Why I became an atheist: Why did you not?

Discussion in 'Comparative Religion' started by Dinosaur, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. gmilam Valued Senior Member

    Bullshit. I am a non-believer because I see no evidence for this god you believe in. It has nothing to do with not wanting to believe.
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  3. youreyes amorphous ocean Valued Senior Member

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  5. gmilam Valued Senior Member

    Do you really believe there was a Garden of Eden? That the creator of the universe placed a tree of life and a tree of the knowledge of good and evil? And because our ancestors ate from the wrong tree he condemned us to death? Then changed his mind and sent his son to die in our place? That really makes sense to you?

    Without the Garden of Eden story, the entire Jesus mythology falls apart. Don't believe me? Read the book yourself. Start with Romans chapter 5.
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  7. billvon Valued Senior Member

    What's he lying about? There's a lot of absurd stuff in the Bible. Some of it is pretty disturbing (Moses demanding that his captains kill all the children and rape all the virgins in a city as an example.) Some of it is even self contradictory. (did cows come before people, for example?) I can see that driving someone to be an atheist.
  8. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Most atheists feel that they have to "give and account for" their lives.

    And they don't get to cop out and postpone the reckoning until they are safely dead, either.
  9. arauca Banned Banned

    It may have fallen apart for you. I don't look what will happen I look on how to have self control and live in harmony with my fellow man , that is I believe the Christ teaching , you know the scripture go over Mathew chapter 4 an 5 . By looking into the old testament I justified myself to have more then one wife . you can find anything to justify your action but if you look into Mathew 4 and 5 it will tell you what is wrong and right
  10. gmilam Valued Senior Member

    There may be some good advice/philosophy in the book. That doesn't make it factual.

    Paul, the writer of most of the new testament, obviously believed that Jesus came to "reconcile" us to God after our "fall from grace".

    There was no fall, there was no garden.
  11. arauca Banned Banned

    What evidence do you want. God should appear in the sky every month and give you the sate of the world ? Sense you know the bible . What happen in the story of Moses going for the commandments , because Mose was late , so the people created themselves an other gos . So If god would not make his monthly appearance people will do the same.
  12. arauca Banned Banned


    What ever is the word factual , The point it have done some good for the humanity . Then there come the wise guys and interpreted for their own convenience
    Let me ask you do you believe in the Islam story about Mohamed ? ( I know by your expression in the past you are a nonbeliever )
  13. gmilam Valued Senior Member

    1. of or pertaining to facts; concerning facts: factual accuracy.
    2. based on or restricted to facts: a factual report.

    Never really studied the Koran, but my understanding is that it is rooted in the same mythology as the old testament. (Makes sense, they both came from the same region.)
  14. gmilam Valued Senior Member

    People who saw a sea part and let them pass got worried and started worshipping a golden calf... That makes sense to you?

    As allegory, sure... As fact, no.
  15. arauca Banned Banned

    I particularly don't accept every thing written in the Old testament, I think there was an error to mix all 4 or 5 books under one cover ( Torah, writings, history and prophets ) To the reader the book is introduced sd s holly book, but as you said there are a lot of allegory
  16. gmilam Valued Senior Member

    So, you believe that Jesus died for an allegory? You think Paul may have been mistaken?
  17. arauca Banned Banned


    For me Yashua is real, Since Paul was preaching to the Jews in Rome , I think it would be hard not to mention if it is not stated in the Torah.
    It is wort to mention that Christ teaching conquered the Roman empire without sword in 300 years and Mohamed did it by the sword
    good night
  18. gmilam Valued Senior Member

    No, Paul was preaching to the Gentiles (aka - Non-Jews). Constantine was the emperor who made Christianity acceptable in the Roman empire. Constantine definitely lived by the sword.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2013
  19. kwhilborn Banned Banned

    Atheism is about negative belief in a mass consciousness or God. Belief in (insert religion name here) is not even a valid part of the argument.

    This thread is flawed.

    The OP suggested his athiesm was because he failed to believe religious propaganda that was being shoveled his way.

    There are many who think that religion is stupid. I don't think equating belief in a stupid religion is a valid reason to discount a mass consciousness (all that is)/god.

    I think those trying to argue belief in or against god using biblical or other religious texts as references are not grasping the idiocy of this.

    There are many religions in the world and I doubt any of them have it down 100% correct.
  20. absols Registered Member

    i disagree with ur definition of atheism

    atheism is not about lacking the proof of god existence, this is to agnostism

    atheism is precisely about being opposed to the concept of god, and usually it is translated in life by claiming clearly being against monarchies and centralism while proning individuals rights to realize their own happiness in the respect of others and everything else so staying relative
  21. youreyes amorphous ocean Valued Senior Member

    Read entire Bible, not the cover story that every little kid knows.
    You claim to know and disprove God that Bible speaks of, but have you read the entire Bible to speak against such?
  22. youreyes amorphous ocean Valued Senior Member

    Bible, like any book, can be seen from many perspectives. Depending on your own life, you will perceive it as an actual meaning or an allegorical representation of concepts.

    Bible is not about the garden of Eden and its biological fauna.
    Nor is Bible about the mechanism of how Jesus walked on water.
    And Bible is certainly not about the anatomical Resurrection of human body after organ failure.

    Bible speaks in allegories, written so that as time passes by people would be able to apply their future knowledge of science to understand the meaning behind the lessons that Bible carries within.
  23. gmilam Valued Senior Member

    Yes, I have. I spent several years studying the book.

    I have no problem with allegory, but it is not FACT. There are some good allegories in the book, as well as some good philosophy. There are also bad allegories and bad philosophy. That's to be expected from a hodge podge of mythological tales.

    I don't know where you live, but here in Texas we have people trying to shove this particular allegory into the science textbooks as FACT.

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