spot-on and legitimate, yet your spinning it that this thread is about me or being a bitch is just a form of bigotry or insensitivity regarding asian discrimination? you do realize that, right? you don't actually have to or obligated to care, especially since you aren't asian so you should have just stayed the fuk out or stfu since you had nothing to contribute. get it?
  15. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Does this thread represent that you are such a loser that you didn't have anything to do with your life other than to bitch?

    Are you so screwed up that you are unable to make decisions in your life but instead bitch and complain "because I'm Asian". Do you have no capacity of changing your thought patterns or your environment that you're stuck in a rut like a loser?

    Neil''s Tyson studied astrophysics, what's your excuse?

    Just blaming it on "whitey" is an excuse for being such a loser; you never wanted anything or felt you could attain anything better for yourself.


    Time to stop blaming others' because you're a failure.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  16. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Nope. But a lot have died.
  17. birch Valued Senior Member

    Lmao. This thread isnt about blaming whitey. You are using strawmen and diverting as well as ignoring the point of the thread. This thread is about the whole diaspora of racism. You are so self-centered or paranoid, you refuse to see it.

    You keep making the thread about me when its a larger issue. Put down your beer and get a clue.

    For instance, your link of stormfront is often an assumed ethos that all are ignorant or losers on that site. It depends on how one defines a loser. Many of them are well-educated and successful. They can be professors, doctors, lawyers, executives etc. What they do is intentionally manipulate or distort info, that doesnt mean its always out of ignorance.

    All you are doing is giving me more fodder to make make further points.

    Also, you have revealed this thread scares you.
  18. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    But you don't deny that you are a failure?
  19. birch Valued Senior Member

    what does that have to do with this thread? can you think logically? but to answer your question: no, i do not deny i am a failure. but you also don't know where i am at in my life either, not that it's any of your business but i am retired so why would i study something (since you bizarrely keep mentioning neil tyson and astrophysics) just to please you or your stupid assumption i've never done anything or unable to make decisions? you are just making yourself appear like a fool.

    you seem to think someone being a failure or a 'loser' discredits the point of this thread. it doesn't. part of your ploy is that you think by discrediting me, it discredits the op but you are insulting asians as a whole but pretending that is not the case by focusing on me. that's a lame tactic. but since i know the type of truths of racism which irk you which is not just a very much pontificated black/white issue, i will post these since it seems to shock you so much:

    and of course, this is not isolated either. it's not just whites who are racist. i'm not sure why you are so offended by this knowledge and i already explained that cross-racism in an earlier post.
  20. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Oooh! So you admit you're a failure. But a retired failure?

    Going through life being only just a failure till you retired as a failure - inspiring methinks!

    What were you bitching about? Oh yeah, the blame on other people why you were such a failure.

    Oh, and this thread thread is nothing different - you just want to bitch.
  21. birch Valued Senior Member

    i'm not sure why you keep focusing on me. you do realize there are failures in your race as well as every other? not everyone makes it or becomes successful.

    it's not like the op was singling out any particular race which makes you the racist in this thread simply because the racism was pointed out against asians? what else could it be?

    are these people also masturbating? but only when asians do so, right? racism is not static and if you are unaware of the racism, then just stfu.

  22. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    So, I'm racist because you're a failure?

    Self serving I think that is.
  23. birch Valued Senior Member

    oh, i get it. you think me being asian and a failure translates to asians being failures. but that isn't true. lol

    this is similar to your right-wing rhetoric. i don't agree with his right-wing sentiment entirely because it excuses or overlooks oppression, marginalization or racism but it's in line with your schpiel. though it's going to sting a bit since there is some truth in there that's not flattering to you as a white person either who has no reason to not be studying astrophysics even moreso than me, according to your stupid logic, what's your excuse? drunk or high too often? two can play this game. enjoy:

    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
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