Rubio says no...

Discussion in 'Ethics, Morality, & Justice' started by cluelusshusbund, Aug 7, 2016.


Women shoud have the right to an abortion if they are infected wit Zika virus

  1. yes

  2. no

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  1. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

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  3. Bells Staff Member

    How utterly deplorable.
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  5. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    I'm with Sarah Palin on this. I would council for life, but think the government should stay the hell out of women's bodies.

    We've had thousands of years of population increase, and are now experiencing decreases in most industrialized "modern" countries.
    It would seem that women's insecurity, birth control, and abortion are key players in this. The question obtains: Are these just natural population trends playing out? (collective unconscious and all that)
    I would think that there is a natural balance that should stabilize the world population.

    Rubio sux.
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  7. Jeeves Valued Senior Member

    Rubio sux, definitely. As do all those self-righteous bullies through the ages who don't have the babies, don't care for the children and don't take responsibility for the welfare of children they directly and indirectly cause. Forbidding stuff is easy. Living with the consequences is hard.
    cluelusshusbund likes this.
  8. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    What do you mean by "council for life".???
  9. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    A unique sperm joins a unique egg and produces a unique life of which we know very little at that stage of development.

    If you abort, are you aborting a rare individual who could make of this shared co-evolutionary biom a better place?
    Or, just another of the average? Or something best discarded?
    Not knowing is not the best place to start a terminal action. I would rather wait and see.
    Also-----------NOT MY DECISION.
    Not knowing(the child nor the potential mother) also means that I would not impose my will founded in ignorance on another fellow human being.
  10. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    When you said "I would rather wait and see"... what is it you woud wait to see befor startin a terminal action.???
  11. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    There's the rub.
    What indeed.

    Kinda like when hunting. Don't shoot what you can't see clearly.
  12. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    Is ther any circumstance in which you woud council for abortion.???
  13. sculptor Valued Senior Member


    I keep correcting your typos.

    (on a personal note I've known 3 women who had had abortions------all 3 regretted it---2 remained childless---I ain't sure about the third---does that mean that a broader extrapolation to the entire population would be justified?)
  14. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    How about rape.???
  15. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    That rather depends on the woman involved.
    Her choice, and her's alone.
    I would not poke my nose in where it doesn't belong.
  16. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    Other than council for life:::

    "A unique sperm joins a unique egg and produces a unique life of which we know very little at that stage of development.
    If you abort, are you aborting a rare individual who could make of this shared co-evolutionary biom a better place?
    Or, just another of the average? Or something best discarded?
    Not knowing is not the best place to start a terminal action. I would rather wait and see."
  17. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    If I were to council for life ---that means on a personal level---then I become obligated to help with that life.
    Free babysitting, etc...

    It cannot be just words. A hollow shell is a thing that encapsulates nothing. I ain't no politician, words still have meaning for me.
  18. Jeeves Valued Senior Member

    On the whole, I would prefer to avoid abortions, too. I'm a big fan of well-informed, cheap, effective, readily-available contraception, and a huge fan of nobody forcing or coercing or manipulating anybody into sex they don't engage in knowingly, willingly and happily, so that the need for abortion never comes up. I would prefer conceiving only planned, wanted, loved children.
    I would prefer a society that takes care of all its citizens, old and new.
    But the way things currently stand, abortion is sometimes the less bad alternative.
  19. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    We know it isn't a human being yet. It's a single cell. We also know that it is inside the body of an actual human being.
    Not really - she favors allowing considerable governmental interference, by law, at the whim of the local voter. She also favors arranging the composition of the Supreme Court to abet it.
  20. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    Woud you still tell her you'r council-for-life ideas (might screw up the world if she chooses abortion) after she just told you that she was pregnant and had decided on an abortion.???
  21. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    Her body her choice. Really depends on the woman. If she solicited my advice(seems likely if she confided her choice to me), then I would voice my opinion.
    I would not want to "guilt trip her" (that decision is traumatic enough all by it's self) so would choose my words carefully.

    Not screw up the world---we cannot know this. She will make a choice that she will have to live with.
    Her life, her choice.
    Who is the father, has he been informed, does he support her decision?

    Sarah is pro life, and pro states rights which could indicate, or lead to a conflict.

    Abortion should never be illegal. When it was, bad things happened.
    Prohibition never works, and always encourages criminal activity.
    Would any sane compassionate person sic a criminal or a dog on a woman wanting to abort?
    Better done in a hospital in case of complications. There are also horror stories of botched abortions done in poorly equipped and staffed abortion clinics which are not well regulated.
    Pre-legal abortion were sometimes done as d and c -----one woman I knew had one done as an abortion when she was 16 but it was botched and scarred her uterine wall. Ergo her regret all she had after that were miscarriages.
    The choice is not risk free, neither medically nor psychologically.

    Raising children well ain't easy nor cheap.
  22. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    So you woudnt guilt trip a woman who confided her choice an asked you'r advice... but under what circumstances woud you ask a woman this queston:::
    "If you abort, are you aborting a rare individual who could make of this shared co-evolutionary biom a better place?"

    I say its the womans choice... an she dont need to name the father... tell him or inquire about his opinion.!!!
    Botom line... "Her life, her choice".!!!

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