What God Would Say

Discussion in 'Religion' started by davidelkins, Oct 19, 2016.

  1. eyeswideshut Registered Senior Member

    Yes, oh boy if we acted on feelings, have you ever bited to your tongue wanting to hit somebody? Thanks God we have morals guiding our actions and not feelings alone.
    No empathy in forum discussion ;] Why we invented God then if we got our morals from feelings (derivating from working together) ?
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
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  3. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    I don't think you do.

    What we evolved from was not monkeys at all. There are no monkeys anywhere in our ancestral line, and no monkey DNA in human DNA.

    Monkeys and humans both evolved from a common ancestor - a more primitive primate - that was not a monkey.

    We can show this by examining the DNA, and we can see that humans and monkeys went on divergent paths - each going their separate way genetically. The DNA we share with monkeys is from the common ancestor of both.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
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  5. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    "God of the gaps" is a term used to describe observations of theological perspectives in which gaps in scientific knowledge are taken to be evidence or proof of God's existence.
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  7. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Wow! See a psychiatrist.
    Kristoffer likes this.
  8. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    Particularly used by at least one "disguised" god botherer, whenever he can fit it in, and he'll fabricate, tell tall tales, deny scientific data and observations, to reflect exactly that whenever he has the opportunity.

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  9. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    And he'll try to discuss things he does not understand.
  10. eyeswideshut Registered Senior Member

    Context, please. I just used monkey as in general mainstream expression, I was challenging the thought process,
    the morals and that angle, have you anything to say about that?
    I have read Dawkins and such books (I´m a science freak), just stories, connecting bit and pieces, no real hard science with absolute truth, not even if looking by the definitions of the science itself.
    Yes, believe me, I know much about the evolution theory, its just that, a theory. Intelligent designtheories seems to on a rise. With DNA there is now which was first dilemma, which one was first, chicken or egg, it seems its really hard to explain how dna would appear with chance, by scientific calculation they come up so big number that it should be "impossible", but here we are, or the fact that the balance between contraction/expandin forces in the first pikosecond turn out to be mathematically "impossible" too.
    Now, can we move on or not? I can show many "errors" in the evolution theory in proper thread but not here, not now.
  11. eyeswideshut Registered Senior Member

    Thats your response to "why we invented God?" Well, sorry if so.

  12. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    The post I quoted didn't even make sense. Do you even understand the word empathy?

    And for you, it would seem mathematically "impossible" to win the lottery.
  13. eyeswideshut Registered Senior Member

    Are you referring to me? Or just throwing mud generally?

    Is there no point pondering why we invented something we didnt/dont need in the first place?
    We need to invent God? For what needs?
  14. Dywyddyr Penguinaciously duckalicious. Valued Senior Member

    Evidently not, since you managed to also write this:
    Evolution is fact. The "theory" (and you really should look up what the word means in a scientific context) is about how it works.
    Kristoffer likes this.
  15. eyeswideshut Registered Senior Member

    What you didnt you understand in the question?

    Believe me, we are talking numbers that makes lottery looks like a coinflip, scientist themselves acknowledge that.
    Its by statistical mathemics impossible. But, I know there is always the possibility, I hope you give the God the same chance at least ;]

    Ofcourse, I feel emphaty , for you believe me, for brief little moments, I know how is in these forums, with alkinds of loonies like me, I dont take too seriously in personal sense in forums, but with subject matter I´m dead serious ;]

    We were talking "what would God say" and it turned to is there God.

    Why challenge one aspect of the premise if one cant prove the counter-premise of that aspect to be true either, on which he bases the challenge?

    Same old, same old.
  16. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Do you think "hard" science shows absolute truth? No, it doesn't. There will always be the possibility of being wrong or incomplete. Intelligent design propaganda may be on the rise, but there are still no peer reviewed papers in support of it. It's not even a theory. What they do do is try to subvert scientific literacy, often using big numbers and probabilities that have no connection to reality. It's thought that life arose more than once, and that it's not only probable, it's inevitable, given a set of favorable conditions, like those which existed on Earth. It's not hard to explain how chemistry can create replicators, and how competition for resources would lead to better replicators. DNA is not thought to be the first replicator, perhaps it was RNA, or some other chemistry.
  17. eyeswideshut Registered Senior Member

    Then you have no problem to prove me that.

    There is "evolution" but only in races. No humanoid (=just different "monkies" if you will) human connection proved,
    only theories based on similarities between bones and such

    Sscientific method,
    a method of research in which a problem is identified, relevant data are gathered, a hypothesis is formulated, and the hypothesis is empirically tested.
  18. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Who says the universe didn't expand and contract multiple* times? Could make a lottery look like a coin flip.
  19. Dywyddyr Penguinaciously duckalicious. Valued Senior Member

    Your use of the word "proof" also betrays your lack of credibility with regard to the claim of being a "science freak".
    As does the fact you apparently haven't bothered to check for yourself (or, indeed, that you haven't come across the evidence beforehand).
    Try here or here for a start.

    What unmitigated nonsense.
    Kristoffer and paddoboy like this.
  20. eyeswideshut Registered Senior Member

    I use to think like that too, but latest scientific foundings lead me other way, like this:

    "The comparison of functional and structural characteristics of the DNA complex and the computer hard drive leads to a new descriptive paradigm that identifies the DNA as a dynamic storage system of biological information. This system is embodied in an autonomous operating system that inductively follows organizational structures, data hierarchy and executable operations that are well understood in the computer science industry. Characterizing the "DNA hard drive" in this fashion can lead to insights arising from discrepancies in the descriptive framework, particularly with respect to positing the role of epigenetic processes in an information-processing context. Further expansions arising from this comparison include the view of cells as parallel computing machines and a new approach towards characterizing cellular control systems"

    One has to wonder how millions years old the most low lifeforms have such a sophisticated system in them? and still stopped evolving.
    Something that build itself from pure information, even keeping eye on itself while building is truly a marvelous thing.
  21. eyeswideshut Registered Senior Member

    Well, lets say it did, where it came from?
  22. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    Actually no, but of course if the cap fits, wear it.

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  23. eyeswideshut Registered Senior Member


    I see, mob-fact? Then surely I´m a heretic in your realm of science where author/status quo rules over everything, no different approaches included.
    The fact is your kind looks evidence only from your angle, I have looked from all the angles there is, to the heart of it.
    But then again, you seem to even know what kinds can declare themselves to be a science freaks, so, really, why bother.

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