Denial of Evolution VII (2015)

Discussion in 'Biology & Genetics' started by davewhite04, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. leopold Valued Senior Member

    see p14 post 269, p15 post 283.
    i am not trying to "disprove" anything.
    i stated "i was lied to" when i was taught evolution.
    and i was.

    the matter of the ayala quote surfaced when i posted what i found.
    it should also be pointed out that quite a few of my posts on this matter has been moved to other threads, some of which i did not create.

    it should also be pointed out that one of my posts has been edited by persons unknown.

    now, do you want to get spooky?
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  3. Bells Staff Member

    The earth is around 4.5 billion years old.

    There are indicators that life first appeared as much as 3.5 billion years ago.

    It appears that you believe differently to what has been discovered. Please support your case and show where our brain stem actually came from. It shouldn't be hard, seeing how vehemently you are protesting this.

    If you do not understand what is meant by sharing a common ancestor with another life form, in this case, certain types of worms, and how that relates to our evolution, then please ask. But I think I have provided you with more than enough links to explain it to you in detail. So what do you not believe about it?

    Do you think your brain magically appeared?

    I would be surprised if you did. Seeing as we are complete strangers.
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  5. davewhite04 Valued Senior Member


    I don't know, but the coolest part is, neither do you but least I'm not arrogant enough to pretend I have all the answers.

    I don't believe DNA can be created in a pool of goo. Can you prove it can?

    No, it is the result of my mother and dad.
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  7. Bells Staff Member

    You have dismissed evolutionary theory and discoveries, so in a way, you are arrogant enough to pretend to have all the answers. For example:

    I provide you with information about the formation of the nervous system from millions of years ago and your response is you don't believe DNA can be created in a pool of goo [<< Descriptive and animated explanation of Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman's discovery which should provide you with the answer to your question]..

    Where and how do you think life began on this planet?

    I am going to assume, by your apparent revulsion and denial of how life began on this planet, that you believe something else? Why is it such a big deal to you that you can make such statements in response to evidence showing that we shared a common ancestor with certain types of worms hundreds of millions of years ago? Do you believe that man is too superior to have had such beginnings? How and where do you believe the brain evolved from?

  8. davewhite04 Valued Senior Member

    Which I don't know the answer to...

    I chose not to believe that DNA can be caused by chance in a pool of goo, no one in science knows the answer, and the current thoughts are way off gaining scientific theory status.

    I have my own ideas, and you'd be the last person I'd discuss them with.

    The only thing I know is that my brain evolved from my parents.
  9. Bells Staff Member

    You don't know the answer and you dismiss the answer because you do not believe in the answer..

    Well, people in science do know and have published what they know. For example, we know parts of our brain share similarities with other animals, including worms, which means we all shared a common ancestor from a few hundred million years ago. This is what we know. And it is an astounding discovery. Why are you so offended by this?

    Why do you choose not to believe that DNA can be caused by chance in what you are calling a pool of goo? Let me guess, you are of the 'god did it' crowd?

    Yes. You are probably better off saving it for your bible studies group.

    Umm no. Your brain did not evolve from your parents.
  10. davewhite04 Valued Senior Member

    I'm not offended, I'm amused. I do believe that you share a common ancestry with worms, no doubt about it.

    I'm asking you the question, which you obviously can't answer so you ask me the question that I'd already admitted I didn't know the answer to. When was the last time you admitted you didn't know something?

    I'd get more sense from a Bible study class.

    Really... answer ONE question for once... if my brain isn't a product of my parents, which is different to both of them, what do you call the process that changed my brain? or arm? or leg?
    cluelusshusbund likes this.
  11. Bells Staff Member

    Well yes. I am human.

    I don't know.

    I am sure you feel that way.

    Your brain is a product of millions of years of evolution. Certainly, your parents having sex and conceiving you helped you be here, but the process that resulted in your brain is something that is the result of millions of years of evolution.

