Can God love or have a moral sense?

Discussion in 'Religion' started by Greatest I am, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    Can God love or have a moral sense?

    Scriptures tell us that God is the bench mark for morality and love. I think it a foolish saying but many say that God is love. They also say that faith without works and deeds is dead. St James. In that description I include love. Love, without works, deeds and displays of some kind, is dead.

    Morality is something that creatures will only develop if living in groups. The same could be said of love. There is no need for morality, good ethics or love if one is alone the way God was for untold millennia before creating anything.

    He therefore had no need of morality or love and could not have had them or have any need or desire for them. An Omni-God has no wants or needs.

    Morality in that sense is like love and faith. All of these need works and deeds or some form of display, ---- or as scriptures say, ---- they are dead.

    God is not doing works and deeds and not showing his so called love of mankind in any knowable way and it would thus be incorrect to say that God is our moral bench mark or that God loves us or anyone else at all.

    Perhaps this is why Christians have to develop a double set of moral standards to exonerate the immoral actions that the Christian God does. Christians praise and adore God for doing things that they condemn in man. Christians give a free pass for evil to their God. Somewhat in the same way that God gives Satan a free pass, and in fact, God helps Satan do evil by letting him roam free and even giving Satan the power to deceive us all. Quite the judge that. If he was human, good people would get rid of such, yet God is praised for such evil by his followers.

    God does not seem to do works, deeds or other forms of display.

    Can God have a moral sense and can he love without ever having to show it?

    Are God’s morals and love dead?

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  3. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    I call that nature. Is that what you are referring to or is there a flying man in the sky to guide you?

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  5. PsychoticEpisode It is very dry in here today Valued Senior Member

    Not sure who's God you are referring to but in several scenarios He has been known to show His love by killing people or critters, a couple, a few, a lot, or almost everybody and everything up to and including His own offspring.

    Now that I know God can love, albeit a little off the norm, what is the moral sense I should be getting from this? I for one do not wish to love the same way God does. Am I wrong by doing so? I try to be a good person, I have helped quite a few people in my life thus far but I haven't killed one. My love is nothing like God's and that should have me worried especially if my morality is judged on how I act according to God who is setting the example. I'm morally corrupt I guess.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2013
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  7. absols Registered Member

    god love is his hate to truth superiority

    that is why god love his will end for any sense of absolute superior he could feel, like also his love cant b shown but to very wounded bodies and souls so when else are in inferior conditions to what they truly are or deserve in true existence rights realities

    god love is truth hate

    in truth, love is wrong, bc positive should b free end as existing almost real, and never bc of some other gratifications or attentions of means

    in true existence realms, any mean must b objective to stay within truth existence rights, only freedom if one can support itself can stay out

    these acts of preferences are in principle wrong, objective is the right source for any when it is the only true right end

    any must b in truth, if it is nt then there is nothing to talk about
  8. geeser Atheism:is non-prophet making Valued Senior Member

    To the religious and gullible he most certainly can, he can be whatever they want him to be.1

    However those of us who use our analytical/critical minds, a god is nothing more than an imagined concept, and to those ends, an idea can be neither loving nor moral.

    So the simple answer is, whatever religion you hold, whatever god you believe in, he will be the most moral, and the most loving god. You would not call him god if he wasn't, what you wanted him to be. And as he is your god he will be all you expect him to be.2

    So your question is moot. Because clearly he can to the religiously inclined.

    1 This is called SPAG (Self Projection as God)
    2 Using the term "HE", in no way suggest that I think a god concept can be real, it is just to help the explanation. And the "you" in that statement is a general you, not you personally.
  9. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    Nature. Good.

  10. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    Absolutely. You do not discriminate enough against those that God hates.

    His excuses are sound.
    Non-belief in invisible sugar daddies.
    Wearing two different cloths.
    Enjoying sex with the wrong person.

    See. All good reasons for killing and torturing us.


  11. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    No argument my friend.

  12. Lakon Valued Senior Member

    I like the poet Alaxaner Pope's view on this;

    All are but parts of one stupendous whole
    Whose body nature is, and God the soul.
  13. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    Love? Sure. Why not. I believe that the gods have some facets of them that are emotional and capable of intelligence.

    Have a moral sense? I think it's inaccurate to apply human morality on beings like that. I view the gods as being the spirit of the natural world, and are largely indifferent to us. Calling the gods 'moral' or 'immoral' is just as silly as calling nature 'moral' or 'immoral'. They have their own methods of behaviour, and their own rules.
  14. absols Registered Member

    earth old is few billions of years so nature body is older than it, while god as he says in scripture is from creating men few thousands years ago

    so if u mean that body is before the soul then u r evil, meaning souls from taking advantage of elses bodies

    n if u mean that nature is what take advantage of true existence n pretend easily being a living reality of it then there is no god in the equation since it is about nature soul wills proving that any soul is evil
  15. absols Registered Member

    it is like saying that ur set of definitions is only about urself being, and never objective concept free from everything while pointing possible existence reality

    meaning that when u r not an inventor of words u use, is forcing a limit to words applications, while obviously for gods glory freedom, to erase any possible reference that allow to judge powers over our heads
    which is then for evil since opposed to truth, clarity of any mean to b hundred percent objective
  16. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    I suspect the broader one's domain of supervision the harder it is to be moral in any sense that we'd recognize. The father of a family for instance can make easy moral decisions because the welfare of and love for his family is his primary goal. For a being who oversees billions of ecosystems/ worlds/dimensions full of inhabitants with their own conflicting needs and desires, it becomes considerably harder. He must have goals that are so nonspecific and universal that the advantage of any one race of beings, much less that of any one being, must be neglible. A little genocide here and there to keep the galaxy running smooth. A few mass extinctions to clear the way for a new and better species. What would HE know about love or compassion for any individual or group?
  17. absols Registered Member

    here again, it shows the fundamental point u miss to b in truth

    u cant mean positive or superior means but of u, u cant mean objective existence of values, so of truth results which are superior and positive ends

    the principle from what im saying, is for any to support what is objectively hundred percent right, then all follow from that superior move as it is to truth realisations so any and everything could b seen truly if there is a will or not

    u keep imagining parallel dimensions or superiority that cant exist since never to u, but what is that what u invent??? an inspiration of an honest mean??? so wat??? wat is an inspiration compared to u that says it??? much inferior to u, then no way that u could invent smthg true about smthg else

    u mean to justify gods, it doesnt matter

    when what matter is the truth, so evil is to not support what is known true
  18. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    If you can use the word indifferent then you cannot believe in the great judge type of mythical God so we have no argument.

  19. Greatest I am Valued Senior Member

    I agree. Such could not love or have morals.

  20. Lakon Valued Senior Member

    Ahhh .. that explains it all. Thanks.
  21. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    Did I ever imply that I did? In my time as a theist, I've always been a polytheist and I've always seen the gods are largely unconcerned.

    PS) Can anyone translate absol's gibberish for me?
  22. absols Registered Member

    gibberish urself piece of evil end

    my posts belong to me only, u cant ask anyone else about it freak

    and no, u have no right to even look at my posts publically
  23. geeser Atheism:is non-prophet making Valued Senior Member

    No! Is the short answer, I posted this up in another thread for him to put his posts into, I thought that it might work in reverse thus making him coherent.

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