Post election stress disorder:

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by sculptor, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    What incites one may be different than what incites another.
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  3. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    The people who were blocking Obama: the Republican Congress and Republican Governors and Republican lobbying associations.

    And they can fuck up anything they touch, from the Supreme Court to the Federal Reserve, from FEMA to NOAA, from the National Parks to the Federal Highway Administration, from the EPA to the United States Army entire.

    Last time we did this, when the real Americans showing the liberal media elite who was boss by electing W&Cheney, the incoming administration installed political message overseers in the head offices of every major Federal Agency, received reports from them about the Agency's doings, and forbade the operational heads to communicate with the media about their Agency's issues except through these Presidential appointees.

    If we see Trump renewing that policy, and the political officers involved are reporting to Steve Bannon, a prudent and reasonable person would prepare for disaster.
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  5. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member


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    But it's puppies and rainbows for you, eh? People may believe, however, a Trump presidency gives them an excuse... but I still don't think they'll be able to buy tear gas.
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  7. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    So you are talking about Trump?

    Trump is an entertainer, there is no doubt about that, but Ronald Reagan he is not. Reagan wasn't pathological liar.

    Is it a meme or are you making it up? I haven't heard it before now.
  8. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Even if people do 'suck it up' there'd still be the special task force the NY Governor set up to deal with the increase in hate crimes.

    Calling this kind of prejudice a "social poison [in] the fabric of our nation," the governor cited a number of recent incidents, including a scourge of swastika graffiti and the case of black freshmen at the University of Pennsylvania being sent pictures of lynchings and racial slurs.
  9. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    He wasn't far off - although it was often in question whether he believed what he was saying or not, himself. You always had to allow for the possibility that he himself thought he was speaking truth. Trump not so much.

    Reagan and physical fact or historical event never had a really close relationship, was the situation - fact check one of his speeches and you ended up with little red marks and corrections everywhere, much like Trump's. The only question was whether or not he was confabulating on purpose, or speaking from sincere delusion. That was the guy, recall, who used to get muddled about the difference between having been in combat and having acted in film depicting combat, apparently sincerely. That was the guy who would tell these stories about "welfare queens" who drove their Cadillacs three blocks to buy cigarettes on the taxpayer's dime, over and over and over, and they had always been fictional - did he know that, any more, after a thousand repetitions?

    The other thing to recall about Reagan was that he had a mean streak. And here again the similarity with Trump is more evident than any great contrast.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2016
  10. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    Search Youtube for it. I think you'll find something. I'd really hate to imagine that I'd made up a meme, Damn, dude.
  11. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    HELL NO!
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  12. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    So you are one of those folks who believe anything they see and hear on Youtube is true?
  13. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    I thank some of the Stress Disorder bein displayed by the Trump people is due to buyers-remorse as the reality sinks in that a pile of sht will soom be president... an for some... the worst kick to the crotch is seein glimpses of a racist as reality clears the fog on ther mirrors.!!!
  14. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    No. Are you a fool?
  15. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    So now you don't remember writing, "Search Youtube for it. I think you'll find something"? Just because you find it on Youtube, it doesn't mean it is true.
  16. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    Piss off. I'm not here for your approbation, nor as a sounding board for whatever you think a philosophy is. Like I said, search for it. I don't fucking care if you can't find it.

    Until this election, I had a fairly high opinion of you. Oh, well.
  17. sculptor Valued Senior Member

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  18. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    This is not Human Science if all you intended to do was goad people. It should be in Politics or Free Thoughts.
  19. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    Psychology is very much a "human science". Election stress disorder is a very real effect.

    The next time you spot some sanity in relation to(or exception from) the election psychosis you can witness right here in these forums; do share.
  20. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    But you're not interested in psychology concerning this thread.
  21. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    You post more than you know.
  22. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Not every psychological disorder is a psychosis. So it wrong for you to equate them. A psychosis is a psychological break from reality. We normally hospitalize people when they have a psychotic event because they become a danger to themselves and others at that point. You have no evidence of that here. You are, as is the custom with extremists on both side of the ideological divide, to misuse words, ignore facts, and deceive.
  23. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    Interesting joe, that you were the only one here to use the word psychosis.
    Did you make a leap that wasn't implicit in the topic?
    Did you disconnect/break from reality just long enough to post your above??

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