    How is your brain different? Does it look different? Is it made of something else? Certainly, your memories, experiences, emotions, will be different, in that sense, your brain is different. But your brain is structurally the same.

    Lobotomy.. Brain injury.. Drugs and alcohol.. Disease..?

    Amputation.. Plastic Surgery.. Exercise..?
  12. davewhite04 Valued Senior Member

    Are you for real? I wouldn't exist without them. Evolution is happening constantly. Are you sure your not a bible thumper?

    Because my brain is more adaptable to technology for example. It processes information differently then theirs. The list is huge, but no matter what I say you come back with more offensive lies. Like this...
  13. Dywyddyr Penguinaciously duckalicious. Valued Senior Member


    Not really.
  14. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    It's called "reproduction" and not "evolution"
  15. davewhite04 Valued Senior Member

    Reproduction goes hand in hand with evolution, you can't have one without the other.
  16. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Reproduction is what explains the differences between you and your parents.
  17. Bells Staff Member

    I will use smaller words.

    Your parents reproduced and had you. However the processes that resulted in how you came to be, is a product of evolution.

    You did not evolve from your parents.

    Just like your brain did not evolve from your parents. You are a product of reproduction. But the process that allowed you to be reproduced by your parents, that allowed your brain and organs to develop as they did is itself a product of evolution.

    Ummm no. We live in a time that is more technologically advanced, so your experiences allow for you to be more used to using technology. But it does not mean that you are more adaptable to technology. If you took someone from 100 years ago and gave them the same upbringing with access to the same technology that you have had access to for your whole life, they would be just as good at using it as you are.

    Umm no. It doesn't.

    Unless you are claiming that you are different to everyone else, ie, a new species, your comments aren't really making a lot of sense.
  18. davewhite04 Valued Senior Member


    Do you think evolution has stopped as far as we humans go? I don't think it has, therefore reproduction drives evolution further, it's exciting. Bells might actually get her chance of meeting a Klingon.
  19. davewhite04 Valued Senior Member

    Evolution explains the diversity of life on this planet, down to an individual. Small steps they are but they're still steps. What you are saying actually do you believe what you write?

    You say evolution does play a role, but humans don't change!?
  20. Bells Staff Member

    Umm that is not what I said.

    You claimed that you evolved from your parents, that your brain evolved from your parents, that your brain is more adaptable to technology than your parents, etc..

    I responded to each of those individually. I explained how you are a product of reproduction, but that the process involved in how you were reproduced, in how you developed, in how your brain developed happened because of evolution. In short, without evolution, you would not be here. Your parents were able to reproduce because human beings evolved to be able to reproduce as we do. Your brain exists as it does because the human brain evolved after hundreds of millions of years of evolution to become the human brain.

    There hasn't been a leap in evolution between your parents and you that has resulted in your brain being different or better, so to speak. Do you understand now?
  21. davewhite04 Valued Senior Member

    I understand, I basically pointed it out to you.

    Without evolution=No reproduction
    Without reproduction=No evolution

    If you think that reproduction doesn't result in small changes, driven by evolution, then you might as well remove evolution from your belief system, if in fact you do believe in evolution.
  22. elte Valued Senior Member

    More recent evidence points to RNA existing before DNA.
  23. leopold Valued Senior Member

    this is your answer for "what was the conclusion of the conference ?"
    what's the matter james, is it choking you to death?

    i tell lies?
    tell me, where is the retraction sourced from?
    science never published a retraction, and they are responsible for the quote.
    there is no evidence that ayala contacted science, but there IS evidence he contacted other sites.
    science is 1 of 2 of the most respected journals on the planet james.
    until science says otherwise, i will continue to post the conclusion was "small changes do not accumulate"
    you can take your veiny head somewhere else.
    i believe the moderators* here are responsible for my posts appearing amongst multiple threads.
    i believe the mods* are responsible for editing some of my posts beyond recognition.
    i've come to realize one important thing, to protect my sources, and be careful of what i say.

    * i don't think these mods are here anymore.

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