Personality types

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by birch, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. birch Valued Senior Member

    heh. normal people are fuked up, if you are talking about the 'average' person, then there is very little difference. average people encompass all varieties of character and relationship faults as well. it depends on what your definition of normal is. but yes, people who are co-dependent on others or negative will drag you down.

    but people aren't always what they seem and life can be ironic. some people have learned to hide their good and compassion in a world that is not as much (general) whereas the average person may not need to as they aren't going to be as juicy a target to begin with so are safer. you can't get much from generally selfish people or squeeze blood from a rock.

    ironicly, the ones who tend to value me the most are more sensitive and evolved (not in the mainstream sense) people once they get to know me because i am more positive, sensitive and have higher ethics/ideals (hidden from most) than your average person.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
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  3. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    A long time ago I read a very interesting book "Operators and Things", written by Barbara O'Brien, a former schizophrenic. A true story of a fascinating psychological journey.
    Perhaps this excerpt of the narrative from actual experiences may be pertinent to the discussion:
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
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  5. birch Valued Senior Member

    As far as narcissists and sociopaths, thats not the case, as history attests. Its just that with more social media, it is more in your face and widely distributed outside of a smaller circle (awareness). There is also more transparency because of this.

    As far as polygraphs, they are not always reliable since sociopaths/psychopaths do not always feel discomfort when dishonest because conscience is not a factor.
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  7. birch Valued Senior Member


    similar to infj.
  8. birch Valued Senior Member


    this is spot-0n. intj's like infj's can often be so intuitive to come across as psychic at times. we can know without knowing how we know. intj's are really good at pattern recognition in ways and in areas that others assume there is no connection. we look deeper than conventional wisdom.

    being an intj or infjmeans you absorb a lot from your environment on many levels (empathic/intuitive) so it's more stressful after awhile. even my sister described me as a sponge and she wood. it is also true we can size up people very well (in person) which is another reason why it is harder to like people generally because we know most are not as good as the pretense or mask people wear etc.

    infjs are less than 1.5% of the population, intj's 2% and female intj's 0.8%. they all have in common some reason the general public does not identify with them.

    one is a tendency to unusual or niche interests/hobbies so small talk is difficult.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
  9. birch Valued Senior Member


    15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 are hilarious. some of them don't apply but most of them do.

    18. " Constantly developing strange, niche interests even you don't completely understand."
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
  10. birch Valued Senior Member


    the time travel analogy is eerie (familiar) as in being able to see your future self etc. she describes most of this in a very vague fashion but it has some similarities. i don't know if the lucid dreams of flying is just an intj experience (i doubt that) but i have had a few of those but no longer and she says she could predict what dreams she would have or force her own dreams which i cannot relate to.

    the time travel aspect she describes seems to be more a projection or an intuitive forecasting but i have had a couple dreams that were literal and were prophetic.

    as far as the more third person view of yourself, that i can relate to take yourself outside of yourself to have an objective viewpoint as well as to see why others view how they do if one chooses but i'm not sure if that's just an intj personality/ability. though, i've noticed there are people who can't do this at all or don't even have a concept of momentary detachment to get an overall perspective. but this doesn't mean just because you can understand the how and why others have a certain viewpoint that you agree with them. it just aids in making better judgements in case there is something worthy of consideration in whatever you are evaluating.

    i know one over-riding and challenging aspect of being an intj is that people who are dominant personalities, patriarchal males as well as co-dependent types are very intimidated by or hate this type of personality because of a tendency for an authentic self-reliance on our own judgement and a true commitment even if after consideration of outside knowledge. we won't conform to a majority if we don't agree and apparently that takes tenacity and courage most don't want to do. in other words, most people seem to view tenacity and power as the hallmark of the backing of or part of the majority (might is right). infj's and intj's don't care whether it's one or a million, it's about what is right, wrong or true on whatever the issue is.

    this doesn't mean you agree with every intj or infj just because you have the same personality type. it is a broad generalization which will have some descriptions that will not apply to everyone across the board. it also doesn't indicate your values, preferences and other complex aspects (who you really are), just how you choose to approach, process and handle issues and problems. this can also change depending on the environment and other known/unknown factors.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
  11. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    The NSA has made science of this.
    It's called a "rare event distribution" , and defines the diversity and "authorship" of documents and manifestos, etc
  12. birch Valued Senior Member

    i have a hard time believing that intj types are only 2% of the population. nothing in the descriptions seems that out of the ordinary to me except for a couple functions. i can understand why the infj might be as that level of sensitivity, ethics and true compassion is rare but the negative consequences for the person (not public) far outweigh the positives. it's like a rabbit in a lion's den (general society).

    edit: Nope. describing general society as a lion's den is inaccurate analogy and too lofty. more like an angel among demons and the resulting carnage that would ensue.

    you either have to discard that type of compassion or learn to be exceedingly wise about when and who to reveal it to but by the time you learn that, the exploitation has already been done by several most likely unless you were fortunate enough to have been born in very good/protected circumstances.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
  13. birch Valued Senior Member

    so far intj's are metaphorically traveling alchemists, shamans, foretellers, iconoclasts, visionary and wizards (like nostradamus?). they can see ahead long-term based on intuitive processing and consideration of different schools of thought and perspectives. that sounds like an alien and that is why i can relate to those linked in the op. these personalities don't exactly fit in anywhere, regardless of country or culture. that's a pattern right there.

