Are the laws of physics based on magic?

Discussion in 'General Science & Technology' started by Mazulu, Sep 8, 2013.

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  1. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    You are the one that has to make up a fantasy world because you can't handle the real one. It's cowardly.
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  3. Mazulu Banned Banned

    And you have to blind yourself to the truth by saying, "I don't know where the universe came from?"

    Why don't you just lay down and die like your atheist buddy Richard Dawkins. Here, here a drink.

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  5. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    That's the only truth that is intellectually honest.

    Last I heard, Dawkins is still going strong.

    And thank you, I would love some Patrón Añejo.
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  7. Billy T Use Sugar Cane Alcohol car Fuel Valued Senior Member

    What truth might that be? Re-incarnation in the cycles of life on Earth and a godless universe?
    That postulates the least without any support. - Only that I have a spiritual life, which you also postulate, with zero evidence and much more.

    How detailed are your additional postulates? Is God a man like creature (we're made in his image so the good book says)? Would that imply he has a penis? If yes, what for?
  8. Mazulu Banned Banned

  9. Mazulu Banned Banned

    I just got done meditating. It is very refreshing.

    I have a hypothesis about the afterlife. The universe, along with all of our souls, came from the same non-material/non-physical source. If souls exist beyond the physical plane, then there is always the possibility that they could reincarnate. Meditation may not be for everyone, but it's good for me.

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  10. Billy T Use Sugar Cane Alcohol car Fuel Valued Senior Member

    That place could solve one problem with re-incarnation - Namely at times in earh's history (like during the peak of the black plague), there were 10 of thousands, with souls, dying more than were being born each hour. I.e. you "place" could serve as a cold storage locker for currently un-needed souls which were taken for good people - too good to put into a new born cow or dog, etc.
  11. Mazulu Banned Banned

    There is a spirit world where disembodied spirits go on with their lives. Souls that go to sleep may find themselves drawn into forces that govern reincarnation. But I don't believe that a human soul would fit into the body of a cow.
  12. Mazulu Banned Banned

    I thought this was such a cool picture.

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  13. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member


    Mazulu, you "get dunk"? Will you ever "lay down and die"? Are you on the "Live Forever/Never Lay Down/Never Die/Immortal Team"?

    Mazulu, whatever team that you imagine that you are on, it seems to be the team that prefers to Judge and Curse!

    Mazulu, is Judging and Cursing...your teams idea of living a "good life"?
  14. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Finally an end to this tortuous thread.

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  15. Mazulu Banned Banned

    That's an awesome choir!!!!
  16. billvon Valued Senior Member

    He's pretty . . . alive, actually. Compare him to the fervent religious types who blow themselves to bits to glorify themselves. Generally atheists are less prone to killing themselves and others for "spiritual" reasons.

    Dead people drinking? When I think of all that hard liquor I think of Roman Catholics.

    Reminds me of a joke. What's the difference between a Catholic wedding and a Catholic funeral?
    At the funeral one less person is drunk.
  17. Mazulu Banned Banned

    What does that mean?
  18. Robittybob1 Banned Banned

    This is because the bullets of the atheists are misguided.
  19. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Yes, they tend not to practice at the gun range in preparation to killing people.
  20. Mazulu Banned Banned

    The only thing atheists practice is cynicism, meaninglessness, and religion hatred. They have no passion, no love. Nothing is sacred to them. They have nothing to fight for and nothing to defend.
  21. Fork Banned Banned

    They are ignorant of God's existence or at least misinformed. They think that just because they cannot see something with their eyes it does not exist. They're pussies because they have never experienced or seen true evil and because of that they think life is a simple and easy and carefree existence void of evil and its opposite, good.

    A person can gain knowledge of an after-life by experiencing the divine spirit of God that exists within themselves.
  22. Mazulu Banned Banned

    You are right. Atheists attack easy targets like Christianity and other religions that promote peace. But you will never ever ever hear them say anything about Islam, because Muslim clerics don't tolerate freedom of speech. Richard Dawkins is too cowardly to stand up against a real religious threat from Muslim terrorists. Atheists don't have the heart, the soul or the passion to serve in the military to protect this country from its enemies. They are just a bunch of drunks who love nothing more than a bottle of booze.
  23. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    I guess that's an endorsement of "pussydom". I would think that it would be desirable to have never seen true evil.
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