The history of sexism...where did it begin? Why? Can we rid our world of it?

Discussion in 'History' started by wegs, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. arauca Banned Banned

    I don't know how you can separate A woman is a woman and sh should be treated as a lady ..... And she should act as a lady
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  3. arauca Banned Banned

    We are talking about women and respect for them .
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  5. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    Not exactly sure who this "us" is, of which you seem to speak so highly. Nor that I would aspire to or care to be what you seem to describe as "men" or "males".

    The actions you describe are indeed shameful.

    However, those are not actions that are performed by actual real men...just posers and pretenders execute the actions of which you speak.

    If you honestly believe that is how real/true men/males are...well...shame...on...
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2013
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  7. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    And all this time I thought we were talking about : "The history of sexism...where did it begin? Why? Can we rid our world of it?"

    Is respect not a two-way street?

    Have you ever heard : "Whats good for the goose is good for the gander."

    What you seem to be going on and on about is pure, unadulterated, disrespect toward women...hence...sexism!
  8. wegs Matter and Pixie Dust Valued Senior Member

    Me thinks it's high time you change your username.

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  9. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    Had a fellow tell me years ago that he married a Lady that claimed she loved him because he was different from all the other men.
    During their 11 year marriage, he told me, she was always telling him to change this or change that or you need to change, and because he loved the Lady so much, he always did his best to do what she asked of him.
    During their divorce, he said that she had told him that she had loved him, but the love died because he was no longer the man she had fell in love with and married. She said she did not know why or how, but that he had changed and now he seemed to be just like all the other men.
    He told me that in 20/20 hindsight he had figured out that "change" is what you do to your socks and underwear or what you carry around in your pocket for vending machines or parking meters.
    Change, he said, on a personal level is something you should think and ponder long and hard before you do it to yourself or ask it of another person.
    Made sense to me.

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2013
  10. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    Shame on all men including you and me for allowing the men you say are posers, to denigrate and discriminate against women and gays for all of these years.

    Some men may have forgotten their duty but the rest of us men have not been diligent in letting those posers know that they are out to lunch. In fact, we help them forget their duty by not reminding them of it.

  11. wegs Matter and Pixie Dust Valued Senior Member

    lol @ "stud service"

    You make me laugh, Greater.

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  12. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    If men will not do their duty towards women, why should women do theirs towards men?

    Women are the ones being abused by the systems men have put in place.

    It is getting slowly better but not near quickly enough.

    This author speaks of the African experience and where they should move to. He says --- and my bias may read more militancy than he gives and this is my interpretation --- it is to women to step up as the men have shown that they do not have the stones to do so.

    He is a good thinker if you have the time to hear or read his work.

  13. arauca Banned Banned

    That is a new one for me I am promoting to treat the respectfully and you are telling me this is disrespectful. I treat my wife as a lady you treat her your American way , take her to a male bar and speak foul at home so she will be treated as a guy.
  14. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    Please, please. please.

    Mr. GIA, you state ; "Shame on all men including you and me...".
    If you want to suffer shame on yourself...that is up to you.

    I clearly stated: ...Nor that I would aspire to or care to be what you seem to describe as "men" or "males".

    I haver NEVER forgotten what a real man is - when I have witnessed a woman being mistreated or abused, verbally or physically, I have spoken up and stood up - I have the scars and the police record to prove it.

    Mr. GIA, you seem to play, you seem to pretend, you seem to "talk the talk"- you never seem to "walk the walk" though.
    As a matter of fact, the actions you show seem to indicate a failure of the ability to truly "stand" for anything real at all.
    If you consider yourself a man, then PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do not consider me, dmoe, in the same sentence as you, or even in the same species as you - I am in no way comparable to you - I do not suffer any of the shame you mentioned. Whether or not you suffer that shame is up to you
    It is not my onus, nor is it my duty, it would indeed only be a childish, selfish egotistical act for me to ponder, decide, judge and then sully a person by ignorantly deeming that they should suffer shame.

    I clearly stated five things in Post #243 - one I re-stated one earlier in this Post. There are two more I want to re-state now, and I would like for you to truly understand these statements :

    1. - The actions you describe are indeed shameful.

    2. - If you honestly believe that is how real/true men/males are...well...shame...on...

    When you, Mr. GIA, use the words "we" or "us" or "men" - I am not part of those groups you are feigning to speak for.

    Do you, MR. GIA, have the simple ability to read, comprehend and fully understand exactly what i wrote?


    I can consider actions. As a man, I believe that I have that right. The right to consider actions, not people, but actions.

    The actions performed by you, MR. Greatest I Am, in these Posts, as perceived by me, dmoe, are considered by me, dmoe, to be the actions of a "POSER".

    no pretend or poser "Regards"
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2013
  15. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    I do not know your wife.
    If I met her, I would show her the same respect that I show every woman - full and courteous respect.
    If you do not treat anyone, woman or man, as you yourself would like to be treated - that is being disrespectful.
    I do not drink alcohol. - I do not take women out to drink in bars. - I do not frequent bars.
    I do not treat a woman as a guy or expect anyone else to.
  16. wegs Matter and Pixie Dust Valued Senior Member

    There's nothing wrong with a woman going to a bar or restaurant with friends to have a drink.
    This doesn't diminish her femininity.

    Straw men are appearing everywhere in this thread.
  17. arauca Banned Banned


    Great I applaud you .
  18. arauca Banned Banned

    Do you want to drink with friends invite the to your home , Why does it have to be a bar ? What is so great to be in a bar
  19. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    Sure. Don't know. Don't go.
  20. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Well, let's see -

    You can often get better beer there on tap. (Or wine, or cocktails if that's your thing.) It's more convenient for many people. Less cleanup afterwards. The view is often better. You can meet people you didn't formerly know.

    (Or if you prefer your home, that's fine too. Nothing 'unfeminine' - or 'unmasculine' - about going to either place.)
  21. wegs Matter and Pixie Dust Valued Senior Member


    I started typing...backspaced...typed again...backspaced...
    What billvon said

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  22. Trooper Secular Sanity Valued Senior Member

    This was interesting.

  23. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    Good find.

    It seems that religious women are divided and from this man's POV, it is not for women to move moral men to demand equality for women.

    It is to moral men to move moral men to do the right thing. If we are to rule then justice demands that we rule over equal people and not two classes of people.


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