Off topic split from Interesting Data About Inflation and Millenials - 1970 vs 2017

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by dumbest man on earth, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. Kittamaru Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums. Valued Senior Member

    If I were to be perfectly honest for a bit... no, I don't enjoy them. However, when I was tapped to become a moderator, I was asked to enforce a particular set of rules... rules that certain people have made a game out of flouting, knowing they can game the points system. It's why certain repeat offenders have two, three, or four dozen infractions. Certain people who appear to take great joy in being as disruptive, dishonest, and disingenuous as possible.

    At this point, I simply consider it a job to call them out on it when and where I can.
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  3. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Then if I might make a suggestion -

    Characters like DMOE do seem to enjoy all the arguing, and you say you don't. So why not keep it short and avoid the arguing? I moderate a skydiving forum, and often get into heated discussions that go on for pages on any number of topics, from the effectiveness of the 45 degree rule to whether climate change is real. But when it's time to be a moderator my posts get very short, and they generally go something like:

    "No personal attacks. Your one warning."

    That's it. If they want to ask questions about moderation they can do so via PM's. If they continue with the trolling or personal attacks or whatever they get banned for a week or so. Your system may be different, but surely you could adopt a similar paradigm if you really don't like all the arguing.
    cluelusshusbund likes this.
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  5. The God Valued Senior Member


    Oh, smart attempt. I was not talking about rules, I was talking about you. Admins taking you off not the rules.

    And you have this bad habit of cross threading, if you have any objection on that thread, then pl post there, do not bring in the discussion here.

    I like people who disagree with valid reasoning, not people who oppose with ignorance and refuse to learn.
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  7. The God Valued Senior Member

    That's how it should be when you are a Mod.

    Kittamaru has ominously threatened Timojin to GTFO some thread and Bell's declared DMOE as 'dumbest' literally and these guys call themselves fair mods?
  8. Kittamaru Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums. Valued Senior Member

    Indeed, I told him to GTFO if he didn't have a point to make and evidence to back it. If someone is looking for random, meandering, unsupported verbal diarrhea, this isn't the place to look.

    Hardly cross posting (cross threading, that's a new butchering) - I was simply providing this thing called evidence to back what I was saying.

    Then quit throwing a fuss when people disagree with you and have the evidence to back their argument up.

    This style had been used at one point, then it fell off in favor of "arguing it out in thread". That said... I think a return to that style would not be remiss.

    EDIT -
  9. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    Are you not allowed to use the style billvon described... or do you freely choose not to use that style.???
  10. Bells Staff Member

    It is literally his name. You know that, right?

    That is the name he knowingly chose for himself on this website. I mean, at least I did not write out his name in full.. "Dumbest Man on Earth"..

    When people go out of their way to choose monikers like this, then people will unfortunately refer to them by name.
  11. birch Valued Senior Member

  12. billvon Valued Senior Member

    If that happened, I (and I think several other posters here) would appreciate it.
  13. Kittamaru Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums. Valued Senior Member

    I will pass that along - it does seem like it would result in a much quicker resolution to certain issues.
  14. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Moderator note: The God has been warned for inappropriate behaviour, following reports filed about his posts in this thread.

    I advise The God provide any future feedback about moderators to me by private message, rather than by picking fights in the public forums.

    Due to accumulated warning points, The God will be absent from sciforums for a time.
    origin and exchemist like this.
  15. birch Valued Senior Member

    is it that i'm misunderstanding something but this is an open thread, so why is 'the god' construed as picking a fight? there is nothing more inflammatory than the rest.

    I can understand the logic that open debate regarding forum rules or protocol lends transparency so that abuse of or unfair moderator actions aren't committed easily via pm where the member has no recourse, unless starting a thread in site feedback or open gov't to question the validity of any moderator actions.

    Actually the poster 'the god' just expressed their opinions just like everyone else. whether it's valid or not is beside the point. that is to be sorted out/evaluated by moderator action but to express their dissent or what they deem to be unfair is not really justifiably punishable. Is this not logical?
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2017
  16. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member


    The God has managed to accumulate a total of 30 separate warnings in his time on sciforums so far. By now he has no excuse to be ignorant of our site posting policies, including our policies regarding attacks on other members.

    Having recently returned from a ban, The God chose to immediately pick up where he had left off, arguing with a moderator about the validity of prior moderator actions, in the public forums. He could have spent his time more productively, reflecting on why he was moderated in the first place and what he could do to avoid attracting his 30th warning from a moderator.

    Generally, moderator actions in respect of The God have not been at the instigation of moderators themselves, but rather a result of the moderators investigating complaints about The God filed by other members. The aim of official warnings is to encourage members to change negative behaviours and to start posting more constructively as part of the sciforums community.

    The God, sitting on 75 warning points, chose to go down the path he went down here, fully aware of the likely consequences. he now has 85 warning points and will be taking a 2 week break. If he is then moderated again, a 1 month break will automatically apply.
    exchemist likes this.
  17. The God Valued Senior Member

    I was infracted for this posts?
    The post is quite harsh but I think very truthful, but then truth is always harsh. Kittamaru will get less 'likes' after this, unintended result.
  18. Kittamaru Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums. Valued Senior Member

    *snrk* You just can't help yourself... It's like a pathological condition compels you to be as abrasive, inane, and antagonistic as possible.

    I'd say to take your complaint up with the administration... But oh, look at that, he's the one that issued the infraction.

    As for your apparent hangup on 'likes' - given I never bother to check how many likes a post gets (after all, if I wanted that, I'd go to Facebook or Twitter), I dare say that you're barking up the wrong tree... Except it's actually a telephone pole, and nobody has a bloody clue what you're yipping about.
  19. The God Valued Senior Member

    Why you have to talk of pathological, abrasive, inane etc??? Control dear control.

    It was not a complaint directed to you, neither it was a formal complaint, nor you infracted me, so why are you cribbing and whinning and barking?? Just chill and keep counting your 'likes'.

    It is just that I am bemused that the post does not seem to violate so called any of this site rules.
  20. Kittamaru Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums. Valued Senior Member

    That is control - simply stating what you make readily apparent for all to see. If the truth upsets you, well, I would suggest changing your behavior.

    Hence the "inane" part of the above - you are just whinging for the sake of whinging.

    Oh, the old elementary school classic "I am rubber you are glue" method. How cute.

    I see reading comprehension mustn't be your strong suite.

    That sentence does not parse; specifically "so violate so called any of this site rules" makes no sense. I presume you were trying to say that "the post does not seem to violate any of the so-called rules of this site" or perhaps "the post does not seem to violate any of the rules of this so-called site" - either way is you, yet again, not being able to help but insult someone or something. How droll.
  21. The God Valued Senior Member

    Relax, I am sitting at 85 and I know you have the capability and power to award me 15 more in less than 10 posts. I do not wish to be rude by completely ignoring you. Your avatar is so cute, I am kind of in love with that.

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