
Discussion in 'General Philosophy' started by Waiter_2001, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. Waiter_2001 Registered Senior Member

    What is the ultimate goal of love, and if love truly is the greatest out of ALL things, should love express itself to another, doesn't that make the said being greater than love itself??? Love you all, Waiter.
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  3. timojin Valued Senior Member

    Love without physical expression is just a buzzword. So, how can you love me since you don't know who I am. If you love humanity you can lay your life for them by teaching them on how to live.
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  5. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    Love is assuring to the comfort and safety of the beloved, and delighting in the presence of the beloved.
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  7. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    It's true that we can just pay lip service to "love". I agree that love is more about doing than saying. But I don't have to know you to do things for you.

    Or you could let them live their own lives instead of pushing your principles on them.
  8. timojin Valued Senior Member

    Which way would you suggest let some of the poor African people to drink water from their rain holes or go or send some money to build a water well ?
    The one case is to live them alone they lived for hundreds of year that way .
    The other case open their life for a easier living
  9. sculptor Valued Senior Member


    Hell of an artist, a tad frail and crazy.
    That said:
    I'd walk 10 miles barefoot through a blizzard just to stand in her shit.
  10. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    I was responding to your statement, "If you love humanity you can lay your life for them by teaching them on how to live." Providing clean water is not 'teaching them how to live'.
  11. timojin Valued Senior Member

    You just want catch me on my poor statement, lets stick to the word love. I meant you tech them on different ways how to make an easier life, or provide some facility to make life easier
  12. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    No, I just want to be clear on what you're saying.

    Okay. In English, teaching somebody "how to live" generally implies more about ethics and morality than it does about technology. It sounds like you're a missionary more than a humanitarian. If you're not, that's good.
  13. Sarkus Hippomonstrosesquippedalo phobe Valued Senior Member

    How is sending money to provide someone with clean water anything to do with "love"? For most people it is merely something they do to assuage their sense of guilt, to make themselves feel better. But love?

    Please define "love" as used in this question? I would guess, depending on the "love" that you refer to, it could be simply an evolutionary method of providing a protective/nurturing environment for offspring, to strengthening the bonds within a community (be it family or the larger society) and thereby improving the chance of survival of that community.
  14. timojin Valued Senior Member

    Have you noticed what you said ? For most people it is merely something they do to assuage their sense of guilt, to make themselves feel better. But love?
    environment for offspring, to strengthening the bonds within a community within a community ( family or the larger society) and thereby improving the chance of survival of that community.[/QUOTE]
    Apparently you can not see that we all are part of the larger community
    You soin like a typical atheist you would not do any good for any body so that you assure yourself not to feel guily
  15. Sarkus Hippomonstrosesquippedalo phobe Valued Senior Member

    Yes, thanks. I did write it, after all.
    I see that. What is your point?
    How is giving money to the poor of Africa a demonstration of "love"? You have so far avoided that matter entirely. It is a demonstration of compassion, but that is not love, and even actions out of compassion can be said to be for entirely selfish reasons: I don't like seeing people suffer - so I do what I can (give money to charities, volunteer work etc). Doing what I can assuages my guilt that I'm not suffering like them, and makes me feel happier.
    I do "good" for many reasons, and hopefully I don't delude myself as to that reasoning.
    But thank you for arguing against the person rather than the points made. We call that an ad hominem attack and is to be discouraged. Furthermore you have argued from a position of bias resulting in a gross and inaccurate representation of "typical atheist".
    I'm sure you have a valid argument to make, so perhaps you would like to make it instead of the current drivel you're spouting.

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