Dumb Criminals

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by StrangerInAStrangeLand, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    You'd need to be able to defend it with references to vetted research.
    In short, you'd need to be able to show that 'true' is more than merely 'you think so'.

    non sequitur. Bit of a jump there. Since we all have brains, how did you get to racism explaining anything?

    For starters, race has been deprecated as having a biological basis.
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  3. pluto2 Banned Valued Senior Member

    This is not completely true.

    I believe that race (and biological determinism in general) does have some basis in reality regardless of whether some people like it or not.

    People who think like you are just like religious people who can't stand up to the fact that there is no God and no afterlife and that humans are really not that important in the grand scheme of things.

    The fact is that humans are like tiny insects in a universe that doesn't care about us at all.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2016
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  5. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    I would generally concede that on this point you are correct. What is more accurate is to say that from a scientific standpoint race has very little practical value. Biologists prefer, I believe, to speak of populations.

    In addition race has acquired very negative connotations because it has been used inappropriately and inaccurately. This is what you have done with your remarks in this thread where you have fallen into the trap of stereotyping and of assigning cultural characteristics to genetic roots.
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  7. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    As Ophie says:
    You are making an egregious generalization without support. Just because there may be a basis for differences in race does not mean it has an effect on anyone's personality, let alone a general trend.

    The variation within a category such as race is almost always larger than the variation between them.
  8. pluto2 Banned Valued Senior Member

    Even if I said that black girls have (on average) better personalities than white girls then this is still no excuse to call me ugly (especially when it is done in a public forum where everyone can see).

    Calling someone ugly is wrong because it makes someone else feel bad about him/herself. So don't do it even if a guy holds a gun to your head.

    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
  9. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Even if a person believes that his pre-judgment about someone of a specific race is valid, it's still racism. "Blacks are, on average, more stupid" (or prettier, or lazier, or whatever) is a racist comment even if you think it's true.
  10. pluto2 Banned Valued Senior Member

    It's not racist if a black person says that he doesn't really like white people.

    Some may call it reverse racism but reverse racism is not like the racism black people experienced and are still experiencing by white people.

  11. billvon Valued Senior Member

    If he is saying that because he feels that all white people are pretty much the same - it absolutely is racism.
  12. pluto2 Banned Valued Senior Member

    Not it's not, regardless of what you think.
  13. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Not what I think, it's what the word means.

    noun: racism
    the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
  14. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    You can't come to the table of justice with unclean hands. You can't complain that someone else insulted you on the tail of you making a racist comment.

    Of course it is.

    There is no such thing as "reverse-racism". Racism is racism.

    Blacks or reds or purples don't get to claim a special form of racism that only they get to use.
  15. pluto2 Banned Valued Senior Member

    Still DaveC426913, you can't deny that white people have more influence over the world than black people and that white people are much better off economically than black people.

    Most black people in Africa are living in poverty while most white people who are living in Europe, United States and Canada are by far better off economically than most black people in Africa.

    Look at Brasil for example, a country which is still very racist. In Brazil white people have tons of money and have control of most of the land and are living in luxury apartments while most black people in Brazil are living in overcrowded and unsanitary favelas with very few opportunities to advance in life.

    If Brazil is not an example of racism by white people then I don't know what it is.

    Also look at the story of Eliot Rodger from California, the guy who committed the Isla Vista massacre in 2014:

    The white girls in California were very mean to Eliot Rodger. They ignored him and didn't want to date him just because he was Asian-American and that was why he was isolated and turned psychotic.

    White girls in the United States are still very racist and self-entitled compared to girls in other countries in the world and you can't deny that. The story of Eliot Rodger proves that it's true.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2016
  16. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    What does any of that have to do with the price of tea in China??

    Wait - are you now trying to justify your racism?? "Other people do it so why can't I?"

    Good Lord man, you've hit bedrock. Stop digging.
  17. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    This is really over the top. How do you know why 'white girls' didn't want to date him. He couldn't get a date with white girls, so he became psychotic?! I guess he did not want to date asian-american girls - did they become psychotic because of that?

    Maybe this could be a cure for psychosis. Doc I think I'm losing my mind!!! Date 2 white girls and call me in the morning....
  18. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Uh - OK.

    Wait. You are not thinking that if one group is _different_ from the other (more money, less money, taller etc) that equals racism, do you? Racism can LEAD to income disparity. However, income disparity does not equal racism.
    There may well be racism in Brazil. (Going by news reports there is, certainly.) But the income disparity alone is NOT an example of racism.
    ?? Lots of guys get ignored by girls for all sorts of reasons. Guys who are ugly, or short, or too self-absorbed, or just poor. If every one of them turned into psychotic murderers about a quarter of the men in the world would be psychotic killers.
    Some girls are racist, most aren't. Some men are racist, most aren't. What is your point here?
  19. pluto2 Banned Valued Senior Member

    You really have no clue what you are talking about do you?

    Yes, the vast majority of white people today are still very racist and you can't deny that.

    The vast majority of people on this planet are shitty and egoistic and you can't deny that.

    Also another poster on another forum said exactly the same thing. Humanity as a whole sucks and that is a fact.

  20. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    No. That is a personal opinion. An unsubstantiable one.
  21. billvon Valued Senior Member

    There are a lot of people, black and white (and all shades in between) who are racist. Fortunately, at least here in the US, they are NOT a vast majority.
    No, that's your opinion - and if you think that because of what you have experienced in your life, then I feel sorry for you. Fortunately most people do not experience that. (And BTW, "I saw it on the Internet" is sort of the opposite of proof.)
  22. pluto2 Banned Valued Senior Member

    But you can't deny the fact that white supremacy is still a global phenomenon and still exists in very large proportions, especially on the Internet.

    Why do you think that fairer skinned women are often considered more beautiful and feminine than dark skinned women for example?

    It's because some white people have a superiority complex and white people still control the media to a large extent and have more economic influence on the world than black African people.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2016
  23. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Agreed. However, like Islamic terrorism, the small number of extremists get noticed, while the vast majority of moderates do not.
    Societal preference. Same reason taller, muscular men are considered more handsome and desirable.
    Agreed, specifically with your word choice - "some."

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