Should there be a law against public institutions that lie for money?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Greatest I am, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    This is not true.

    Consensus and the intelligentsia are who guide our societies. If they say that a belief in talking snakes and donkeys is an irrational belief, that opinion will eventually be accepted by all.

    You shirk your duty to your fellow man and want the rest of us to do the same.

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  3. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    You are free to educate people all you want. But it's not a crime to lie (as long as it's not used for financial gain), or be delusional, or have false beliefs. Half the nation would be in prison. It's your right to believe things that are false.
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  5. Schmelzer Valued Senior Member

    You may decide to follow consensus and the intelligentsia. Your choice.

    I prefer to make my own choices, based on what I think is rational. This choice will be, in many questions which I find uninteresting enough, that of the society, because uninteresting questions are not worth to be studied in detail, thus, one can simply use the cheapest reasonable choice - which is to accept the mainstream.

    But for every important question it would be stupid to follow the mainstream - except for people who are stupid, for them to follow the mainstream would be indeed rational, because own different decisions would be even more stupid than the mainstream.

    I don't understand. I think, if there is a duty in this domain for reasonable people, it is the duty to make own justified decisions, instead of stupidly following the mainstream. I would, indeed, like to see the rest of us to make own decisions, instead of following the mainstream without thinking.
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  7. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    Churches lie, governments lie, both steal and do murder.

    One has to have the tools to make reasoned decisions. Learn, then attempt to reason.

    Ignorance doesn't prevent people from making decisions. Ignorant people are very easily lied to, so their decisions are based on an engineered 'consensus'. Welcome to American politics, where abominations like No Child Left Behind exist, not to mention the execrable Citizens United court decision.

    If our societal trend continues, no one will need anything but Facebook and Twitter for their 'informed opinions'. God help us.
  8. sculptor Valued Senior Member

  9. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    Deus ex machina
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  10. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    Maybe so. Good call either way..
  11. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    Religions lie for the financial gain you speak of.

    That is the point.

    It is the duty of all truth loving people and people who care abouty others to do thewir duty to our fellow man. Especially the gullible ones.

    I also think that religions should not receive any tax breaks of any kind and that their adherents should not be able to use what they give as tax deductions.

    Churches are just theatres showing adult fairy tales and we cannot deduct what we spend at other theatres so people should not be able to deduct what is basically entertainment.

  12. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    Then you should be happy to fight against the indoctrination and brainwashing that religions do to the less mentally strong and gullible.

    Welcome to my side.

  13. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    If Americans are so far gone that they will allow the American Dream to become a nightmare then shame on all Americans.

  14. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    It sounds like you said that you're both "mentally strong" and gullible.

    Which is it, and what's your side?

    Edit: And what is your nationality, since you cast stones?
  15. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

  16. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    Judge from this.

    When a religion begins it's teachings with the notion that God is unknowable, unfathomable and works in mysterious ways, and then teaches reams of information on all they say they know as truth of that unknowable and unfathomable God, one can know as a fact that they are lying.

  17. river

    Isn't obvious ? It should be. Of course there should be a law.

    The interesting thing is , this question is actually or necessary to ask in the first place.

  18. Schmelzer Valued Senior Member

    I do not spend much time for hopeless battles. So you have my moral support, but not much more.

    Moreover, I do not think that actually the religions are the most dangerous organizations who use indoctrination and brainwashing against the less mentally strong. The Western mass media are in this sense much more dangerous, because they openly pray for hate and war.
  19. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    What do religions lie about?
  20. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    Almost everything?
  21. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    I maintain that they are honest about what they do. They state their belief system openly, and if you want to support that you give them money. Sometimes they do charitable things. What's the problem?
  22. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

    They say things they cannot know to be true, they make claims they cannot prove & they make people feel horribly guilty for being human. They con people into giving money many cannot afford in the hope of being a part of a dreamworld fantasy there is no proof of. They take unfair abusive advantage of people's weaknesses & convince them they are less than nothing without faithful fantasy.
    People who do that outside of religion are shut down & prosecuted.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2015
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  23. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    Sometimes. That depends on how much power they wield. Or money, whatever...

    All the poor bastards either die while resisting the yoke or are put in prison to suffer it.

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