    the part that stands out is the vision of what could be that is better than what is. this is often viewed as silly fantasy and impossible dreams. it is only because people refuse to make the world a better place. that's really the main reason it's impossible, it's not literally impossible but they make it that way. also, how people are attracted to you to improve, organize or fix their life partly because we are secretly very compassionate which then we have to learn to hide or put on a shelf because there are a lot of selfish users out there. our vision is not about how most people think which is about just helping a few to gain an edge or become dominant but fairly overall for everyone to benefit society and the planet.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
  14. LaurieAG Registered Senior Member

    My point was that the DISC test with the Underperform and Overperform categories could actually identify when people were COMPLETELY FABRICATING THEIR RESPONSES TO EITHER ALL THE GOOD OR ALL THE BAD ANSWERS.
  15. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    What kind of personality test has "good" and "bad" answers?
  16. LaurieAG Registered Senior Member

    The DISC system had an Underperform and Overperform category that identified when people were not giving honest answers.
  17. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Sounds like something a psycho could beat, same way they can beat lie detectors.
    Did it indicate why the dishonest were fabricating? Trying to look good (or defiantly bad) on tests like that seems kind of normal.
  18. LaurieAG Registered Senior Member

    What it did do is identify that the person was not answering the answers honestly in a consistent manner because nobody could be so good or so bad that they aced every answer eitherway.

    Why should someone with a mental problem who ticks all of the right boxes and lets everyone know that they have a mental problem be a problem, unless you ignore the warning?

    All I can say is that those pre 1990's DISC test questions and categories would be very valuable today, if you actually wanted to identify people who had mental problems.
  19. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    That's partly how lie detectors work.
    Except they don't, with some people - including the people one needs them for the most.

    Part of the reason they don't work well enough is that even when they correctly detect honesty or dishonesty they don't provide information on motive or situation - why someone is being dishonest or honest, at that time.

    Way back in the 60s an HR guy with major corporate consulting experience published a cheat sheet for beating the corporate version of what that sounds like - getting past the HR screening that is the major employment of most of those tests (they always dissemble and talk about everyone contributing in their own way, but in practice somebody's looking for a particular type - look at the language there: "good" and "bad" responses).

    It was a page of tips, reminders, for responding to general types of questions - rules of thumb for coming up with one's own spontaneous responses that would score well for the purpose of climbing the executive ladder. It's been updated since, iirc, for each new generation of tests.

    One of them was: "I love my mother and my father but my father a little bit more". That kind of thing.
    My money's on the serious psycho, push comes to shove, in any formal testing situation they actually want to beat. They're paying attention. And in the meantime, you're going to find that most people have "mental problems" once in a while, depending on when they take the test and what they think is riding on it.
  20. birch Valued Senior Member

    after analyzing these two so-called rare personalities, i don't see why it's considered so unusual or terrible. i do know the part of the problem does not lie completely with the introvert because usually in the beginning, these personalities are usually not as introverted but it becomes so as society also treats them worse or is not as accepting of them. introverts usually start off fair, with good will and treating others with considerable respect (even more than the average person willing to listen carefully as well). these personalities are also more refined, sensitive and considerate than most. there is not a real valid reason such as grasping at straws that they may be arrogant, rude etc because many people are rude or arrogant, even worse than these personalities and it's considered acceptable. and if these personalities learned to be rude and arrogant, it's learned from the general public that bullied them in the first place. i think these personalities generally comprise pretty good people and much more thoughtful than the average person. how i know this is just about most circles comprise people who gossip, talk down, rude, crass (this shocks them at first) and these personalities often don't do that. they want to discuss actual 'things'. if they learn to later reflect on people more and their behavior as well as their impetus to criticize them back, it's because they have had to or become bitter.

    i can even analyze that girl that thinks she is an intj, she comes across as an infj to me. she has that same dreamy idealistic look in her eye i used to have when i was younger. people used to always comment about my eyes and my expression. that is usually not something you can sustain in this world unless you have very good surroundings as well as above the 'muck' so to speak. infj's especially but also intj's are some of the most kindest, gentlest people (originally) and highly idealistic.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
  21. birch Valued Senior Member

    This is because with some people (especially related to hot button personal issues), it can trigger emotional discomfort just by the question alone (bad memory) even for a victim. They are not detecting honesty or dishonesty, but emotional reactions/spikes. This is why the motive cant always be discerned. Furthermore, a victim can even feel more guilty than a perpetrator or be confused.

    There are psychos and sociopaths that can pass lie detectors because whatever incident they are questioned about is inconsequential to them (if the perp). They are the type to have done something horrible, disgusting and heinous and feel no guilt whatsoever. Thats why they do it in the first place.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
  22. birch Valued Senior Member

    You are more likely to lie or choose answers based on conventional social expectations depending on context such as employment. A stupid question would be do prefer teamwork or to work by yourself? Most would pick the former whether they actually prefer working by themselves or whether they are good at teamwork or not. Sociability or extrovert doesnt mean one is good at teamwork either as its a skill.

    A good personality test would omit questions that appeal to ego as well as conventional ethical questions but should implement questions using reverse psychology.

    If you just want to find out what makes you tick (truly) due to curiousity, you will be honest or at least at the moment you take it.
  23. LaurieAG Registered Senior Member

    Without the two missing categories you would never know that you had a problem in the first place.

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